Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Church is awash in sacrilege

by Stephen Wynne•November 13, 2018

BALTIMORE (ChurchMilitant.com) - The Lepanto Institute President Michael Hichborn has denounced the sacrileges committed by predator priests. 
Speaking at the Silence Stops Now rally in Baltimore on Tuesday, Hichborn reminded his audience that predator priests wound not only adults and minors, but Our Lord Himself.
"We've heard the testimony of one of the most egregious abuses in the history of the Catholic Church."
Politicians pretending to be leaders do not represent those acts.
"Our Church is inviolate," he said.
In 1917, the three Fatima children were taught a prayer by an angel: Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee ... in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended ... I beg conversion."
Hichborn considered those three: outrages, sacrileges and indifferences. 
"We have heard the testimony of James," Hichborn said. "We know what's been going on the last 60 years. Flavius Josephus talked about what was going on in the streets of Jerusalem. ... Copied the dress and passions of women, licentiousness, wallowing in pleasures as in a brothel. Thus they polluted the entire city with their foul practices." 
"This is the face of the homosexual network in the Catholic Church," he said. "This is what we're talking about. ... We're talking about an affront to God which calls down vengeance from God from Heaven."
"We know about so many abuses that have taken place," Hichborn said, including "pedophilia, sex trafficking and murder." 
He recounted the story of Fr. Joe Moreno, a Buffalo priest murdered for efforts to expose the homosexual network in his diocese.
"We are not just talking about priests and bishops that are involved, we are talking about men in politics who are involved," he said.
"We're talking about mob violence," he said. "We're talking about priests being involved. We're talking about filth that has infiltrated our Church."
"We have outrages. We have sacrileges. Every single Mass they say while in sin is a sacrilege. Every homosexual couple taking Communion is a sacrilege. The sacrileges are incalculable," he said.
"What about Our Lord?" Hichborn asked. "He's a victim. ... What about Our Lady? We just prayed a Rosary, the sorrowful mysteries, each bead is a drop of blood. Where did that start? With Judas Iscariot. He sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. How much are they getting?"
"Every one of those sacrileges need reparation," Hichborn said. "We've got a mortal wound. Our entire body is suffering. And it takes an act of the will to overcome that suffering and seek suffering."
"They've forgotten who they are. They have no idea who they are," he said, adding that they have become bureaucrats, and because of it, "every one of those men is in grave peril."
"I think about the sacrileges, the offense and now the indifferences," he said. "The indifferences are probably the worst, because they're the ones who stand and witness the horror that is taking place and they walk by — they just walk by."
"This prayer Our Lady gave us to make reparation is one we must adopt and pray daily for those men. Because if we don't, they will go to Hell. And if we don't make reparation for them, we will follow them there."
The angel cried out: "Penance, penance, penance." 
"Fatima is about now," he said. "We are going through what Our Lady warned us about."

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