Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Bergoglio defends the "rights" of pagan tradition, while attacking Christian Tradition.

Apostay. Bergoglio was conjured by the Indian witch shaman.  

Bergoglio rebels against The great Commission of Christ, he does not seek for the conversion of the pagans Indians and also he violates the first commandment.


Father Herman B. Kramer (1884-1976)
Author of the renowned "The Book of Destiny" (1956) pointed out without censor, several points of the dark days of the Church that we are obviously living in our own day.
New Sacraments: "The False Prophet may institute secret rites, through which the followers of Antichrist will be advanced by degrees into the deeper mysticism of his cult. A sort of diabolical sacramental system would thus be instituted conferring the graces of Satan and consecrating people to the service of the Beast." page 325

Call Me Jorge  wrote:
We did a bit of digging around and found out that she is a member of the Amaicha del Valle settlement in Valles Calchaquíes, Tucumán, Argentina. 

A photo from the United Nations’ Third Global Meeting of the Indigenous Peoples’ Forum for Investing in Rural People organized by the International Fund Agricultural Development (IFAD) in Rome, Italy.
 The two circled people, in the picture above, are from the Amaicha del Valle settlement.  The man is Dr. Eduardo Alfredo Nieva and the woman is the one who performed the incantation on Francis.  Dr. Eduardo Alfredo Nieva is the commissioner of the Amaicha del Valle settlement.  They are holding a bottle of wine because Dr. Nieva runs a community winery (Sumak Kawsay means ‘good living’ in the Quechua tongue and is precept of the Pachamama religion) which he started with the help of one of Francis’ favorite pet causes, micro-usury.  During this trip to Rome, Dr. Nieva helped secure an additional 50 million dollar loan to the people in rural Argentina.  He also gave a bottle of Sumak Kawsay to Francis when they met (see video below, It’s pagan day at the Vatican!).

The people of the Amaicha del Valle settlement are pagans as they believe in a multitude of gods. The four gods of primary importance are the husband and wife tandem — Pacha Kamaq (creator of the world) & Pachamama (mother earth) — and their two children — Inti (the sun) & Mama Killa (the moon).  Every year in the Amaicha del Valle settlement they hold a six day festival for Pachamama the mother earth goddess.

Dr. Nieva participating in the pagan Pachamama ritual.

 Dr. Nieva has high hopes for this religious festival, “we are already preparing everything needed for the national holiday of the pachamama that will take place as every year in our central square.”   Other than photos, the only reports from the local Tucumán press has been that Francis thanked the two for the visit and the gift, then sent his greetings to the people of the Amaicha del Valle settlement.

So here we have Francis having a private audience with a United Nations’ group.  This same United Nations which pushes all sorts of anti-Catholic causes is also selling the belief in pagan deities in their children publications by equating belief in Pachamama as environmentalism. 

In his address to Representatives of Indigenous Peoples, (15 February 2017) at the private audience he said, “I believe that the central issue is how to reconcile the right to development, both social and cultural, with the protection of the particular characteristics of indigenous peoples and their territories.  This is especially clear when planning economic activities which may interfere with indigenous cultures and their ancestral relationship to the earth.”

Francis continued later, “A second aspect concerns the development of guidelines and projects which take into account indigenous identity, with particular attention to young people and women; not only considering them, but including them!”
This is only a small sampling of the photos available from the L'Osservatore Romano’s photographic service database for this pagan sorcery ritual. 

(To see all the photos, click here.)

Father E. Sylvester Berry:  

“... Our Divine Savior has a representative on earth in the person of the Pope upon whom He has conferred full powers to teach and govern. Likewise, Antichrist will have his representative in the false prophet who will be endowed with the plenitude of satanic powers to deceive the nations.
“...Antichrist and his prophet will introduce ceremonies to imitate the Sacraments of the Church. In fact there will be a complete organization - a church of Satan set up in opposition to the Church of Christ. Satan will assume the part of God the Father; Antichrist will be honored as Savior, and his prophet will usurp the role of Pope. Their ceremonies will counterfeit the Sacraments ...” Published in 1921 (37 years before the pivotal 1958) by Father E. Sylvester Berry in his book, The Apocalypse of St. John

"The prophecies of the Apocalypse show that Satan will imitate the Church of Christ (Catholic Church) to deceive mankind; he will set up a church of Satan in opposition to the Church of Christ. Antichrist will assume the role of Messias; his prophet will act the part of Pope, and there will be imitations of the Sacraments of the Church. There will also be lying wonders in imitation wrought in the Church."Published in 1927 by Father E. Sylvester Berry in his book, The Church of Christ: An Apologetic and Dogmatic Treatise.

