Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows

O God, in Whose sufferings, as Simeon foretold, a sword of sorrow pierced the sweet soul of Mary, Your august Virgin-Mother, grant us this boon: that we, who reverently call to mind her anguish and sufferings, may through the pleading of the glorious merits and prayers of all the saints who take their loyal stand beside Your cross, secure the happiness which Your own sufferings have gained for us: You Who are God, living and reigning with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen 


Consecration of a Family to the Mother of God
(by St. Alphonsus)

O Blessed Virgin, Immaculate Queen of Heaven, Mother of Sorrows, refuge and comfort of all the afflicted! Kneeling before your throne with all my family, I choose you as our Mistress, Mother, and Advocate with God. I consecrate myself and all belonging to me forever to your service, and I implore you, O Mother of God, to number us among your servants. Take us under your protection, assist us during life and especially at the hour of death. Mother of Mercy, I choose you as the Lady and Mistress of my entire household: my parents, my spouse, my children, my cares, and my duties. Disdain not to take charge of them, and direct everything as seems good to you. Bless us all, and permit not that anyone of us should ever offend your Son. Protect us in temptation, preserve us in danger, help us in trouble, counsel us in doubt, assist us in sickness, and especially at the hour of death. Permit not the evil one to boast that anyone of us now consecrated to you has ever fallen into his net. Obtain for us the crown of eternal happiness, that we may thank you while praising and loving Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, for all eternity. Amen. 

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