Monday, February 3, 2020

Schneider: Francis Silently Tolerates German Heresy Bishops The Synodal Way may lead to a situation where "heretical bishops would still be formally recognised by the Pope," Bishop Athanasius Schneider writes on (February 3).

He describes the German Synodal Way as an attempt to officially confirm errors of faith and their corresponding practice, which for decades have been undermining the German Church.

As examples he mentions the blessing of homosexuals, communion for adulterers and the ordination of women.

Schneider sees the main problem in Francis' tolerance of German bishops - first and foremost Cardinal Marx - who advocate heretical doctrines and practices.

He calls on Francis to demand from the Synod participants to profess the Catholic faith and to protect the ordinary faithful.

Schneider calls those Bishops who adapt themselves to the dictatorship of mass media and politics "wolves" and "arsonists".

Finally, he warns that the German synod will result in a kind of Anglican community.

The Simony of the German Bishops

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