Pope Pius XI

  • There can be no true religion other than what is founded on the revealed word of God

In the course of time, namely from the beginnings of the human race until the coming and preaching of Jesus Christ, He Himself taught man the duties which a rational creature owes to its Creator […] From which it follows that there can be no true religion other than that which is founded on the revealed word of God: which revelation, begun from the beginning and continued under the Old Law, Christ Jesus Himself under the New Law perfected. Now, if God has spoken (and it is historically certain that He has truly spoken), all must see that it is man’s duty to believe absolutely God’s revelation and to obey implicitly His commands; that we might rightly do both, for the glory of God and our own salvation, the Only-begotten Son of God founded His Church on earth. (Pius XI. Encyclical Mortalium animos, no. 7, January 6, 1928)

Coca leaves used by the Indians for the pagan Ritual offering to the Pachamama.

Pope Leo XIII

  • Reason and natural law indicate the Catholic Church as the only true Church

First, let us examine that liberty in individuals which is so opposed to the virtue of religion, namely, the liberty of worship, as it is called. This is based on the principle that every man is free to profess as he may choose any religion or none. […] And if it be asked which of the many conflicting religions it is necessary to adopt, reason and the natural law unhesitatingly tell us to practice that one which God enjoins, and which men can easily recognize by certain exterior notes, whereby Divine Providence has willed that it should be distinguished, because, in a matter of such moment, the most terrible loss would be the consequence of error. Wherefore, when a liberty such as We have described is offered to man, the power is given him to pervert or abandon with impunity the most sacred of duties, and to exchange the unchangeable good for evil; which, as We have said, is no liberty, but its degradation, and the abject submission of the soul to sin. (Leo XIII. Encyclical Libertas praestantissimum, no. 19, June 20, 1888)

  • Regard for religion as an indifferent matter is to bring about the ruin of the Catholic Religion

Again, as all who offer themselves are received whatever may be their form of religion, they thereby teach the great error of this age-that a regard for religion should be held as an indifferent matter, and that all religions are alike. This manner of reasoning is calculated to bring about the ruin of all forms of religion, and especially of the Catholic religion, which, as it is the only one that is true, cannot, without great injustice, be regarded as merely equal to other religions. (Leo XIII. Encyclical Humanum genus, no. 6, April 20, 1884)

Pope Pius XI

  • The false opinion which considers all religions to be more or less good and praiseworthy rejects the true religion

For since they hold it for certain that men destitute of all religious sense are very rarely to be found, they seem to have founded on that belief a hope that the nations, although they differ among themselves in certain religious matters, will without much difficulty come to agree as brethren in professing certain doctrines, which form as it were a common basis of the spiritual life. For which reason conventions, meetings and addresses are frequently arranged by these persons, at which a large number of listeners are present, and at which all without distinction are invited to join in the discussion, both infidels of every kind, and Christians, even those who have unhappily fallen away from Christ or who with obstinacy and pertinacity deny His divine nature and mission. Certainly such attempts can nowise be approved by Catholics, founded as they are on that false opinion which considers all religions to be more or less good and praiseworthy, since they all in different ways manifest and signify that sense which is inborn in us all, and by which we are led to God and to the obedient acknowledgment of His rule. Not only are those who hold this opinion in error and deceived, but also in distorting the idea of true religion they reject it, and little by little. turn aside to naturalism and atheism, as it is called; from which it clearly follows that one who supports those who hold these theories and attempt to realize them, is altogether abandoning the divinely revealed religion. (Pius XI. Encyclical Mortalium animos, no. 8-9, January 6, 1928)

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

What Does Saint Thomas Say About Immigration?

By John Horvat II

What Does Saint Thomas Say About Immigration?In looking at the debate over immigration, it is almost automatically assumed that the Church’s position is one of unconditional charity toward those who enter the nation, legally or illegally.

However, is this the case? What does the Bible say about immigration? What do Church doctors and theologians say? Above all, what does the greatest of doctors, Saint Thomas Aquinas, say about immigration? Does his opinion offer some insights to the burning issues now shaking the nation and blurring the national borders?

Immigration is a modern problem and so some might think that the medieval Saint Thomas would have no opinion about the problem. And yet, he does. One has only to look in his masterpiece, the Summa Theologica, in the first part of the second part, question 105, article 3 (I-II, Q. 105, Art. 3). There one finds his analysis based on biblical insights that can add to the national debate. They are entirely applicable to the present.


Saint Thomas: “Man’s relations with foreigners are twofold: peaceful, and hostile: and in directing both kinds of relation the Law contained suitable precepts.”

