Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Argentinian Nun: Francis Allows Contraception The known Carmelite missionary sister Martha Pelloni, who promotes contraception, has stated that Pope Francis told her that "responsible parenthood" requires contraceptives "in some cases" [which means: "in all cases"].

Talking to Radio Cut (April 3), Pelloni said that Francis, speaking to her about contraception, uttered three words: “condoms, transitory and reversible.”

According to Pelloni these three words mean that three types of contraception are in "certain" [read: all] cases allowed: condoms, diaphragms and “as a last resort” tubal ligation [which is often irreversible].

Francis met Sr. Pelloni on March 8, 2015 in Rome.

According to Catholic teaching the use of contraceptives is always intrinsically evil and a mortal sin punished with eternal hell.

Update: Bergoglio is perfectly aware of this, he does not even have any excuses for translation problems, because the audio where the feminist nun says that Bergoglio promotes the use of condoms and sterilization of tubal ligation to rural women is in his native language of Spanish and also LifeSiteNews contacted Vatican spokesman Greg Burke for comment but as of this writing has received no response.


Bergoglio Praises argentinian carmelite Nun’s Transgender ‘Ministry’

Bergoglio praises  a gay NGO of Transvestites activists that operates in a Catholic monastery in Neuquén-Argentina, that promote gender ideology. 

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