Friday, October 26, 2018

Tagle rebels against the hierarchical system of the Catholic Church and against the functions of the Priesthood instituted by Jesus Christ

Pro-gay Luis Tagle: “You young people, have taught me, have taught the elders, valuable lessons about humanity and about following Jesus. I hope you will continue teaching us.”

The bishops, being the successors of the apostles, have received from Jesus Christ three functions: teaching, governing and sanctifying the Church (Can 375, 2). The word bishop comes etymologically from Greek and Latin episcopus, which means guardian, watchman, inspector, overseer or superintendent.

"The diocesan Bishops must teach and explain to the faithful the truths of faith that must be believed and lived ..." (Can 386).

ChurchMilitant Cardinal Burke was asked about the idea that Church leaders need to listen to young people and learn from them. He said:
That's a mistaken, a completely mistaken idea. Yes, we need to listen to the young people in order to understand whatever challenges which they are facing. But the young people have the right to hear from us, from the Church, from their pastors, from their parents, from those who are adults, they have the right to hear from us the truth so that they can order their lives accordingly. 


The Church Teaching and the Church Taught

38 Q: Is there any distinction between the members of the Church?

A: There is a very notable distinction between the members of the Church; for there are some who rule and some who obey; some who teach and some who are taught.

39 Q: What do you call that part of the Church which teaches?

A: That part of the Church which teaches is called the Teaching Church.

40 Q: What do you call that part of the Church which is taught?

A: That part of the Church which is taught is called the Learning Church, or the Church Taught.

41 Q: Who has set up this distinction in the Church?

A: Jesus Christ Himself has established this distinction in the Church.

42 Q: Are the Church Teaching and the Church Taught, then, two churches?

A: The Church Teaching and the Church Taught are two distinct parts of one and the same Church, just as in the human body the head is distinct from the other members, and yet forms but one body with them.

43 Q: Of whom is the Teaching Church composed?

A: The Teaching Church is composed of all the Bishops, with the Roman Pontiff at their head, be they dispersed throughout the world or assembled together in Council.

44 Q: And the Church Taught, of whom is it composed?

A: The Church Taught is composed of all the faithful.

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