Thursday, March 28, 2019

"Gay priest need to be laicized and go get a job in the nearest gay bar, if they refuse to repent, and stop sponging off the laity"

2 Peter 2:2-3 Even so, many will follow their licentious ways, and because of these [false] teachers the way of truth will be maligned.  And in their greed they will exploit you with deceptive words. Their condemnation, pronounced against them long ago, has not been idle, and their destruction is not asleep.

the Vortex

‘Gay Priests Are Okay’

As long as it isn't minors.

Before we begin, a small advisory that, given the nature of this episode, the topic is a little rough. Father Robert DeLand of Saginaw, Michigan is finally facing justice for his homosexual predation.
Earlier this week, he pleaded no contest to charges of various charges of sexual assault involving a 17-year-old male.
DeLand had, in fact, faced a series of trials for related activity, having been acquitted on one charge last week after the prosecution was unable to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt a previous sexual assault.
But now, after entering what amounts to a guilty plea, without actually admitting guilt, he is going to be facing years in prison with sentencing expected in the coming weeks.
DeLand's case raises loads of questions. In fact, his is a case in all that is wrong in the Church these days. He was ordained in 1973 for the diocese of Saginaw, Michigan.
Back in the 1990s, persistent rumors and allegations of his homosexual activity and grooming young males surfaced and he wrote a letter to the then Bp. Kenneth Untener denying everything.
Despite that history, he was elevated to judicial vicar in 2001. DeLand was a practicing homosexual, in fact, a predatory homosexual and this was not a deep dark secret at the Saginaw chancery.
However, since the legal age of consent in Michigan is 16, DeLand was hard to "get" for statutory rape because he made sure none of his victims, at least that anyone knows about, were "underage."
When any charges or accusations arose, they were not easy to pursue criminally because, if discovered, he could have always pointed a finger to the fact that the young men were of legal age.
His modus operandi was to hang around the local high school, for years, volunteering to be a hall monitor, where he befriended freshmen and sophomore boys.
He would use his interaction with them to identify the weak or vulnerable among them, and then he would begin his grooming, careful it seems to make sure that he never crossed the legal age of consent boundary.
This behavior went on for years, and no one in the diocese seemed to raise an eyebrow of concern. In fact, Bp. Joseph Cistone, who died late last year, acted oblivious to the impropriety of the whole situation.
DeLand was part of the liberal, modernist network of questionable clerics — mainly, but not exclusively, from the 1970s era — who had inserted themselves as fixtures in the local power structure of the Church, a very important fact for Catholic everywhere to understand.
As long as DeLand wasn't raping underage boys, he got a pass. Homosexuality among priests — active homosexuality — is no big deal, as long as it's not kids and a lawsuit comes as a result.
And if you think Saginaw is some isolated case of that philosophy, then you don't have a pulse. This is the rule, not the exception, across nearly every diocese in America.
And while we are at it, it extends into the world of bishops as well. At the very least — and we mean the very least — bishops don't want to tick off their gay clergy like was openly admitted to in the case of Abp. Allen Vigneron of Detroit by one of his own seminary faculty, Dr. Mary Healy.
Catholics have got to understand that this is how the Church functions today — across the board, from Rome on down — and how it has functioned for decades — active homosexual clergy, bishops as well as priests, who don't care about the immorality of homosexuality as long as it's not a minor. So, DeLand, exhibiting a high degree of cockiness in earlier court appearances, simply outwardly laughed off the charges, surprising various onlookers in court with his bravado.
That extended to last week's verdict of not guilty in the first trial where it turned into a case of he said, he said. And yeah, step back for a minute and take this all in — a Catholic priest not only doing the deed but then lying about it in court and refusing to face the music of his sins and crimes. Pay attention, you Catholics who find all this hard to believe, or don't want to process all this, this is the state of the clergy today in way too many instances.
The trial this week that was avoided by this no contest plea was only avoided because, after a series of charges by multiple victims, local police were able to wiretap and surveil his activity with a 17-year-old victim. He gave the young man money to buy drugs and come over to his residence — on and on, you get the picture.
And of course, without the crack work by the police and the young man's cooperation — difficult as that would have been — DeLand more than likely would have skated on that assault as well just like the first one — again, because it wasn't a minor, legally anyway.
DeLand should never have been ordained. Like so many other men who got into the system in the 1970s and 1980s, they are either actively gay, gay-friendly or complicit in their silence.
Some, some of them raped minors, and that is the only thing that has exposed the larger problem of the infestation of homosexual men in the seminaries. And to be very clear, active homosexual priests and bishops is still, right this very moment, an ongoing crisis in the Church.
Many of these men — like Fr. James Martin and the truckloads of homosexualist bishops and other priests in his heretic camp — just do not believe there is anything sinful about active homosexuality.
That is the problem. They are gay heretics, and their gay gravy train had to pull into the station once the secular media went wild, as they should have, with the child sex abuse coverage 18 years ago.
But having somewhat addressed that, the surviving clergy hopped back on the train and kept on having gay sex — and still do — with seminarians, each other, male prostitutes and so forth.
Even if homosexual predation of legal minors is not as prevalent — and there's some question about even that now as new studies begin to emerge — even if the predation of minor males is only the tip of the iceberg.
This is why men like Chicago Cdl. Blase Cupich cannot let this conversation arise publicly — same goes for Robert McElroy of San Diego. It was the fuel in the engine of Theodore McCarrick. It was the reason behind the stream of lies pouring out of the mouths of Tobin, Farrell, Wuerl and so forth.
These men may not, may not, protect homopredator child molesters in their clergy, but they sure as Hades protect homosexuality among their priests.
That's how DeLand was able to get away with stuff for so long — victim after victim, grooming incident after grooming incident.
These bishops and priests who either actually do this stuff or cover it up are sick in the head. They have no supernatural faith. They are on the road to damnation, and they don't care who they drag into the pit with them.
They must be fiercely resisted — their cover-up, their perversion of dogma and doctrine. They need to be laicized and go get a job in the nearest gay bar, if they refuse to repent, and stop sponging off the laity.
This is why Cupich jumped to his feet so fast in Baltimore and said consensual sex among the clerical ranks is a different issue and we can talk about it later — later, by the way, never comes.
Cupich is the Vatican's cover-up man for the real problem of, not child sex abuse, but gay priests and bishops who have adult lovers stashed all over the Church.
Don't give these perverts and cover-up artists a dime, nothing, not one red cent of your money, for anything. They don't care about salvation, the Church or your families. And one final point, they don't even care about their own.
In a couple of weeks or so, DeLand is going to be sitting behind bars for years, perhaps long enough to actually die in prison, if not be killed.
Will the sodomite clergy gang come to his assistance in preparing him for death, in encouraging him to repent? We already know the answer. They are a wicked bunch.

Closing Our Wallets on the Lavender Mafia

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