Friday, July 5, 2024

For the apostate Bergoglio neither Christ nor the Church are necessary for salvation, only himself

 Bergoglio will deny Christ again by promoting the heresy of religious indifferentism in an Indonesian mosque.

Gloria TV News
The Vatican Press Office has released Francis' itinerary for his September trip to Asia and Oceania. Francis, 87, plans to visit four countries in less than two weeks (2-13 September): Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Singapore.

In Jakarta, Francis will preside over an inter-religion meeting at the capital's Istiqlal Mosque. Representatives of five false religions - Islam, Protestantism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism - will join him.

Francis is also expected to walk through the "Tunnel of Friendship" built by the Indonesian authorities in 2020. It connects the great mosque with the neo-Gothic Catholic cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption.

Bergoglio attracts to himself all those who deny Christ and the True Church.

Bergoglio bases his heresies on the false heretical ecumenism of Vatican II (Lumen Gentium and Nostra Aetate) which denies that Christ is the only way of salvation and the Church the only ark of salvation. This is further proof that Viganò is right.

— "I am not afraid of schisms," Jorge Mario Bergoglio Sivori

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