Monday, August 26, 2019

Indigenous rituals for bishops and religious in Brazil. The Great Apostasy of the A-masonic Pre-Synod continues

Indigenous Salesian priest practices paganism

Bergoglio admits that he is the Father of this apostasy: "The Amazon synod is the “son” of Laudato Si"

Prophecy of Our Lady of La Salette Fulfilled:

 “Several will abandon the faith, and a great number of priests and members of religious orders will break away from the true religion; among these people there will even be bishops”.

Father E. Sylvester Berry: “The dragon is seen in heaven which is here a symbol of the Church, the kingdom of heaven on earth. This indicates that the first troubles of those days will be inaugurated within the Church by apostate bishops, priests, and peoples, — the stars dragged down by the tail of the dragon.

The First Commandment of God
Lesson 16 from the Baltimore Cathechism
205How does a Catholic sin against faith? A Catholic sins against faith by apostasy, heresy, indifferentism, and by taking part in non-Catholic worship.

Amazon Bishop Condemns the Instrumentum Laboris

Indigenous priest who receives Bergoglio's support relies on the Amazonian's Instrumentum Laboris to violate the First Commandment and commit apostasy

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