Sunday, October 6, 2024

In his evil war against God and the Church, Bergoglio maliciously chooses the homosexual apostate Timothy Radcliffe, a member of the Lavande mafia, as his "neo-cardinal" to attack the Church from within and corrupt as many souls as possible

 Homosexualist Timothy Radcliffe Gets a Red Hat 

Obstinate in his defiance of God and the Church, the apostate Jorge Bergoglio in service of the Lavender Mafia maliciously chooses the homosexual apostate Timothy Radcliffe as a neo-cardinal to combat the Church from within

Daniel 11:31
Forces sent by him shall occupy and profane the temple and fortress. They shall abolish the regular burnt offering and set up the abomination that makes desolate.

                                                 Lavande mafia

St. Paul explains in Romans 1:32 that God has decreed death for sodomites and that homosexual activists know God's decree and defy it by approving unnatural vice because they themselves practice it.
Romans 1:32
Though they know God’s decree that those who do such things deserve to die, they not only do them but approve those who practice them.

The enemies of God have conspired with the apostate Bergoglio to defy His immutable laws and attack the Church from within, contradicting Scripture and all Catholic doctrine.

"Tyrants surround themselves with bad men because they like to be flattered and no man of high spirit will flatter them"

Describing the formation of homosexual cliques of clergy Fr. Oko says:

They know well, however, that they may be exposed and embarrassed, so they shield one another by offering mutual support. They build informal relationships reminding of a clique or even mafia, aim at holding particularly those positions which offer power and money.
When they achieve a decision-making position, they try to promote and advance mostly those whose nature is similar to theirs, or at least who are known to be too weak to oppose them.

Fr. Oko said, "Just like in the military, in the police, in the art world, once a person with homosexual tendencies gets into power, usually their subordinates are also homosexuals, therefore they start creating a pyramid, and the same thing is happening in the Church with these bishops who knowingly nominate people with the same tendencies."

Francis invites notorious pro-LGBT priest to lead key Synod retreat for bishops

Synod Preacher: Francis Appoints Homosex-Extremist

Anathema Sit Bergoglio 

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