Thursday, December 30, 2021

The apostate Blase Cupich bans the Latin mass while promoting Paganism and sodomy

In 2016, Bergoglio rewarded the infidel and apostate Blase Cupich for desecrating the liturgy and challenging Catholic doctrine. 


Cupich: Anything Goes As Long As It Is NOT Catholic Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich "forbids" the Roman Rite but "allows" and presides over liturgical abuses.

• In January 2020, Cupich presided over a Chinese Lion-awakening ritual before a Eucharist.

• In 2016, he welcomed the Chinese lion during a Eucharist. 
(Blase Cupich inaugurates the Year of the Monkey.)

• In February 2020 he incorporated a Hindu worship (“Arati ritual”) in a Eucharist in Rome.

• A member of the McCarrick gang, he promotes homosex eucharists in the "AGLO" (Archdiocesan Gay and Lesbian Outreach) - the official homosex branch of his archdiocese.

This year, Chicago became again a hotspot of liturgical scandals. St Sabina celebrated Christmas Eve with made-up consecration words, a Shaman-style liturgy, a wooden chalice, a mini canoe for the hosts, and an old Saxophone player.

(Here) is another Chicago midnight eucharist broadcast which featured a Broadway like dance.

Online comments pointed at Cupich’s double standard stressing that his crackdown on the Roman Mass is about power and sadism, and evidently not about "liturgical unity."

Father Richard Gennaro Cipolla asked Cupich to “at least obey the rubrics of the Novus Ordo Missal” - with which not even Francis complies.

In 2014 when the apostate Cupich was nominated by Bergoglio as bishop of Chicago, Gonzaga Jesuit University began promoting Lesbianism.

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