Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Bergoglio's espionage system

Catholic MonitorIn the Pell power struggle shady and suspicious actions were taken by a employee of Parolin (Archbishop Angelo Becciu) on former Auditor General Libero Milone. The Auditor suspecting that he was being spied on brought in a external contractor who "determined" his computer was "infected with file copying spyware" according to in its September 28, 2017 article "Former Vatican auditor accused of spying says 'shady games' going on in Rome."

In December 26, 2011 the Spanish portal Intereconomia accused Fabián Pedacchio of being "a spy of Cardinal Bergoglio in Rome"

De la Cigoña published  this article:  -"Bergoglio's Pawns"

Photo- Public profile of Pedacchio on Badoo
Pedacchio spy of Cardinal Bergoglio. «What comes from Rome goes to Rome». Romes decision depend upon the information they receive and that impacts the dissemination and processing of how such information is prioritized. The Cardinal, Archbishop of Buenos Aires knows the ambitions of power very well. Cardinal Bergoglio known to tell lies or half-truths -inflated , or hidden as appropriate in each case. But no doubt, when necessary he lies plain and simple. The truth is that to weave his web of power and influence over the bishops and their appointments; as well as priests and seminarians can shoot slurs or libel and, above all, know how to artfully direct them. It does from trained informants who, violating the confidentiality to which obliges the pontifical secret, tells you about everything that comes to Rome on topics or people you care about. Later, these same informants are responsible for «reporting» or «hide information» to the Roman authorities, manipulating agendas by the Cardinal - «The Jesuit», as it is called by the title of a work commissioned to exalt him. One of the most important pivots in this manipulation of information is an Argentine priest , "planted" by the Cardinal in the service of the Congregation for Bishops where all information related to the bishops of the whole world is run. -But what was particularly interesting to the Cardinal was Latinamerica, above all, with regard to the Argentine bishops. The disloyalty of this priest of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires is known by many, but apparently nothing is done about it. (Pedacchio) is not the only informant of the Cardinal but it is perhaps the most notorious. And given his job, one of the most dangerous.(...)

Translated from Spanish (Read More Here, Here & Here)

«During the time that Bergoglio was Archbishop of Buenos Aires and Pedacchio worked in the Curia they spoke by phone on a weekly basis, and even shared documents by fax. After the conclave that elected Pope Benedict XVI, Pedacchio commented on the rumors that had Bergoglio finishing in second place during the voting»

Vatican Starts “Witch-Hunt” To Trace The Author Of “Dictator Pope”

The Vatican has “sparked a frantic witch-hunt” to find the author of the book “Dictator Pope”, writes Australian Journalist Tess Livingston.

The book is written in a factual style and is an Amazon bestseller. Francis is portrayed as the ecclesiastical replication of Argentinian dictator Juan Perón (+1974).

One priest who worked with Archbishop Bergoglio, is quoted saying: “The guy manipulates you with the affections.”

Vatican Wants To Unmask Author of “The Dictator Pope”

Pope Francis had been given a list of six names who possibly wrote The Dictator Pope.

The anonymous author told Catholic Herald (December 13) via email that he will eventually be unmasked since the Vatican machine has taken espionage to a new level.

According to him a person in England was misidentified as the author at one point and immediately received threatening telephone calls from Rome.

Sandro Magister: Vatican secretary of state Pietro Parolin and his substitute Angelo Becciu were raised in the school of Cardinal Agostino Casaroli, a great diplomat at the time of the Soviet empire, and were nuncios in Venezuela and Cuba respectively. They know the country profiles, and Francis seems to adhere diligently to their instructions.

Müller Criticizes Vatican Spy System

Marco Tosatti has denounced “a climate of fear and persecution against those who disagree” in the Vatican and the Church. During his over 35 years as a Vatican journalist Tosatti “never experienced this before.”

He pinpoints that this situation endures because of the “cowardice and servility” of those persecuted who, albeit they would have the task of denouncing it, do not do so and hence become accomplices.

Ein Diktator

Italien. Die Journalistin Hilary White hat über den Regierungsstil von Kardinal Bergoglio in Buenos Aires recherchiert. Sie bezieht vor allem auf den bekannten Blog des spanischen Journalisten Francisco Jose de la Cigoña. De la Cigoña bezeichnete Kardinal Bergoglio im Jahr 2009 als “Diktator der argentinischen Kirche”. Bergoglio habe dafür gesorgt, dass viele schlechte Bischöfe ernannt wurden. Er habe auch einen religiösen Synkretismus praktiziert.

Spitzel in der Kurie?

De la Cigoña berichtete im Jahr 2011, dass Bergoglio gegen Bischof Rogelio Livieres von Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, intrigierte. Bergoglio habe sich über ihn geärgert, weil er viele Berufungen aus ganz Südamerika anzog. Im Jahr 2008 gelangte ein Brief, den Livieres persönlich an Benedikt XVI. übergeben hatte, an die Presse. Darin kritisierte Livieres die Ernennung von Bischöfen. De la Cigoña schreibt, dass der Brief von einem argentinischen Mitarbeiter in der Bischofskongregation, Prälat Fabián Pedacchio, geleaked wurde. Bergoglio ernannte ihn nach der Papstwahl zu seinem Sekretär. Im Herbst 2014 setzte Bergoglio Livieres ab.

Ein Netzwerk aus Lügen, Spionage und Angst

Im Jahr 2011 beschuldigte De la Cigoña Kardinal Bergoglio mit Halbwahrheiten, Verleumdungen und Lügen zu operieren. Er habe in Buenos Aires ein Netzwerk aus Intrigen, Spionage, Missgunst und Angst erschaffen. De la Cigoña bezeichnete Kardinal Bergoglio damals als einen Machtmenschen.

Zuckerbrot und Peitsche

Hilary White hat aus eigenen Quellen erfahren, dass Bergoglio Informationen über Personen sammelt, um sie nach dem Prinzip Zuckerbrot und Peitsche zu benutzen. Das erkläre, warum der Papst zwielichtige Gestalten in seine Umgebung setzt. Als Beispiel nennt sie den Direktor des Gästehauses St. Marta, Prälat Battista Ricca. Dieser geriet in die Schlagzeilen, weil er in einer Homosexuellenbar zusammengeschlagen und bei ihm Pornographie gefunden wurde.

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