Thursday, May 10, 2018

Met Gala "Heavenly Bodies" an open attack on Jesus Christ and His Church

Toronto Catholic Witness : "In New York City, the powerful and wealthy gathered to re-crucify Christ and His Church. Christ, in His Church, was once again mocked, spat upon, and degraded...Museum curator, Andrew Bolton (a practicing homosexual) was in Rome ten times over several years selecting vestments for the Met display. He had the gaul to refer to the holy Blessed Pius IX as being "a bit of a dandy.
Just as the Jewish Sanhedrin were involved in crucifying Our Lord, so too, the organizers at the Met Gala were Jewish: Ana Wintour, Editor of Vogue, and multi-billionaire Stephen Schwarzman, also known as the "man who owns New York", put up the money".  

Dolan was "honored" to support a fashion exhibit that mocked our Catholic Church, sponsored by million-dollar diocesan donors.

In 2015, Schwarzman gave the largest donation ($40 million dollars) ever received by the Archdiocese of New York.

LifeSiteNews: "The exhibition was made possible by Christine and Stephen A. Schwarzman, and Versace, the website information said.

Blackstone Group CEO and billionaire Schwarzman gave a $5 million donation for the event, Page Six reports, saying as well that he’s also one of the New York archdiocese’s biggest financial supporters. "

Dolan: Met Gala was not ‘offensive or blasphemous at all’

“[The vice of sodomy]  mobilizes him in the militia of the evil spirit and force him to fight unspeakable wars against God . She detaches the unhappy soul from the company of the angels and , depriving it of it excellence, take it captive under her domineering yoke” (...)Once this poisonous serpent has sunk its fangs into this unfortunate man, he is deprived of all moral sense, his memory fails , and the mind's vision is darkened. Unmindful of God , he also forgets his own identity. St. Peter Damian -Liber Gomorrhianus ad Leonem IX Romanum Pontificem 

The Pro Gay Cardinal-Timothy Dolan and James Martin supported the sacrilegious Gala Met with the collaboration of the Vatican and the help of the anti-Catholic elites. Mocking the hierarchy and the priesthood instituted by Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, the angels and the saints. The Vatican contributed 42 valuable pieces of sacred clothing to be profaned in the blasphemous event. Among those objects are the tiara of Pius IX and a chasuble of Pius XI.

Father Peter-West/:The Met Gala reminds me of Belshazzar's Feast recounted in the Book of Daniel, Chapter 5. King Belshazzar gave a great banquet with golden vessels taken from the temple in Jerusalem. The King saw a hand write on the wall. Daniel interpreted the message that the King had offended God and his kingdom would soon end. 

           The British journalist Piers Morgan pointed out in the program Good Morning Britain "Imagine if it had been an Islamic theme, how would the people have felt? " Or to have been "a Jewish issue, how would people have felt?" He questioned. "I have to say that if it were any other religion, all hell would have broken loose," he said.

At the opening ceremony, Hollywood artists were allowed to blasphemously disguise the Virgin, Rihanna disguised as a female Pope, Victoria's Secret model Taylor Hill disguised as an Female bishop, the Satanist singer who said she sold her soul to the devil Katy Perry disguised as a fallen angel, Zendaya disguised as Joan of Arc.

“[The vice of sodomy] leads to error, totally removes truth from the deluded mind... It opens up Hell and closes the gates of Paradise.” St. Peter Damian
Those responsible for this blasphemous mockery of our Catholic Church are Dolan, Gänswein, Marini, Martin, Ravasi and Bergoglio.  While Alfie Evans was assassinated the Apostate Vatican entertained himself by planning this blasphemous exhibition.

“Why, I ask, O damnable sodomites, do you seek after the height of ecclesiastical dignity with such burning ambition? Why do you seek with such longing to snare the people of God in the web of your perdition?” St. Peter Damian


Father Peter-West

This will get me in trouble, but at this point I don't care. The truth must be told. Cardinal Dolan helped to sexualize the sacred. He needs to repent and apologize, first to God and then to the Catholic faithful. The Met Gala was a sacrilege and an abomination!

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