Saturday, December 28, 2019

Biblical Commissions requested by Bergoglio "Opens" Toward Homosexuality - Despite Disclaimers

The Pontifical Biblical Commission study requested by Bergoglio  destroys the truths taught by the Church about homosexuality The recent study of the Pontifical Biblical Commission treats homosexuality in a way which is "destructive of the truths taught by the Church,” New York Father Gerald Murray, 60, writes on (December 26).

Murray identifies the trick used in the document. It consists in one-sidedly discussing contemporary opinions which reject the biblical teachings on homosexuality.

He notices that the study quotes a long list of derogatory qualifications of Biblical teaching which is called “archaic”, “historically conditioned”, “outdated”, lacking a “new and more adequate understanding of the human person.”

Officially, collaborators of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith claimed that the text offers "no opening" for homosexual activity,

In reality, Murray points out that "modern justifications" of homosexual fornication get considerable space while the traditional teachings receives only "perfunctory mention.”

As a matter of fact, the study invites consideration of whether the truths taught by the Bible can "change" over time.

"Why? Because ecclesiastics honor modern errors conferring on them a patina of legitimacy, labeling these errors as current ‘science’.”

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