Friday, November 4, 2016

Homosexual and gay activist Yayo Grassi, Bergoglio' s former student said he owes his open and progressive thinking to his mentor Jorge Bergoglio

After the Spanish Lesbian, we now have the case of Bergoglio's former student Yayo Grassi, a gay activist. 

Bergoglio visit the gay couple while he was in Washington D.C.  Instead of repenting after his meeting with Bergoglio he openly promotes the vice of sodomy and much worse.  He also says he credits his mentor Bergoglio for his open and progressive thinking; giving thanks to Bergoglio's education(gay affirmative psychology). He is stressing that Bergoglio has known since he was a teenager that he is gay and never questioned his sexuality or his homosexual relationship. 
Yayo Grassi was taught psychology and Argentinian literature by Jorge Bergoglio at Inmaculada Concepcion high school in the 1960s in Santa Fe, Argentina. Yayo Grassi said he remembers Bergoglio as his mentor and the best teacher I had.

Yayo Grassi: “When the gay marriage law was being discussed in the Senate in Argentina, I read on the internet that then-Cardinal Bergoglio was very much against it and that he had said really painful and hateful things about the approval of the law. I was very surprised. I was very surprised more than anything else because knowing him, and knowing how much love there is in his heart, it was difficult for me to understand that he would do such a hateful thing. . .
“So I wrote him a quite extensive letter. I sent him an email telling him how much I admire him, how important he was in my life, and how much he did for me. How he had brought forward through his education the most open and progressive thought in my life. And then I went on saying, I will never be able to thank you, so you might think its a very strange way to thank you if I tell you I’m very disappointed by the way you treated the gay [marriage] law.”
Cardinal Bergoglio replied to Grassi’s letter in two days. He first asked forgiveness because of the hurt his former student felt and continued, as paraphrased by Grassi:
“Believe me I never said any of those things. The press picked up from two letters that I sent to the nuns asking them not to give any kind of opinion on this, and they were distorted and they were put as my words.”
“[Bergoglio] ends his letter, besides asking me to pray for him as he always does, saying, ‘Yayo, believe me, in my pastoral work, there is no place for homophobia.’ 


St. Peter Damian:  “Why, I ask, O damnable sodomites, do you seek after the height of ecclesiastical dignity with such burning ambition? Why do you seek with such longing to snare the people of God in the web of your perdition?”

The Vatican has confirmed that the only “real audience” Pope Francis had while he was in Washington last month was with a gay former student and his longtime partner – a day before the pontiff met Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who was jailed for refusing to grant same sex couples marriage licenses for religious reasons.

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