It is well known that the enemies of God and the Church who infiltrated to try to destroy the Church from within are a sect of Masons, Communists and homosexuals.
Bishop J. Strickland:
The blatant corruption of Pope Francis and the US Cardinals is on full display with the appointment of a McCarrick clone to the same archdiocese where his evil reigned twenty years ago. All of us who love Jesus Christ and His Church must speak out against these wolves of the hierarchy. We cannot remain silent in the face of this blatant corruption.
The Dominican Fr. John O’Connor exposed the homosexual predator Joseph Bernardin Bergoglio wears the same pectoral cross design as the apostate cardinal, Satanist / homosexual predator Joseph Bernardin
Obama cites Bernardin's influence: “A saintly man.”
Just as McCarrick hid behind the appearance of being in charge of sexual abuse cases, so do those who traffic children.
Catholic Encyclopedia 1914 (Vol. 11, p. 456):
“It is very clear that the election [as Pope] of a heretic, schismatic or woman would be null and void.”
“Those capable of being validly elected are all who are not prohibited by divine law or by an invalidating ecclesiastical law… Those who are barred as incapable of being validly elected are all women, children who have not reached the age of reason; also, those afflicted with habitual insanity, the unbaptized, heretics, schismatics…” (Wernz-Vidal, Jus Canonicum 1:415)
Bergoglio is a member of the Masonic Rotary Club of Argentina since 1999
“Contra factum non valet argumentum”
Wernz-Vidal — Canon Law, 1943
“Through notorious and openly divulged heresy, the Roman Pontiff, should he fall into heresy, by that very fact (ipso facto) is deemed to be deprived of the power of jurisdiction even before any declaratory judgment by the Church... A Pope who falls into public heresy would cease ipso facto to be a member of the Church; therefore, he would also cease to be head of the Church.” And also: “A doubtful pope is no pope.”
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