Friday, September 27, 2019

Apostate bishop Wilton Gregory offered a sacrilegious funeral Mass for pro-abortion journalist Cokie Roberts; apostate Pelosi gives eulogy

Pro-abortion House Speaker Rep. Apostate Nancy Pelsoi delivers a eulogy at the sacrilegious Mass for Cokie Roberts as (apostate )Archbishop Wilton Gregory looks on

WASHINGTON, D.C., September 27, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Archbishop Wilton Gregory offered a (sacrilegious) funeral Mass for pro-abortion journalist Cokie Roberts on September 21 at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle, praising her in his homily as an “extraordinary, professional servant of the truth.”
The left-wing commentator “believed in God's word...accepted it and fashioned her life around that word,” said Gregory.
Pro-abortion House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, delivered a eulogy from the lectern in the cathedral sanctuary during which she called Roberts a “national treasure.”

Cokie Roberts and her husband Steve Roberts had a long-running influential column, which they used to ridicule pro-life advocates as “extremists.” The two referred to the federal ban on partial-birth abortion as “off the track” and “cynical game-playing” on the part of pro-life activists. Partial-birth abortion is a method of late-term abortion that involves delivering a baby feet first until all but his head has exited the womb and then stabbing scissors into the base of his skull and sucking his brains out. The U.S. Supreme Court ultimately upheld the ban on that particular method of late-term abortion; other methods remain legal across the U.S.
The Supreme Court’s upholding of the partial-birth abortion ban was “offensive as a woman,” she said on ABC News in 2007. Roberts was highly critical of Pope Benedict XVI, accusing him of “really lacking in the theological virtue of charity,” being “an extremely controversial choice” as Pope, and “the most conservative voice of Catholicism.”
Roberts “used her own words so exquisitely,” said Archbishop Gregory. “She spoke often about the influence of God's word in her life, about the Church that she loved.”
“We grieve this day and will grieve for a great many days to come, because a woman of faith has touched us, loved us, and taught us,” he continued. “And who has been taken from us. We saw clearly in Cokie many of the expressions of the gifts of the spirit that St. Paul described in the second reading this morning. She was, for so many, a wise woman of faith. She called us to be our better selves and she was quick to point out when we behaved as our lesser selves.”
He went on to praise Roberts as someone who “attempted to heal conflicts and occasionally made people realize how childish we were acting in the midst of our incessant squabbles” and “challenged people of all ideological persuasions to listen to one another more attentively.”

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