Monday, November 25, 2019

Apostate Renato Marangoni supports adultery relying on Bergoglio's heretic Amoris Laetitia

Renato Marangoni apologizes to Impenitent Adulterers Belluno Bishop Renato Marangoni, Italy, apologized to adulterers in a November 22 open letter entitled, “One word entrusted to you: Sorry!”

He invites unrepentant adulterers to a December 1 meeting in the diocesan centre while calling adultery a “new experience of union.”

Parts of the letter are sentimental, “Perhaps you have suffered from attitudes among us of judgment and criticism towards you.”

Parts are heretical, “We have for a long time declared that you could not be fully admitted to the sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist” – as if this were not true.

Marangoni uses the we-form to attack the Church, “We have been stiffened on a very formal view of the family situations you had arrived at.”

He insists that “we were wrong not to consider equally the personal situation, the dreams you had nurtured.”

Marangoni nurtures the illusion that adultery is only about “complex situations” and “personal responsibility” that needs “to be supported and helped in its fragility,” as if the Church would not do this.

He goes on promising that during the meeting “we will also rediscover the encouraging words of Pope Francis, who wrote in one of his exhortations: Amoris Laetitia.

This is what the user “il vandea” replied to Marangoni on the Italian, “Go and confess to a Catholic priest (you will surely meet someone outside your circle). Then write to the public sinners for whom you have so much compassion: ‘You are on the way to hell; in order to find salvation, repent, convert to Catholic Doctrine, break all illegal ties immediately, and after choosing to live in continence and a holy confession, you may return to the Holy Eucharist’.”

Renato Marangon apologizes to unrepentant adulterers, invites them back to the sacraments 

Apologies and invitations issued to unrepentant adulterers to be in union with the “Roman Pontiff”


Francis Blessed Adulterous Liaison

Code of Canon Law

Marriage can only be dissolved by death
A marriage that is ratum et consummatum can be dissolved by no human power and by no cause, except death. (Code of Canon Law, can. 1141)

Pope Pius VII

Divorce is so grave that even the judge who applies it commits a mortal sin
Every divorce, among living Christians, since it implies the dissolution of the conjugal bond legitimately contracted and confirmed, is nothing other than a grave attempt, if not against the natural law (which the Scholastics dispute among themselves), at least against the positive written divine law, as the Holy Council of Trent clearly teaches (sess. 24, Doctr. de Sacr. Matr.), and copiously demonstrated by Benedict XIV in De Synodo Dioec. lib. XIII, cap. 22, § 3 and the following sections. Thus, every project of law, that affirms and disposes this attempt, is by its own nature, invalid and null, it is more of a violation than a law (D. Th. 12, q. 46, a. 4), more precisely a corruption of the law, since it treats of a question that is truly sacred by divine institution and, for this reason, superior, and, as such, outside of the ambit of any earthly power: which, consequently, manifestly contradicts the divine law, before which all human power should incline and yield. Thus, before all else, they abuse an authority they do not possess, no less the legislator from which this corruption proceeds, than the judge, who serves and applies it to the particular cases, and brings it to its fulfillment. This is to sin mortally, the former does so by usurpation of power, and the later, by usurpation of judgement (Leonard. Lessius De Iust. et Iur. Duben. Lib. 2, cap. 29, p. 288). (Pius VII. Instruction Catholica nunc, from the Holy Office to the Prefects of the missions of Martinica and Guadalupe, July 6, 1817)

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