Commentary: In making this affirmation, Saint Thomas affirms that not all immigrants are equal. Every nation has the right to decide which immigrants are beneficial, that is, “peaceful,” to the common good. As a matter of self-defense, the State can reject those criminal elements, traitors, enemies and others who it deems harmful or “hostile” to its citizens.

The second thing he affirms is that the manner of dealing with immigration is determined by law in the cases of both beneficial and “hostile” immigration. The State has the right and duty to apply its law.

Saint Thomas: “For the Jews were offered three opportunities of peaceful relations with foreigners. First, when foreigners passed through their land as travelers. Secondly, when they came to dwell in their land as newcomers. And in both these respects the Law made kind provision in its precepts: for it is written (Exodus 22:21): ’Thou shalt not molest a stranger [advenam]’; and again (Exodus 22:9): ’Thou shalt not molest a stranger [peregrino].’”

Commentary: Here Saint Thomas acknowledges the fact that others will want to come to visit or even stay in the land for some time. Such foreigners deserved to be treated with charity, respect and courtesy, which is due to any human of good will. In these cases, the law can and should protect foreigners from being badly treated or molested.

Saint Thomas: “Thirdly, when any foreigners wished to be admitted entirely to their fellowship and mode of worship. With regard to these a certain order was observed. For they were not at once admitted to citizenship: just as it was law with some nations that no one was deemed a citizen except after two or three generations, as the Philosopher says (Polit. iii, 1).”

Commentary: Saint Thomas recognizes that there will be those who will want to stay and become citizens of the lands they visit. However, he sets as the first condition for acceptance a desire to integrate fully into what would today be considered the culture and life of the nation.

A second condition is that the granting of citizenship would not be immediate. The integration process takes time. People need to adapt themselves to the nation. He quotes the philosopher Aristotle as saying this process was once deemed to take two or three generations. Saint Thomas himself does not give a time frame for this integration, but he does admit that it can take a long time.

Saint Thomas: “The reason for this was that if foreigners were allowed to meddle with the affairs of a nation as soon as they settled down in its midst, many dangers might occur, since the foreigners not yet having the common good firmly at heart might attempt something hurtful to the people.”

Commentary: The common sense of Saint Thomas is certainly not politically correct but it is logical. The theologian notes that living in a nation is a complex thing. It takes time to know the issues affecting the nation. Those familiar with the long history of their nation are in the best position to make the long-term decisions about its future. It is harmful and unjust to put the future of a place in the hands of those recently arrived, who, although through no fault of their own, have little idea of what is happening or has happened in the nation. Such a policy could lead to the destruction of the nation.

As an illustration of this point, Saint Thomas later notes that the Jewish people did not treat all nations equally since those nations closer to them were more quickly integrated into the population than those who were not as close. Some hostile peoples were not to be admitted at all into full fellowship due to their enmity toward the Jewish people.

Saint Thomas: “Nevertheless it was possible by dispensation for a man to be admitted to citizenship on account of some act of virtue: thus it is related (Judith 14:6) that Achior, the captain of the children of Ammon, ‘was joined to the people of Israel, with all the succession of his kindred.’”

Commentary: That is to say, the rules were not rigid. There were exceptions that were granted based on the circumstances. However, such exceptions were not arbitrary but always had in mind the common good. The example of Achior describes the citizenship bestowed upon the captain and his children for the good services rendered to the nation.
                                     * * *

These are some of the thoughts of Saint Thomas Aquinas on the matter of immigration based on biblical principles. It is clear that immigration must have two things in mind: the first is the nation’s unity; and the second is the common good.

Immigration should have as its goal integration, not disintegration or segregation. The immigrant should not only desire to assume the benefits but the responsibilities of joining into the full fellowship of the nation. By becoming a citizen, a person becomes part of a broad family over the long term and not a shareholder in a joint stock company seeking only short-term self-interest.

Secondly, Saint Thomas teaches that immigration must have in mind the common good; it cannot destroy or overwhelm a nation.

This explains why so many Americans experience uneasiness caused by massive and disproportional immigration. Such policy artificially introduces a situation that destroys common points of unity and overwhelms the ability of a society to absorb new elements organically into a unified culture. The common good is no longer considered.

A proportional immigration has always been a healthy development in a society since itSubscription11 injects new life and qualities into a social body. But when it loses that proportion and undermines the purpose of the State, it threatens the well-being of the nation.

When this happens, the nation would do well to follow the advice of Saint Thomas Aquinas and biblical principles. The nation must practice justice and charity towards all, including foreigners, but it must above all safeguard the common good and its unity, without which no country can long endure.

