Bergoglio desecrated the House of God, turning it into a public dining room, a cave of idolaters, apostates, and every unclean spirit. Bergoglio removes God from the Center and sits in the House of God to promote the antichrist religion of new world order. Just as he did with impunity while in Argentina he profaned the cathedral in Buenos Aires; converting it into a tango hall and meeting room for masons, and then he converted the Sistine Chapel into an amphitheater for a ROCK concert; or when he defiled the facade of St. Peter's Basilica, or even when he sat down in the center of the altar to be worshiped by the cloistered nuns; or when he put a soccer ball on the high altar as well as when he profaned Holy Thursday by washing his feet with a sodomite transvestite.
Can. 1214 The term church means a sacred building intended for divine worship, to which the faithful have right of access for the exercise, especially the public exercise, of divine worship.
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The "poor" who helped Bergoglio to desecrate the Church has IPhone |
St. Athanasius:
They can occupy our churches, but they are outside the true Faith.
2 Thessalonians 2:
4 Who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God.

Marie-Julie Jahenny June 9, 1881
“From the height of My Glory, I see eagerly joining that religion, culprit, sacrilege, wicked, in a word that religion similar to Mohamed…I see Bishops joining.”
“For earth sake, I will lose a large number of My priests; the faithful will die in their faith, rather than joining that infamous religion.”
“For earth sake, I will lose a large number of My priests; the faithful will die in their faith, rather than joining that infamous religion.”
- “France will become Mahomet, denying the divinity of Christ.”
St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
“It is absurd for a heretic to say that he believes in Jesus Christ. To believe in a person is to give our full consent to his word and to all he teaches. True faith, therefore, is absolute belief in Jesus Christ and in all He taught. Hence, he who does not adhere to everything Jesus Christ has prescribed for our salvation does not have any more of the Doctrine of Jesus Christ than the pagans, Jews and Mohammedans.”
True Devotion To Mary by Saint Louis de Montfort§ 6. Mary must shine forth more than ever in mercy, in might, and in grace, in these latter times: in mercy, to bring back and lovingly receive the poor strayed sinners who shall be converted and shall return to the Catholic Church; in might, against the enemies of God, idolaters, schismatics, Mahometans, Jews, and souls hardened in impiety, who shall rise in terrible revolt against God to seduce all those who shall be contrary to them, and to make them fall by promises and threats; and, finally, she must shine forth in grace, in order to animate and sustain the valiant soldiers and faithful servants of Jesus Christ, who shall do battle for His interests.
Universal relaxation:
“Lucifer, with a great number of demons will be unchained from Hell. By degrees they shall abolish the Faith, even among persons consecrated to God.”
“The abomination shall be seen in holy places, in convents, and then the demon shall make himself the king of hearts.”
Bergoglio Buenos Aires Argentina Tango Mass.
Marie-Julie Jahenny (1850-1941) September 28, 1880
She assisted at a dialogue between Our Lord and Lucifer and the latter said:
“I will attack the Church. I will overthrow the Cross, I will decimate the people, I will deposit a great weakness of Faith in hearts. There will also be a great denial of religion. For a time I will be master of all things, everything will be under my control; even your temple and all your people.”
Marie-Julie said, “I see for a time long enough, every Holy Sacrifice will be prohibited. Churches will be turned to a shelter for cattle; they will be used as pleasure halls, where Hell will come for dancing with blasphemies as their singing.”
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