Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Francis is harming same-sex attracted Catholics | The John-Henry Westen Show

Homosexuality is the supreme offense against God:

The German Benedictine abbess Hildegard of Bingen OSB commenting on the Liber divinurom operum, Verse 6,8 of the Apocalypse, wrote: 

“The ancient serpent enjoys with all the punishments with which man is punished in the soul and in the body. He, who has lost the heavenly glory, does not want any man to reach it. Indeed, as soon as he realized that the man had heard his advice, he began to project the war against God: 'Through man I will carry out my purposes.' 

"In its hatred, the serpent has inspired men to hate each other and, with the same evil purpose, has induced them to kill one another.

“And the serpent said: 'I shall pour forth my breath in order to extinguish the line of the sons of men, and then men shall be kindled with passions for other men, commiting shameful acts. 
“And the serpent, taking delight shouted, this is the supreme offense against the One who given man his body. That His image may be stamped out because man has avoided natural relations with women.
“It is the devil, then, who convinced them to become unfaithful ones and seductors, which prompted them to murder, becoming bandits and thieves, because the sin of homosexuality leads one to the most shameful violence and all vices. When all these sins have been manifested, then the validity of God’s law will be broken and the Church will be persecuted as a widow.”

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