Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Bergoglio's antidoctrine contradicts the teachings of Saint Bonaventure

Seraphic Doctor", Cardinal, general of the Franciscan Order.

Contemporary of Saint Thomas Aquinas and Saint Albert the Great.
He became a Franciscan at the age of 22.
He taught theology and Holy Scripture at the University of Paris from 1248 to 1257.

Feast: July 15

…judges Francis’ idea that the Pope should not judge

The death of the sodomites was necessary for the restoration of chastity on the earth

All sodomites, both men and women, died all over the face of the earth, according to that which Saint Jerome taught about the Psalm: ‘A light dawned for the just’, to show that he who was to be born would come to reform nature and promote chastity. (Saint Bonaventure. In Nativitate Domini, Sermon XXII, vol. IX, p. 123)

…judges Francis’ idea that the Virgin Mary was capable to rebel against God

  • The Most Holy Virgin was present before the cross accepting and consenting to the divine plan
She payed the price [of redemption] as a strong and loving woman – especially when Christ suffered on the cross to pay this price, with the intention of purifying, washing and redeeming us – the Most Holy Virgin was present, accepting and consenting to the divine plan. (Saint Bonaventure. Collations on the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, 6, 16)

…judges Francis’ idea that the Orthodox are no longer schismatics

  • They are heretics because they deny the truth of the faith, and schismatics, because they have strayed from the unity of the Church

The controversy [with the Greeks], however, comes from the profession of this article [of the faith]. But the profession of this article comes form the Latin Church of a triple cause, that is, from the truth of the faith, from the necessity of [protecting against] danger, and from the authority of the Church. The faith dictated this [article of the faith], and a dangerous necessity made it imminent to assure that it be not denied by anyone (as the Greeks who had fallen into this peril) and the authority of the Church is there too. And therefore it should have been expressed without hesitation.
The cause of the negation of this article [by the Greeks] comes from a triple cause, that is, through ignorance, through pride, and through obstination. From ignorance, because they neither understood Scripture, nor did they have congruent reason or clear revelation. From pride, for since they repute themselves smarter and were not called, they did not want to profess what was not invented by them. Through obstination [since] so that they not be convinced and seem to be moving irrationally, they invented for themselves reasons in opposition to truth; and thus they dared to defend their own opinion and to oppose the authority of the Roman Church; and therefore they are become heretics, because they deny the truth of the faith, and schismatics, because they have withdrawn from the unity of the Church. (Saint Bonaventure of Bagnoregio. Commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, Book 1, dist. 11, a. 1, q.1, concl. – Latin)

…judges Francis’ ideas present in Laudate Si

  • The things of this sensible world lead one to transcend and pass-over to Christ, and the hidden Sacrament of God

In the First and Most High Principle and the Mediator of God and men, Jesus Christ, one gazes upon those things the like of which can in nowise be discovered (reperiri) among creatures, and which exceed every perspicacity of the human intellect: it follows, that this (mind) by gazing transcends and passes-over not only this sensible world, but also its very self; in which transitus Christ is the Way and the Gate, Christ is the Stair and the Vehicle as the propitiatory located above the ark of God and the Sacrament hidden from the ages. (Saint Bonaventure. The Journey into the Mind of the God, Ch. 7, no. 1)

…judges Francis’ ideas on Laudate Si’

  • In every created thing, Saint Francis perceived a trace of the Creator; and in loving creatures he used them as a ladder to ascend to the Beloved

Of the ardent love that glowed in Francis, the friend of the Bridegroom, who can avail to tell? He seemed utterly consumed, like unto a coal that is set on fire, by the flame of the love divine. For, at the mere mention of the love of the Lord, he was aroused, moved, and enkindled, as though the inner chords of his heart vibrated under the bow of the voice from without. […] That he might by all things be stirred up unto the divine love, he triumphed in all the works of the Lord’s hands, and through the sight of their joy was uplifted unto their life-giving cause and origin. He beheld in fair things Him Who is the most fair, and, through the traces of Himself that He hath imprinted on His creatures, he everywhere followed on to reach the Beloved, making of all things a ladder for himself whereby he might ascend to lay hold on Him Who is the altogether lovely. For by the impulse of his unexampled devotion he tasted that fountain of goodness that streameth forth, as in rivulets, in every created thing, and he perceived as it were an heavenly harmony in the concord of the virtues and actions granted unto them by God, and did sweetly exhort them to praise the Lord, even as the Prophet David had done. (Saint Bonaventure. The life of Saint Francis of Assisi, Ch. IX, no. 1)
  • The piety that led him to love all creatures above all inclined him to the salvation of souls redeemed by the precious Blood of Christ Jesus

That true godliness which, according unto the Apostle, is profitable unto all things, had so filled the heart of Francis and entered into his inmost parts as that it seemed to have established its sway absolutely over the man of God. […] And as by this piety he was touched with kindly feeling for all things, so above all, when he beheld souls redeemed by the precious Blood of Christ Jesus being defiled by any stain of sin, he would weep over them with such tenderness of compassion as that he seemed, like a mother in Christ, to be in travail of them daily. (Saint Bonaventure. Life of Saint Francis of Assisi, Ch. VIII, no. 1)

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