Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Redemptorist priest during Easter Vigil desecrated the Church and celebrated an invalid Mass in the Parish of São Geraldo Majella Brazil


In the parish of São Geraldo Majella, archdiocese of Sorocaba, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the Church was profaned during the Easter vigil with a sacrilegious ceremony and a mass invalidated by defect of form. The Redemptorist priest Hélcio Vicente Testa disrespected the Sacrament of the Eucharist committing sacrilege, violated the requirements demanded by the Church for the validity of the sacrament.

Father Hélcio Testa celebrated Mass in the Parish Hall, on the date (September 13, 2014) that the masonic Rotary Club commemorated 50 years of work for the Rhino community.

September 17, 2014

September 17, 2014
September 17, 2014

September 17, 2014
September 17, 2014

Hélcio Testa worked for more than a year, as administrator of the General House of the Redemptorists in Rome - Italy
Facebook: "Fui chamado em agosto do ano passado. As nossas tranferências acontecem de acordo com as necessidades. É um universo aberto. O que faz ser mais interessante toda essa possibilidade de ser chamado e estar disponível. É outro país, língua e costumes. Então acredito na providència divina, naquele que me chamou e vou em frente", declarou. Em Roma, o contato que os missionários redentoristas possuem com o Papa é nos encontros, celebrações e missas realizadas por ele.

In Brazil the ( heretical modernists) Redemptorist "Missionaries" are responsible for administering the Shrines of Aparecida, Bom Jesus da Lapa and Divine Eternal Father.

Archdiocese of Sorocaba:
Archbishop Júlio Endi Akamine, SAC
Vicar General João Carlos Alampe
Archbishop Emeritus Eduardo Benes de Sales Rodrigues
Jurisdiction Metropolitan Archdiocese
(South Region 1)


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