(This posting is a development of a paragraph and footnote from the book, Return to Order. Those who want to post or publish this article can do so as long as the credit is given to the Return to Order website and a link is made.)

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Bergoglio created in Buenos Aires a network of lies, intrigue, espionage, mistrust and, more effective than anything, fear.

“It is the opinion of an Argentine official who works in the Vatican and who, logically out of fear, prefers not to be quoted: Bergoglio “is someone who above all knows how to infuse fear“. That is why he has an influence on the Holy See that surprises many.
Although he painstakingly works to impress everyone with an air of sanctimoniousness, austere and mortified, he is a man of mentality of power. And always was.”

One of the most curious aspects of this pontificate is the lack of curiosity about his past. I remember the day Benedict XVI was elected. After I caught my breath, I and my co-workers divided up the very large task. I was given the assignment to write about Cardinal Ratzinger’s personal history and my colleague took the theological work. It was an all-day task, and it was a good thing I had been reading a book by Peter Seewald about it that week, and I happened to live in a house full of Ratzinger’s books. Benedict was the first pope to be elected in the modern internet age, and was the first whose life and history was minutely scrutinized from internet archives.
This is normal whenever there is a newly elected official of any kind anywhere. It’s the journalists’ first task, and even if there are language barriers, with improvements in automatic translations, online dictionaries and cross-checking it’s now possible for a writer from anywhere in the world to dig into the history of anyone else. This is a key skill for journalists.
So I have to wonder, why do we still know so little about Jorge Mario Bergoglio and the state of things in his very large and important former diocese? Is it the language thing? Because that’s a bad excuse for journalists who are all familiar with the uses of the various auto-translators.
I’ve been in conversation recently with some people who lived and worked in South America, particularly in Argentina, and the things that they say are “widely,” even commonly known about what kind of man now sits on Peter’s throne. These things would likely curl the hair of most people just coming to these discussions. Even those who are comfortable identifying Francis as a heretic and an enemy of the Faith and of Christ would likely balk at hearing the things I’ve been hearing.
As always with such things, it is of paramount importance to confirm and re-confirm. Just posting rumours, even when we have them directly from the source, is worthless. But, apart from these stories being very much in line with what we are seeing in the news every day, one of the things that makes them plausible is their consistency. I am getting exactly the same stories, the same events, the same characters, the same dates, from different people. More will likely come.
At the moment I can’t share much of that with you, but there is actually quite a lot that was written about him and his style of governance of Buenos Aires that is publicly available and pretty easily accessible. And it paints a terrifying picture of a man totally uninterested in the Catholic religion or the law – whether Canon Law or the Moral Law – a man obsessed with power and utterly ruthless in his methods of gaining it.
This is by a blogger, Francisco Jose Fernandez De La Cigona, who more or less fits the “conservative” Catholic model, and writes a great deal about the Church in Spain and in the Spanish speaking world.
Here he speaks in 2009 about Bergoglio’s crafty refusal to promote the traditional Mass in B. Aires after Pope Benedict’s Motu Proprio. (Which of course, hardly makes him stand out among his brother bishops around the world. The story in brief is that he allowed only a re-written version of the Mass with many Novus Ordo/vernacular insertions, which the faithful who had been asking for the Mass attended exactly once. He then threw up his hands and said, ‘See? No one wants this,” and cancelled it.)
But note the language this non-Traditionalist uses to describe Cardinal Bergoglio, calling him a “dictator, not for good but for evil” who has salted the earth of the B. Aires diocese.
Of course it would be better if Bergoglio did not impede the Pope’s Motu proprio but [would] that all his defects were just that. In Spain we have excellent bishops in whose dioceses the extraordinary mode [of the Mass] is not celebrated. For I am with them a thousand times more than with one in whose diocese it is celebrated.
I think Bergoglio has other more serious defects. And I will comment on two. The first is that he is the dictator of the Argentine Church and, as such, has imposed an absolutely mediocre hierarchy. That is sinking that Church. He is not a dictator for good but for evil. And that is an immense responsibility of yours. It takes many years to rebuild an evil episcopacy. In Spain we have known not a little of it. Bergoglio is leaving the field of the Argentine Church covered with salt. And that’s how it’s going to be for a long time.
He also has a truly alarming proclivity to relativistic syncretism. Mingling with Jews, Protestants, Freemasons … likes more than a fool a chalk. And people end up thinking that anything goes if the cardinal is worth it.

