While Our Lady gave the Holy Rosary to Saint Dominic to Defeat Heresy and other sins, Bergoglio instead of banishing them promotes them.
In the year 1214 the Church received the mission to seriously spread the devotion of the Rosary as an antidote to heresy and sin. It was given to the Church by St. Dominic, who had received it from the Blessed Virgin as a means of converting the Albigensian heretics and other sinners.
Our Lady appeared to Saint Dominic and invited him to preach the Holy Rosary, as a means for eradicating heresy and sin and the Blessed Mother pledged victory over the Cathari if he were to follow her instructions.
“Preach my Psalter,” she said, “if you want to reach these hardened souls and win them over to God.”
Saint Dominic received the Rosary from Our Lady in 1214 to defeat heresy.
The Rosary — as spiritual weapon against evil — has a very long and precious history. In twelfth and thirteenth century France, a group of heretics known as the Albigensians was destroying the minds of the Catholic laity with its erroneous ideas. The Albigensians’ teachings encouraged suicide, many times by self-induced starvation, because they believed that the body was an intrinsic evil and that the soul must be liberated from matter at all costs. However, as history often shows, Providence raises up great Saints in times of dire crises. This time it was no different. Saint Dominic, born of noble lineage, received the Rosary from Our Lady in the year 1214.
Our Lady gave Saint Dominic the Rosary as a weapon to combat the awful Albigensian heresy. The Rosary as we know it today took some time to develop. After Saint Dominic died in the year 1221, the Rosary was almost immediately forgotten. However, in 1464 Our Lord, Our Lady, and Saint Dominic appeared to Blessed Alan de la Roche, a Dominican friar, after which he preached the Rosary until his death in 1475. This tremendous apostolate by Blessed Alan de la Roche, through the direct intercession of Our Lady, made the Rosary a widespread devotion.
The Rosary by St. Alphonsus de LiguoriIt is well known, that the devotion of the most holy rosary was revealed to Saint Dominic, by the Divine Mother herself, at a time when the Saint was in affliction, and bewailing, with his Sovereign Lady, over the Albigensian heretics, who were at that time doing great mischief to the Church. The Blessed Virgin said to him: "This land will always be sterile until rain falls on it." Saint Dominic was then given to understand, that this rain was the devotion of the rosary, which he was to propagate.

Holy Rosary Crusade of Reparation
After World War II, Austria was divided between four countries: America, France, the United Kingdom, and Russia. At the time, Russia was still communist. The section of Austria controlled by the communists was the richest, and included the city of Vienna. The Viennese were subject to the all the atrocities and tyrannies of communism. However, in 1946, Fr. Petrus Pavlicek, after making a pilgrimage to Mariazell, the principle Marian shrine in Austria, was told by an interior voice: “Do as I say and there will be peace.”

To obey this inspiration of Our Lady, Fr. Pevlicek founded the Holy Rosary Crusade of Reparation in 1947. This Crusade consisted of the Viennese faithful coming out of their homes in order to participate in a public Rosary procession in the streets of the city. The intentions of the Rosary were for the end of communism in their country and in the world. At first, the processions were miniscule, but in time they grew to staggering proportions. In 1955, after eight years spreading the word about the Crusade throughout Austria, the Rosary processions would reach sizes of half a million people, about 1/10 of the Austrian population. Finally, through the help of Our Lady, the Soviet forces pulled out of Austria in October of 1955, leaving the country for good.
Let us Pray devoutly the Holy Rosary to defeat the Bergoglian heresy
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