Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Famous German Catholic author: Francis governs in an erratic and contradictory way


"The devil has always attempted, by means of the heretics, to deprive the world of the Mass, making them precursors of the Anti-Christ, who, before anything else, will try to abolish and will actually abolish the Holy Sacrament of the altar, as a punishment for the sins of men, according to the prediction of Daniel,' And strength was given him against the continual sacrifice' (Daniel 8:12)." St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church. (1696-1787)

«La liturgia è l’arca di Noè del Cristianesimo» 
The German writer Martin Mosebach spoke to 'La Verità' (7 July) about the Roman Mass. Key points

- In any liturgy or religion, the content and the form in which it is presented are inseparable. When the form is changed, the content is also changed.

- We believe only to a small extent with the head. Faith in the consecrated host is shown by kneeling, etc. The suppression of forms of reverence, beginning with Paul VI, has greatly undermined faith in the Eucharist. In many cases, faith has even disappeared without any formal "change of doctrine".

- For young people, a religion reduced to non-committal pastoral talk is not enough. They seek religious experience in the Roman Mass. The hierarchs accuse young Catholics of "religious extremism", without considering the reasons that lead young people to the Mass.

- The fact that, in the Novus Ordo, the priest prays while looking at the congregation transforms a prayer that used to be addressed to God into a discourse with the congregation. This change of orientation alone transforms prayer into something completely different.

- The Novus Ordo has become the ritual of a religion different even from that which the Second Vatican Council wanted, which was still linked to the bi-millennial tradition of the Church: It went from being theocentric to anthropocentric.

- Francis rules erratically and often contradictorily. He creates an atmosphere in which "everything seems possible". There is no longer any connection with the Depositum Fidei.

- The liturgy once made it possible to rebuild a history in a long period of political and cultural ruin, in the age of migrations and the early Middle Ages.

- A new culture can only come from the treasure of the Church. Just as a tree draws sap from its roots to form a new trunk and bear fruit, so our society must draw strength for its own rebirth from liturgy, prayer and religious tradition.

Bergoglio's diabolical hatred for the Latin mass is ideologically Marxist and has its roots in Argentina

The Argentine apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio has a superiority complex, to the point of believing himself to be the king of the universe and superior to God. It is not without reason that he titled his heretical and apostate book, which contains all his personal heretical and anti-Catholic opinions, “On Heaven and Earth.” And his accomplices, like Rosica, believe that Bergoglio is above the Word of God and the infallible Magisterium of the Church. And that he can defy and trample on it whenever he pleases.

And those who call themselves Catholics call this depraved corrupter of children and young people "Pope"

Nuncio: Intolerance toward Vetus Ordo Has “Something Diabolical” – Gloria.tv

 Cardinal Sarah: “Banning or suspending the Extraordinary Form can only be inspired by the devil.

How the schismatic Bergoglio disobeyed and rebelled in Argentina against Pope Benedict XVI's Summorum Pontificum

In Argentina, Bergoglio disobeyed Pope Benedict XVI and fought against  his motu proprio  Summorum Pontificum

  “Destroy the Mass and you destroy the Church. Heresiarch Martin Luther

Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani (1890-1979)

"It is rather strong to claim that the New Mass is contrary to the Council of Trent but, displeasing as it is, it is true."

Apostate César Scicchitano: "I found in Jorge Bergoglio the father I never had"

Traditionis Custodes is Francis' Revenge on Benedict XVI - Mosebach – Gloria.tv

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