Thursday, December 19, 2019

Bergoglio judges the Word of God using an anti-biblical commission formed by a sect of apostates modernists who are gay activists

Update this news "Homosexual Unions Should Not be Condemnedwas removed from Infovaticana and replaced by a clarification that says: Doctrine of the Faith responds: There is no opening to homosexual unions


The NC Register’s Edward Pentin has done his own translation of the excerpt from la Repubblica and it confirms the worst. The Vatican is using science to justify the normalization of homosexuality. Here is part of Pentin’s translation:

Similarly — it can be deduced by some — a new and more adequate understanding of the human person imposes a radical reservation about the exclusive value of the heterosexual union, in favor of a similar acceptance of homosexuality and homosexual unions as a legitimate and worthy expression of the human being.

Vatican publishes new book reducing ‘sin of Sodom’ to ‘lack of hospitality’ 

Check out how many of the current members of the Pontifical Biblical Commission were appointed in 2014 and how many had their membership terminated 2013-2014.
The apostate Jesuit Pietro Bovati,  is the secretary for the Commission.

Bergoglio attacks the Deposit of the faith, defies the natural Law to change the catholic doctrine and usurp the place that corresponds only to God.

No one can be saved if someone denies their faith. We invite all the faithful bishops to make a public profession of faith in which they also need to anathematize Bergoglio and separate from him.


German archbishop who claims homosexuality is ‘normal’ doesn’t know science: Psychologist 

 The Origins and Healing of Homosexual Attractions

Let's help defend freedom to restore people who suffer an unwanted same-sex attraction in Canada

1 comment:

  1. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger: The Church cannot approve pastoral practices — for example, sacramental pastoral practices - which contradict the clear instruction of the Lord. Francis misrepresents the Catechism on homosexuality:


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