Monday, May 8, 2023

Bergoglio pays tribute to the late Argentine communist Clelia Iscaro, a pioneer abortion militant


Clelia Iscaro was a Communist considered a pioneer of abortion militancy in Argentina. (Article in Spanish)

Argentine Catholic Blog, by  Augusto Padilla 

 I have the character (Bergoglio) as an example of light thinking, a mixture of opportunism and foolish overvaluation of his own person. Nothing that should be surprising, if it weren't for his sick and unscrupulous passion for office and power. God knows how many were his maneuvers and (despicable)  abasements to get to where he is today and how many were the clothes he put on to achieve his objectives. However, there is a preponderant feature in his career: his flirtation with leftism in all its variants (indigenism, environmentalism, feminism, Kirchnerism, etc. etc.) without neglecting gender ideology and its aberrations.

But I think that this time he went too far, blinded and fed by the impunity he enjoys - media protection through - and not content with praising agents of Soviet-obedience Marxism.... (This time Bergoglio complimented a deceased old Argentine communist friend who was a pioneer of abortion. This communist was a henchwoman of the most genocidal communist leader Mao Tsetung)

Bergoglio wrote a letter in response to Luciano Álvarez, Youth Secretary of the Revolutionary Communist Party, thanking him for sending a copy of the communist magazine that his late communist friend Clelia Iscaro also used to take to the archbishop's office in Buenos Aires. When she used to visit her friend Jorge Bergoglio. The communist Luciano Álvarez also thanks Jorge Bergoglio for his repeated public mentions to honor his communist friend. In the reply letter, Bergoglio flatters her again.

Bergoglio does proselytize but not to Christ but to his communist accomplice Clelia Íscaro pioneer of abortion in Argentina

Letter from Francisco to the PCR  = The Revolutionary Communist Party Argentina (Spanish: Partido Comunista Revolucionario) is a Marxist–Leninist–Maoist political party in Argentina.

PCR: "From the Central Committee of the PCR we sent a note to Pope Francis on April 10, thanking him for the repeated and laudatory mentions of our comrade Clelia Íscaro in different interviews with the media in our country. We reproduce the response that Francisco sent us, up to date following, April 11, through the general secretary of the JCR, Luciano Álvarez, who was in charge of sending the letter from the Central Committee. 

Bergoglio promotes an abortionist icon of the Argentine Communist Party. 

Revolutionary Communist Party (Argentina)

Bergoglio continues to grovel in the face of abortion, homosexuality, pedophilia and paganism.

The Church has excommunicated communists and their collaborators.

The Decree Against Communism is a 1949 document of the Catholic Church issued by the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, and approved by Pope Pius XII, which declares Catholics who professed communist doctrine to be excommunicated as apostates from the Christian faith.

Bergoglio has repeatedly said that since he was young he reads the communist magazines, and that his grandfather was a radical leftist.

“I come from a radical family, my grandfather was a ‘radical of ’90’. Then, as an adolescent, I also got a crush on the ‘zurdaje’ [editor’s note: Argentine term that indicates the left], reading books from the Communist Party that were given to me by my teacher Esther Ballestrino de Careaga, a great woman who had been secretary of the Partido revolucionario febrerista paraguayo.
Communist magazine that Jorge Bergoglio received monthly in Argentina

It is a Sin against the First Commandment against Faith Reading books or publications that attack faith and morals. In other words, before entering the Seminary, Bergoglio has been sinning against the First Commandment by reading communist magazines.
It is a Sin against the First Commandment to read books of societies that conspire against the Church. Bergoglio sins against the Catholic Faith.

Bergoglio: "Vengo de familia radical, mi abuelo era radical del 90. Después, en la adolescencia, tuve también una incursión por el 'zurdaje', leyendo libros del Partido comunista que me daba mi jefa de laboratorio Esther Ballestrino de Careaga, una gran mujer que antes había sido secretaria del Partido revolucionario febrerista paraguayo.

Bergoglio Sobre el Cielo y la Tierra, p. 126: “Recuerdo que en el industrial había un profesor comunista. Teníamos una relación bárbara con él, nos cuestionaba todo y nos hizo mucho bien. Pero nunca nos mintió…”

Conversaciones, p. 50: “Es cierto que yo era, como toda mi familia, un católico práctico. Pero mi cabeza no estaba puesta sólo en las cuestiones religiosas… Leía Nuestra Palabra y Propósitos, una publicación del partido comunista y me encantaban todos los artículos de uno de sus conspicuos miembros… Leónidas Barletta…”

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith– Formal prohibition to join or favor Communist Parties – latae sententiae excommunication.

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