Wednesday, December 18, 2019

German archbishop who claims homosexuality is ‘normal’ doesn’t know science: Psychologist

December 17, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – According to Archbishop Heiner Koch, the German “synodal road” on sexual matters must start “without prejudices”, but not, however “without knowledge of the state of the [human] sciences”. Apparently, this supposed “scientific knowledge” is to be accepted as a dogmatic starting point of the “synodal” deliberations. 
Faithful Catholics beware! For Koch and the committee on the family he presides over, this means providing a free entrance to the totally unscientific prejudices and glaring lies of the ideology pushing for the normalization of homosexuality. 

Beware of Koch’s unscientific reasoning. In his group, there was “consensus” about certain ideas. He presents these ideas as though this consensus would mean they have scientific validity, which is nonsense. Most probably, the consensus in the committee was caused by the selection of people who endorse the ideology pushing for the normalization of homosexuality. But apart from that, scientific truth is not established by consensus, but by proven facts. What Koch proves is his ignorance of sound scientific methodology. 
But then, what was the “consensus” Koch and company arrived at that is owed to “the sciences?” In the first place that “human sexuality encompasses a dimension of lust, of procreation, and of relationships”. Real scientific progress? How could we know without this discovery that not only “lust” but also procreation is “a dimension” of human sexuality? 
But the consensus reached more groundbreaking conclusions, namely that “sexual preference [your subjective taste] expresses itself in puberty … [in] a hetero- or homosexual orientation. Both belong to the normal forms of sexual predisposition” and cannot and should not be changed, so that the Church must reject “whatever kind of discrimination of homosexually constituted people”. 
Here Koch shows his true colors: rainbow. Posing as a man of science, he parrots the lies of homosexual ideology.
Of course the question arises, “why does he deceive the faithful, and himself?” In his heart, no man with normal sexual feelings regards the homosexual inclinations of about 2% of the adult population as normal — as equally natural — as the feelings of the overwhelming part of mankind. No one with normal feelings about marriage will debase its sacredness by putting the sexual acts of same-sex people on a par with it. And no one who wants to responsibly educate people on homosexuality today and has seriously examined the scientific literature can avoid acknowledging that research has definitively exploded the “born-that-way” myth. 
So what drives this bishop? If he is homosexually inclined himself and wants to defend the normality of it — which would explain his close identification with the gay ideology — let him be so honest as to say it, for the faithful have a right to know with whom they are dealing with who proclaims such irrational and rebellious ideas. If not, let him disclose his motive and not hide behind the false argument of “science”, for he completely ignores what both universal common sense and moral sense have always known about homosexuality and what the human sciences can offer in terms of well-documented facts. 
In fact science, that is, statistical research and intensive observations, shows that homosexuality is an emotional disturbance, that same-sex relations, including homosexual “marriage”, are promiscuous and pathological, and that the homosexual lifestyle is psychologically, medically, and morally ruinous. And one additional note: 20% of homosexual men “prefer” teenagers, another 20% prefer both teenagers and young adults. The end result is that normalizing homosexuality stimulates minor abuse. Moreover, normalizing homosexual parenting and adoption harms children profoundly and lastingly.

Catholic psychologist Dr. Gerard van den Aardweg is Europe’s foremost expert on homosexuality and pedophilia. He is the author of The Battle for Normality (Ignatius Press) and Science says NO: The Gay ‘Marriage’ Deception (Lumen Fidei Institute). The latter book is available in Italian as La scienza dice NO: L’Inganno del ‘matrimonio’ gay and German as Die Wissenschaft sagt NEIN: Der Betrug der Homo-‚Ehe‘.

Dr. Aardweg: ‘Homo-tyranny is upon us’ in the Catholic Church

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