Friday, October 12, 2018

Bergoglio accepts resignation by age of Wuerl accused of covering up several cases of sexual abuse, appoints him interim DC leader, defending him from the serious accusations that weigh on him, honor and praising him for his services

In August, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro released his grand jury report and with the revelations of Wuerl’s involvement (mentioned more than 160 times) in covering up for and transferring various homosexual predator clergy, the clock began ticking on his departure.
In what some are seeing as a slap in the face to those who wanted Wuerl gone, Pope Francis has kept him on as apostolic administrator in Washington, D.C. until a successor is named. 

Bergoglio in his letter accepting Wuerl’s resignation justified his cover-up and defended him:
“You have sufficient elements to ‘justify’ your actions and distinguish between what it means to cover up crimes or not to deal with problems, and to commit some mistakes.”  “However, your nobility has led you not to choose this way of defense. Of this, I am proud and thank you.”

El PaĆ­s The name of Wuerl appeared on dozens of occasions in the report of Pennsylvania, which described more than 1,000 cases of abuse of minors by 300 priests, for their mismanagement and cover-up when he was bishop of Pittsburgh. In the diocese of Erie, for example, a priest confessed to having committed in the 1980s anal and oral violations of at least 15 children, one of them only seven years old. When he met with the sexual predator, the bishop of the diocese, Donald W. Trautman, praised him for being a "candid and sincere person" and for the "progress" made in controlling his "addiction." And when finally the priest was expelled, the bishop declined to explain the reasons. "Nothing else should be indicated," he wrote.

Wuerl is known as a “practicing homosexual” connected with the pedophile Marcial Maciel. In addition to his crime of concealment of sexual abuse, he is responsible for allowing in his diocese gay masses called ´dignitiy mass´, and allowed the sacrilegious communion to pro gay pro-abortion politicians and Bergoglio cynically thanks him for ´his services´. 
He has suspended and intimidated conservative priests, and has even blocked conservative bishops from offering sacraments in his archdiocese, while doing almost nothing to combat the numerous shenanigans administered by Jesuits at Georgetown University.  

Wuerl had submitted his resignation on November 12, 2015, when he turned 75, as required by the new code of canon law, but Bergoglio never accepted it. Wuerl has been archbishop since 2006, when he replaced his friend and ally, serial homosexual predator Theodore McCarrick, in his position.

Likewise, Bergoglio shrewdly mocked most Catholics and the press, whom he deceived with an apparent collective resignation of all Chilean bishops to leave the case closed when in reality he only accepted a sabbatical year of Barros and the resignation of two bishops for reaching retirement age.


Since 2015 Bergoglio did not accept the resignation of the alleged homosexual Wuerl that covered- up pedophiles and allowed him to continue persecuting the Catholic faithful

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