The photograph with which I illustrate this article, with the cardinal kneeling, receiving a blessing or imposition of hands or what is of an evangelical pastor, with the pleasing presence of Fr. Cantalamessa seems especially miserable. And those acts are the ones that should make you happy as it lends itself to them delighted.
That is what is really serious in the cardinal of Buenos Aires. Hopefully, the only thing that could be blamed on him is that he does not sympathize with the traditional mass.
Perhaps one of the more obscure but most telling stories comes from about 2010, involving Bergoglio’s efforts to curtail the success of a rival in Paraguay, a story characterized by writers at the time as an example of the way the “Argentina mafia” does things.
The short form is that Rogelio Ricardo Livieres Plano, bishop of Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, the country’s second largest city, and one that is nearly on Argentina’s northermost border, tucked into a little corner where the two nations meet Brazil. Livieres was attracting vocations to his seminary from all across Latin America. This was for the same reason most “conservative” and “traditional” bishops do: his seminary was a place where the Catholic religion was taught and priests for it were trained, very much in contrast to the general trends across South America.
This annoyed Bergoglio, the kingpin of the South American Church, particularly since among the “refugees” to Livieres’ seminary were those from his own fief of Buenos Aires. Thus, the destruction of that seminary and/or its bishop became a matter of great interest. To do this, he used his own creature that he placed into the Congregation for Bishops, with oversight for Paraguay, in order to intercept private letters handed directly to Pope Benedict by Livieres. This material was under the papal seal, but was obtained by his man in Rome, and then somehow found its way into the press, and used to discredit Livieres.
What is not included in this article, dated December, 2011, is the coda. One of his early public actions against traditionalists was to have Livieres removed on a pretext. Rorate took it up, saying that it was Livieres’ own fault because he had taken as his Vicar General a priest who had been accused of sexual impropriety in the US. This is as may be, but a look at the background history between Bergoglio and Livieres tells us that however “odious” the priest – the notorious Urrutigoity – this is the flimsiest of figleaves.

If Francis were so interested in having bishops be completely distanced from homosexual abusers, maybe he could explain why Cardinal Danneels took such a prominent place on the Loggia on the night of the Conclave?

And why he was specially invited to take a prominent role at both Synods on the Family?

And what he is doing with a man like Battista Ricca as the head of his household.

