Thursday, March 8, 2018

Postulator 'bishop' and biographer for the 'cause' of Romero is a pedophile

Flashback LifeSiteNews
Postulator for Blessed Oscar Romero, two other El Salvador priests laicized for child sex abuse 
Delgado was Romero’s former secretary and a close collaborator who went on to serve as the vicar general of the Archdiocese of San Salvador. He later became biographer and co-postulator of Romero’s case for beatification.

One of the three priests suspended since 2015 is Jesus Delgado, 78, who was accused of abusing a girl for years. Delgado was Romero’s former secretary and a close collaborator who went on to serve as the vicar general of the Archdiocese of San Salvador. He later became biographer and co-postulator of Romero’s case for beatification.

Pedophile Jesus Delgado, Vincenzio Paglia, Rafael Urrutia


LifeSiteNews Journalist Maike Hickson conducted an interview with author George Neumayr on his new book, The Political Pope 
MH: In the context of Pope Francis' possible sympathies with communism, could you tell us more about the canonizations of Archbishop Óscar Romero and Dom Hélder Câmara?
GN: Romero's canonization movement had stalled under the two previous popes. But under Francis it bolted forward, with the meaning of martyrdom stretched to include politically-motivated assassinations. That is a papal nod to Romero's status as a fashionable left-wing victim of government brutality. By way of contrast, it is hard to imagine the Vatican fiddling also with the rules for a right-wing bishop whose politics led to his death.

The Camâra canonization movement – he was called the red cardinal for his support for communist guerillas — would have been rejected out of hand by previous popes. But Pope Francis is letting it move forward.

Pepe Di Paola promotes the pagan cult to ❛Gauchito Gil❜ supported by Bergoglio.

Argentina: Dr. Antonio Caponnetto Monday, May 31, 2010 Bergoglio exposed – Bergoglio was denounced as a Marxist collaborator.

1 comment:

  1. Romero hanging with the boys, one of whom is shirtless and another wearing an "Enjoy Cocaine" t-shirt.


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