Thursday, July 9, 2020

Fr. Donald Calloway: St. Joseph–A role model of true masculinity and fatherhood, a remedy for Homosexuality

Finding Our Father #6 - Fr. Donald Calloway, St. Joseph, and Homosexuality


  1. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, then-led by Cardinal Ratzinger, issued a document instructing bishops on the pastoral care of persons struggling with a same-sex attraction- dealing with the sin of homosexuality. Therein, the congregation admonished bishops to ensure they are “clearly stating that homosexual activity is immoral.” The instruction adds, “But we wish to make it clear that departure from the Church's teaching, or silence about it, in an effort to provide pastoral care is neither caring nor pastoral. Only what is true can ultimately be pastoral. The neglect of the Church's position prevents (these persons) from receiving the care they need and deserve.”

    In particular, we should avoid calling them homosexual, gay, LGBT, because the temptation of a same-sex attraction cannot define a person and we should not contribute to giving them a new pseudo- identity that has not been given by God.

  2. Saint Peter warns that because of false shepherds the path of Truth/The Church will be maligned, that is to say that the Church that is Holy is persecuted by the scandal caused by the evil shepherds.
    2 Peter 2:2 Even so, many will follow their licentious ways, and because of these teachers the way of truth will be maligned.
    That is because people tend to identify the scandal of apostate priests with the Church; but, the apostates and heretics do not belong to the Church. And the catechism of St Pius clearly teaches us that the faithful who lives in mortal sin are the dead members. It is they who have abandoned the Church, not we who remain firm and faithful in sound doctrine; faithful to the Natural Law given by God as we defend Catholic moral doctrine.
    25 Q. Who are the living members of the Church?
    A. The living members of the Church are the just, and the just alone, that is, those who are actually in the grace of God.
    26 Q. And who are the dead members?
    A. The dead members of the Church are the faithful in mortal sin.
    As long as we are clear about this, we will never abandon our Church, but rather we will defend it. Just as a husband does not abandon a wife when he sees her being raped; our duty is to defend our Church from these predators who have infiltrated it.


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