Convicted Italian kiddie-raper, Mauro Inzoli, still well known in Italy as “Fr. Mercedes”.
And while we’re at it, we can perhaps ask why this man’s priestly faculties, removed under Benedict XVI, were suddenly restored with no real reason given, above a pile of mush-mouthed nonsense about “mercy”.
Anyway, I think it’s pretty safe to say that the Urrutigoity thing was a pretty big mistake on Livieres’ part, but that just about any excuse would do for Bergoglio. Apparently Rorate didn’t do a lot of digging into the background, because they would have found out that this is more or less Bergoglio’s MO from way back.
Certainly they didn’t do much about investigating the bishop’s complaint of “ideological persecution.” Certainly the Vatican’s own media release about it didn’t give any hint about the Urrutigoity angle, giving us instead a pretty broad hint that the bishop’s interpretation was the correct one, citing “pastoral reasons” and the “unity of the bishops.” It is now more or less standard procedure for the Bergoglian Vatican to accuse anyone seen as too “conservative” of being “a divisive figure”.
Of course, we will never be able to find out everything because a few months after he was removed from office, the shock (or something) killed the bishop who was suffering from diabetes.
I cite this story now only to give an example of the strange stuff that is widely available on the internet if you know where to look, about Bergoglio’s strange past and even stranger current habits. In short, none of what he is doing now – things like demanding that the Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta come to his office in an hour and not tell anyone – were pretty much standard operating procedures for the Cardinal Archbishop of Buenos Aires.
And quite frankly, this is precisely the sort of information that would do a great deal to disperse the cloud of confusion and gloom about this pope, had journalists bothered to ask these kinds of questions and done the very little digging into the internet archives it required. A lot of the difficulties people are having with this is reconciling this facade of avuncular “humility” with the monstrous picture that is coming out of the Vatican now. If it could be shown that there is now not that much difference in style or goals between Pope Francis and Cardinal Bergoglio, a lot of confusion would be cleared up.
Our friend Francisco Jose Fernandez De La Cigona takes the matter up from other sources. (I do my best here with auto-translate and dictionaries, so please forgive the roughness. If someone can give me a good translation from Spanish, that would be a help. Fortunately, quite in contrast to similar but more circumlocutory writers in Italy, our friend’s Spanish is very clear.)
Steps of Pedacchio in the territory of Paraguay
The reading of the post on the presentation of the resignation of the Cardinal Archbishop of Buenos Aires at the age of 75 has moved the pen of a Roman friend who sent me two articles and announces to me more about the personality of Bergoglio and his ideas. Mine is no more than this introduction. I did not even know who this Pedachian was, an agent of the cardinal in Rome, it is said. I do, however, have the best references of the Paraguayan bishop mentioned.
It would be good to give some example of how the priest Pedacchio, official of the Congregation for Bishops, informs Cardinal Bergoglio and manipulates according to his indications confidential information – in addition, of course, distorting and creating evidence.
According to reliable sources, some of the most recent activities of the Cardinal of Buenos Aires and his minutants [a minor officer who takes minutes at meetings] in the Curia have concentrated on a bishop of Paraguay. Let us remember that Paraguay is, precisely, the country that Pedacchio is responsible for in the Congregation for Bishops.
By the end of 2008 there had been a very curious leak of highly confidential information. A bishop from Paraguay, Rogelio Livieres, had given the pope a personal and confidential letter during the ad limina visit in which he pointed out some of the pressing problems in the nomination of bishops of that country – one of those bishops had just acceded to the Presidency of the Republic, against all canon law – and then made public what the Paraguayan bishops kept silent: [this bishop] had procreated some children “according to the flesh”, to use the expression of the Scriptures.
That letter, personal and confidential, was leaked to the press of Paraguay to attack that bishop [Livieres] who seeks an improvement in episcopal appointments. With grave detriment, of course, for Monsignor Livieres. No one except Livieres knew the text of that letter in Paraguay. And he had only given a copy to the Pope. Likely, it was the same Pedacchio who, as an officer in charge of Paraguay in the Congregation for Bishops, “filtered” that information under papal secrecy. [NB: this priest, Fabián Pedacchio is now Pope Francis’ private secretary.]
So far, what we have been informed by some friends of Asunción on this subject. But, as we have learned from Argentina and the Holy See, the privileged attention of Cardinal Bergoglio to that Paraguayan bishop has not been wearing away over time. On the contrary, it has only grown.
In Paraguay, Bergoglio is concerned above all that priestly vocations for the Seminary of Ciudad del Este should not advance, a real slap in the progressive progress that some Paraguayan bishops, like Bergoglio himself, encourage.
What is most worrying him is that the ecclesiastical and liturgical renewal that the Pope [Benedict XVI] promotes and which some call “the reform of the reform”, that is to say, the liturgical life conforms to the established by the Second Vatican Council, celebrated in the dynamics Of the “hermeneutics of continuity”. He is concerned that so many new priests are forming in fluid and habitual contact with the Ordinary and Extraordinary Form, something very unusual in Latin America.
Bergoglio’s general strategy would be to discredit the work of ecclesial renewal which Monsignor Livieres has undertaken, not from doctrine or liturgy, where he finds much echo in the Rome of Benedict XVI, but in the procedures of vocational promotion.
In fact, at the general meeting of the OSAR (Organization of Seminars of the Argentine Republic), on November 10, 2011, at the La Plata Seminar (Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina), the theme arose from one of the Superiors of the Seminary of Buenos Aires – allegedly revealing a papal secret – about a particular legislation that the Holy See would be preparing to restrict the “passage” of seminarians from one seminary to another. An example of a case of the Ciudad del Este Seminary, with first and last name, was mentioned as an example. It was said at that meeting that the Holy See “processed” a Paraguayan bishop – read, Monsignor Livieres – for having received a seminarian from Buenos Aires, without having requested the canonical reports, and proceeding to order him deacon, also according to them, without the academic requirements.
Let’s be honest. Although Bergoglio would have asked Livieres for sanctions, it was not necessary to go to Paraguay – the land guarded by Pedacchio – to find supposed examples of these cases. They occur, in fact, often in Argentina itself. And not a few are the seminarians who flee in terror from the Seminary of Buenos Aires – and, indeed, not only for liturgical reasons. To be directly and publicly named to this bishop, who on the other hand tells us he is offering so many good fruits in his land, means that Bergoglio and his informants are at least trying to discredit him, if not ruin him. In addition to the enormous injustice of this attack on the good name of the seminarian, who in fact had no disciplinary sanction and was not accused of anything serious. This was publicly acknowledged at the time by the Rector of the Seminary of Buenos Aires, Fr. Giorgi, who, however, did not even raise a timid voice to defend him [the seminarian].
