Friday, May 18, 2018

German bishop Georg Bätzing who opposes the crucifixes allowed the desecration of the Marian Shrine in Klausen

In 2016, Georg Bätzing was elected by the Limburg Cathedral chapter (Domkapitel) to succeed Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst as bishop of Limburg. He was appointed by  Bergoglio on 1 July 2016. He is one of the apostates German bishops against the presence of the crucifix in public buildings.

On Friday, March 16, 2018, the Marian shrine of the Visitation (Wallfahrtskirche Maria Heimsuchung) in Klausen, was profaned by a Rock concert of the German rock/pop singer Guildo Horn.

In 2017 Georg Bätzing was involved in a scandal because his website had a directory with contact addresses for "people in emergency situations" that included a link of a Lutheran "charity" that facilitates people in the first bureaucratic steps towards procuring an abortion. «On the website of his diocese under the heading "Pregnancy Counseling," mothers are encouraged to get a "counseling certificate", "which is necessary for abortion" Among the contact addresses was also an assistant Protestant Diakonie, which issues invoices in the consultation of conflicting pregnancies. These are prerequisites for an abortion. noted that 'charity' on the Hochtaunus list provided services that are incompatible with Catholic teachings on the dignity of life. The diocese of Limburg  taken the referral down after threatening Katholisches.

"Advertising for the termination of pregnancy" is punishable in Germany under § 219a StGB. 

May 5, 2018 The former bureau chief of the Bishop Bätzing of Limburg had child pornography images on his service computer in the bishop's palace.

The Marian Shrine is under the authority of this modernist heretic: 

Albert Seul O.P

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