Friday, February 15, 2019

'Evil' bishops calling the laity evil.

The news doesn't stop for anyone — including the Catholic world — and a couple hundred retreatants being with us here on the high seas for the week does not stop the news from happening either.
Earlier this week, the bishop of Rapid City, South Dakota, Robert Gruss, issues a letter read at Masses which began this way:
Recently there have been ads in the Rapid City Journal paid for by a Mr. Steven [sic] Brady, founder and president of Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc. According to their website, Roman Catholic Faithful claims to be a network of faithful laity, investigators and attorneys whose goal is to rid the Catholic Church of clerical corruption. It also appears that they are connected in some way to Church Militant.
First, for the record, Church Militant is as supportive of Mr. Brady and RCF as we could possibly be. His mission is solid, and every single faithful Catholic should support it.
So while we are not officially connected to RCF, we are nevertheless connected in some way, and that way is our love and concern for Holy Mother Church and seeing the corrupt financial, sexual and political network of bishops be completely exposed.
That opening paragraph of the bishop's letter is where the truth ended. The rest of the letter is an attack on Stephen Brady and Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc. and its mission, culminating in calling them, and Church Militant by extension, evil.
Here is the relevant line: "Therefore, their mission is evil and guided by the Evil One. Any group that seeks to divide the Church by sharing false information is doing the work of Satan."
Careful there, Bishop. Clerics who live in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones.
What is evil is bishops who keep their mouths shut, pilfer tens of millions from the laity, advance homosexual perverts up the ranks, cover up an entire network of pederast sodomites in collars and mitres and destroy the faith of hundreds of millions of Catholics they have bent over backwards to malform.

That's what's evil, Bishop Gruss: not trying to shine a light on it. Brady and his group have Blase Cupich, cardinal-archbishop of Chicago, in their sites as well they should.
That man is a liar and a conniver. He perverts Catholic doctrine, calls for a revolution in the Church, applauds active homosexuals and divorced and civilly remarried Catholics committing sacrilege by reception of Holy Communion and we could go on and on.
The "evil" that Brady is engaged in is actually Catholic activism. He and all of his supporters care about the purity of the Faith.
They and we care about the division that you hapless, ineffectual bishops have caused. That's the real division.
You have sucked at the teets of the state and the culture and become poisoned in your thinking. How dare you attack a man like Brady whose only goal is to accomplish what you bishops will not do — which is to purge from your ranks the wolves in shepherd's clothing.
You hypocrites. In your lust for power, you circle the wagons and come rushing to the defense of your fellow bishops when they are rightly called out by the faithful for their lack of faith.
Hypocrite! Where is your letter being read at Masses calling for the excommunication of Catholic politicians?
Where is your letter denouncing Dolan in New York for his pathetic excuse making?
Hypocrite! Where is your letter being read at the Masses denouncing your brother bishop in Joliet, Illinois who said the week before that he doesn't know if Christ actually intended to establish a Church?
Hypocrite! Where is your letter in support of the truth laid out by Archbishop Viganò giving testimony to the entire homosexual current in the Church and the hierarchy?
Hypocrite! Where is your letter denouncing Detroit Archbishop Allen Vigneron for permitting a Catholic funeral for Congressman John Dingell, one of the most bloodthirsty killers of pre-born life in the nation?
Hypocrite! Where is your addendum to that letter to Vigneron for allowing Joe Biden to receive Holy Communion at that same funeral Mass?
Faithful Catholics are done with your hypocrisy and your cover-up and your malice and your greed and your sexual dysfunction and financial ripoffs and the whole lot of it.
Until faithful Catholics begin to realize that some of these men are the most vile form of hypocrites, your children and your grandchildren will continue to lose their faith because they have put into place a system of oversight in the Church that guarantees that outcome.
And if you don't believe that, then check out the Mass attendance numbers, the vocation numbers and the severe tanking drop off of virtually all young people who still claim to be Catholic. Brady is to be praised and honored for his work, not declared evil. And that applies to us here at Church Militant as well.
How dare a bishop — and bishop — call a layman or a group of laymen evil for their work in restoring the Church.
You are the evil ones. You are, straight up, the offspring of the serpent. You allow that doctrinal pervert James Martin access to tens of thousands of Catholics to twist their minds with his lies. You come out in support of Cupich, who is one of Martin's biggest cheerleaders.
Evil? Really? You better go check the definition of evil in the dictionary, not to mention issue an apology letter that is also read out at all the Masses.
Stop supporting these men, Catholics. Stop supporting them. They care nothing about your souls. They care about their power and nothing more.

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