It did not end there. Weeks later, this subject – again with the name and surname of the “involved” – was addressed at the meeting of the Presbyteral Council of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires. Always seeking to affect the good name of bishops who are not well seen by the Cardinal.
Someone has in conscience the obligation to express what so many others are silent, out of fear, or for fear of seeing their career ruined in retaliation.
Everything is known in the archdiocese of Buenos Aires. The penalty is that what emerges from those sources is distorted, if not lies. And then, more than ever, the saying that “from Rome comes what goes to Rome”, since soon after the slander or slander, trained informants like Pedacchio bring “the case” to Rome, to sow infamy or ask for sanctions.
Under the archimanifest signs of humility that he boasts, Bergoglio hides not a few desires of royal power. It has had them since its origins in the Iron Guard and its former relationship with P.2 [Italian Masonic Lodge implicated in the death of Roberto Calvi] (with his proven relationship with Admiral Massera). The Cardinal’s fate is that he was attacked at these points by a journalist named Horacio Verbitzky, who has been discredited because of the manifest visceral hatred he has for the Church in Argentina. Thus, his attack on Bergoglio is said to be biased, even though his research was serious and well documented.
But returning to Bergoglio’s apparent preoccupations with the Seminary of Ciudad del Este in Paraguay, it surprises us so much when one thinks that his own Seminary leaves much to be desired. It is well known that there are seminarians of dubious morality [in it] who usually go spiritually with some of the less advisable auxiliary bishops of the Cardinal.
“The Jesuit”, as the title of his self-commissioned biography says, which neglects both [Bergoglio’s] spiritual life and the formation of his clergy in extinction, does not have the slightest pruritus [“itching”?] at the time of accusation. His specialty is accusing bishops of alleged homosexuality, or affinity with homosexuality, or for protection of homosexuals in their seminaries or clergy. Another of his tools is the accusation of psychiatric problems. He has a team of psychiatrists at his disposal, who prepare the “reports” useful for the case.
It is a pity that Argentina, and to some extent Paraguay and a part of CELAM – where he is not present but thanks to his minutantes – have to pay the consequences of their tricks. Will the next generation of bishops be mortgaged by these campaigns?
Anyone who wants to know the truth about Bergoglio has only to collect and analyze the body of information about the Cardinal – no gossip, no anonymous accusations, but statements made by authorized pastors. He will only encounter the difficulty that, whoever betrays the Pope revealing pontifical secrets, or who slanders and slanders, he is also able to make disappear some folios or the same folders of the reports of the Roman Curia.
After all, anything goes to prove him as the “Chosen One”, as his episcopal motto often explains.
Now, doesn’t quite a lot of that sound familiar? Especially the accusations of mental problems against anyone who opposes his agenda?
We understand that this is the report of only one small voice. But he is well connected, and well respected as a writer on Church affairs. And everything he says certainly jibes extremely neatly with everything we’ve been seeing for the last four years.
One thing I’m hearing over and over is that Bergoglio operates by the careful gathering, storing and manipulation of information about individuals. Particularly their background and personal habits. And that he uses a carrot-and-stick approach, offering a quiet life and even advancement to those who are willing to play ball. This would certainly explain the large number of people he keeps around him who have obvious moral difficulties, such as the head of his pontifical household, Msgr. Ricca. And it backs up the reports we’ve had of the “climate of fear” in the Vatican, with curial officials saying they believe they are being spied and informed upon.
Three days after our friend above published this information, he added another that he said came from the same source in Rome. I won’t copy the whole thing right now, but it can be found here.”
It gives some details about the methods that are not very flattering, including the planting of informants in Secretariat of Protocol of the Secretariat of State who report on every detail of the activities of selected individuals of interest.
From Rome comes what goes to Rome.” Rome depends on its decisions on the information it receives and how it prioritizes the dissemination and processing of that information. He knows very well a great ambitious of power, the Cardinal Archbishop of Buenos Aires. Cardinal Bergoglio knows how to tell lies with half-or inflated, or disguised truths, as appropriate in each case. But he does not hesitate, when it becomes necessary, to lie purely and simply.
The truth is that in order to weave his net of power and influence over the bishops and their appointments, as well as the priests and seminaries, he knows how to shoot defamation or slander and, above all, he knows how to steer them. He does so from trained informants who, violating the confidentiality to which the papal secret obliges them, inform him about everything that arrives in Rome on the subjects or persons that interest him. These same informants then “inform” or “digest information” to the Roman authorities, giving priority to the Cardinal’s agendas of manipulation – “El Jesuita”, as the title of a work commissioned to exalt it.
Of course the Cardinal pays a price for the work of this informant. Because, like every informant, he has the need to appear useful and flatter his employer, so he must often add or even invent in his reports. Apparently, he has received the order to capture how much gossip or “pettegolezzo” arrives by mail or e-mail, even when it arrives without signature, as an anonymous complaint, and print it and present it to the competent authorities to at least sow the suspicions and the distrust towards someone who wants to destroy or at least freeze in his episcopal or priestly work.
This is how Bergoglio generates a network of lies, intrigue, espionage, mistrust and, more effective than anything, fear. It is the opinion of an Argentine official who works in the Vatican and who, logically out of fear, prefers not to be quoted: Bergoglio “is someone who above all knows how to infuse fear”. That is why it has an influence on the Holy See that surprises many.
Although he painstakingly works to impress everyone with an air of sanctimoniousness, austere and mortified, he is a man of mentality of power. And always was.
Al Cardenal [Bergoglio] is very interested in Latin America. Over the years he built power in CELAM, although recently this has been somewhat diminished because Cardinal Ouellet, precisely the new Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, has become President of the Commission for Latin America – Indeed, this worthy prelate has nothing to do with the intrigues of “The Jesuit.”
But Bergoglio has powerful agents at CELAM. In particular, Bishop Lozano (Gualeguaychú, Argentina) and Archbishop Andrés Stanovnic (Corrientes, Argentina) were extremely “docile” to the Bergoglian positions and for years the candidate who would have liked Cardinal Bergoglio to be imposed as President of CELAM . Although he has not achieved this purpose, he hopes that he will succeed him as the future archbishop of Buenos Aires.
The Cardinal knows that his hours of direct power in this world are numbered. But he works hard and shrewdly so that even after his retirement by age, and even after the Lord has called him to account for his administration, his “plants” and heirs continue to retain in the Church what interests him most: Power.
The more this pope acts out his South American Dictator power fantasies, however, the less his followers are going to be willing to follow. I do wonder what is going to be the result of the inevitable de-cardinaling of Cardinal Burke. The fallout may not be what he is anticipating.

