Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Socci: Not one more penny for the Bergoglian church

Fatima Perspectives 
by Christopher A. Ferrara
April 17, 2017
In Italy there is a compulsory tax called the "eight per thousand," meaning 8/10 of one percent, that taxpayers can earmark for the state support of either a state-run social assistance program or one of twelve approved religions on a government list, including the Catholic Church. Absent an earmark, the Italian government will distribute the "eight per thousand" based on the proportions established by taxpayers who have designated a choice.
Antonio Socci has just announced in his regular column that he will no longer be designating the Catholic Church as the recipient of his "eight per thousand." The reason is obvious to those who have followed his commentary over the past several years: the rise of what he has aptly termed "Bergoglianism," meaning Pope Bergoglio's idiosyncratic version of liberal Jesuit theology with its disdain for the orthodoxy of Tradition and the Church's related traditional disciplines, above all her perennial ban on the reception of Holy Communion by people living in a state of public adultery they call a "second marriage."

The triggering event for Socci's declaration of non-payment appears to have been yet another of Pope Bergoglio's rambling improvisations on what he views as the meaning of Scripture: i.e., his astonishing, indeed blasphemous assertion during a sermon at Casa Santa Marta that Christ on the Cross "made himself the devil, the serpent, for us…"
A detailed discussion of this latest Bergoglianism is found here. There is no doubt that Pope Bergoglio asserted that Christ "made himself the devil, the serpent…" This is a twisted Bergoglian rendition of the traditional analogy between the brazen serpent raised up on a staff by Moses, who commanded the Israelites to look upon the image in order to be healed of literal serpent bites that had resulted from their sins, and Christ Crucified, raised up on the Cross of the Redemption, to atone for our sins that they might be remitted. Under no traditional interpretation of the analogy can it be said that Christ became the serpent, much less — such blasphemy from a Pope! — that He became the devil.
Socci also responds to the accusation in L'Avvenire, the newspaper of the Italian Bishops' Conference, that he had attacked Pope Bergoglio for his remark "without any valid argument." He demonstrates that the thesis that Christ "made himself the devil" is precisely the "gnostic exegesis" of Massimo Borghesi, enunciated in his article "The Pact with the Serpent" in 30 Days magazine, and is clearly "a precise conviction of Bergoglio."
Socci takes the occasion to enumerate "other enormities of Bergoglio in the same direction," including his declaration that "there is no Catholic God," that Christ "played the fool," that He "failed respecting morality," and that He "was not one of the clean ones." Then, as incredible as it may seem, there is Bergoglio's claim (this past March 17) that "in the Holy Trinity the Persons argue behind closed doors, but on the outside they give the appearance of unity."
There is no need to rehearse the other examples Socci provides, all of which have been addressed here and elsewhere. Suffice to say that his conclusion, with which I must agree, is that "one fears that the summit of the Church is occupied today by a 'party' determined to demolish Catholicism itself as we have known it for 2,000 years."
In short: the apostasy that "begins at the top," of which Our Lady warned a century ago in that part of the Third Secret we have not been allowed to see. But as I have said before on these pages, in this terrifying development there is hope: it cannot be long before the madness that has gripped the human element of the Church is brought to an end, and that will mean the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 

1 comment:

  1. Pope Benedict XVI could have interpreted Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus in March 2016 with Feeneyism instead of Cushingism: he chose heresy and the hermeneutic of rupture


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