Saturday, December 9, 2023

Archbishop Viganò announces house of formation to train priests who will resist ‘errors of Vatican II’


Archbishop Viganò announced his plans for a new seminary under his supervision while insisting that 'good and holy priests are needed who are not subjected to the blackmail of having to accept the errors of Vatican II or the deviations of Bergoglio in order to exercise their ministry.'

(LifeSiteNews) — Dear Friends and Benefactors,

On December 2, the President of Exsurge Domine offered hospitality in Torrita di Siena for the celebration of Mass on the First Saturday of the month, followed by a reception attended by a number of friends and supporters. It was an opportunity to get to know each other in person – or to meet again – and to let you know about the decision to undertake the establishment of the Collegium Traditionis, the house of clerical formation that will welcome young traditional vocations and accompany them with discernment toward the Priesthood: I invite you to read my homily for a more complete picture. Needless to say, this ambitious project responds to an obvious pastoral need of the faithful – especially in Italy – and to my duty, as Successor of the Apostles, to ensure a doctrinally and morally safe harbor for new and holy Vocations: only with a long-term view, projected toward the future of our children, will we be able to create the basis for the rebirth of a genuinely Christian society. Without workers, you know well, the Vineyard of the Lord bears no fruit.

By now you will have learned of the unilateral decision of the Nuns of Pienza not to continue on the path they had taken and to abandon the Monastic Village project, which Exsurge Domine had generously offered them. Without going into the merits of the choice of the Benedictine Community, I would like to reiterate – as the President has already had the opportunity to communicate – that what has been done so far thanks to your support will not be interrupted, but will simply be adapted to the new destination of the properties and buildings: no longer a cenobium for nuns, but a Seminary and a place of retreat for those who feel called to the service of God. I also believe that this change has allowed the realization of something more urgent and certainly desired by Divine Providence. Of course, I cannot help but feel sorry for the attacks made against Exsurge Domine; but you know better than I that any work that has a supernatural purpose is targeted by the devil. So let us not be surprised if even our efforts – however prudent and conscientious they may be – are made the object of ungenerous criticism and slander: this will rather enable us to commit ourselves with greater confidence to the Lord’s help.

This new issue of the Exsurge Domine Newsletter is published on a special and symbolic occasion: the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And it is under Her patronage that we place our apostolate, our activity, our commitment, but also your families, your intentions and concerns. To Her, our Queen and Lady, we entrust ourselves, our loved ones and all of you, whose prayers and material support have made possible what has been done so far. I trust that we can count on your help and that of so many generous people to support all that remains to be accomplished.

With deep gratitude, I wish you all to spend Advent in a spirit of preparation for the Nativity of Our Lord, accompanied on this journey of waiting and prayer by the maternal protection of the Immaculate Virgin.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

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