The heretical group C9 pledges theirs allegiance to Bergoglio.

These Apostates abandoned the teaching of the Catholic Church to publicly demonstrate their allegiance  to the apostasy of the heresiarch Bergoglio.

 The members of the heretical Council of apostate Cardinals are:
  • Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga, SDB, Apostate Archbishop of Tegucigalpa, Honduras (coordinator)


  • Francisco Javier Errázuriz Ossa, Apostate Archbishop-Emeritus of Santigo de Chile.

  • Seán Patrick O'Malley OFM Cap, Apostate Archbishop of Boston, USA

Catholic Boston College honored pro abortionist John Kerry, Cardinal O'Malley. Pro-Abortion Kennedy Lauded as “Champion for Those Who Had None” at Funeral Mass

  • Reinhard Marx, Apostate Archbishop of Munich and Freising, Germany.
Cardinal hits young traditionalists who want to ‘be clear in their positions’: calls it ‘the beginning of terrorism’ 
Catholic Church should apologize to gays, says Bergoglio adviser Cardinal Marx

Cardinal Marx: Society must create structures to respect gay rights.

Cardinal Marx opposes dubia: ‘Amoris’ is ‘not as ambiguous as some people claim’  

Bishops plot revolution on Church teaching at secret Rome meeting.
Confidential Meeting Seeks to Sway Synod to Accept Same-Sex Unions.

‘We are not a subsidiary of Rome’: Are Germany’s bishops ready for schism over Church teaching on marriage? 

German bishops mull allowing Church employees to live in same-sex relationships. 

‘Married’ lesbian approved as head of Catholic day care in Cardinal Marx’s diocese.  

Cdl. Marx: Europe Should Keep Accepting Muslims

Gloria.TV News:
Ultraliberal Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich, Germany, has indicated support for homosex-unions which are strongly condemned by the Gospel, by Catholic doctrine and by the Church. Quote: “I cannot say that a homosexual relationship which lasts for decades and is lived in fidelity, I have experienced such people, I cannot say that this is all nothing.” Gloria.tv believes that Marx is right. It is not nothing, it is a mortal sin. 
  • Oswald Gracias,  Archbishop of Bombay, India. 
  • Giuseppe Bertello, President of the Pontifical Commission for the Vatican City State 
  • Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya, Archbishop of Kinshasa, Congo 
  • George Pell, Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy, Vatican 
  • Pietro Parolin, Apostate Secretary of State, Vatican

St. Vincent Ferrer -- Sermon on the Last Judgment:
In the same way, in the time of Antichrist, the Sun of justice will be obscured by the interposition of temporal goods and the wealth which Antichrist will bestow on the world, inasmuch as the brightness of faith in Jesus Christ and the glow of good lives will no longer shine among Christians. For, lest they should lose their dominion, temporal rulers, kings and princes will range themselves on the side of Antichrist. In like manner, prelates for fear of losing their dignities, and religious and priests to gain honors and riches, will forsake the Faith of Christ and adhere to Antichrist.