Friday, June 26, 2020

St Pelagius of Córdoba a Christian teenager Martyr for rejecting Islam and homosexuality

Martyr for faith and purity.

Memorial: June 26

Patronage: Protector of Chastity and youth, abandoned people, victims of torture, Castro Urdiales, Spain • Torreira, Portugal

Martirologio: "In Córdoba, in the Hispanic region of Andalusia, Saint Pelayo, martyr, than at thirteen, for wanting to preserve his faith in Christ and his chastity before the dishonest customs of Abd al-Rahmán III, caliph of the Muslims, he consummated his glorious martyrdom by being torn apart with pincers (925). "
Martyr in Cordoba, Spain. Also called Pelayo.
 Feast : June 26

13 year old boy tortured and martyred in Spain.

Pelagius refused to have sex with a Muslim pasha due to his Christian faith. For this was killed. He was scourged and had his arms and legs cut off and he was finally beheaded.

Due to this is is regarded as a saint for men and women struggling with same-sex attraction as well as holy purity, hence in art he is depicted with a lily, a symbol of chastity.

Pelagius means ''dweller by the sea''

In spain he is known as San pelayo

The 26th of June marks the traditional—and modern—liturgical feast day of this courageous young saint. In the traditional Roman Breviary, at the morning hour of Prime on 25 June, the brief but moving Martyrologium reading (which always mentions the glorious martyrs celebrated on the following day) states the following: Cordubæ, in Hispania, natalis sancti Pelagii adolescentuli, qui, ob confessionem fidei, Regis Saracenorum Abdarameni jussu forcipibus ferreis membratim præcisus, martyrium suum gloriose consummavit / “At Córdoba, in Spain, [in the tenth century,] the holy child Pelagius, who crowned his confession of the faith with a glorious martyrdom, by being torn to pieces with iron pincers, by order of Abdu’l-Rahman, King of the Saracens.”
In our trying times of today, when we see our cities attacked once again by Muslim forces, and when Christians, especially in the Middle-East, including young children, are tortured with such diabolical cruelty by extremist Islamists and beheaded; when the overwhelming influence and temptations of a world gone mad with all sorts of sexual disorder and immorality press around us, all Catholics, especially young ones, should be able to take heart by procuring the blessed intercession of St. Pelagius, this young Christian boy, this noble martyr from tenth century Spain.

Through his steadfastness in purity and faith, St. Pelagius was set free from all bondage and brought home to Heaven in triumph. Instead of walking in the rose-garden of Abdurrahman, the Moorish Caliph of Córdoba, he walks in the unfading garden of the King of Kings, crowned for ever with the roses of his precious martyrdom, as the psalmist (115 Vulgate) says: Pretiosa in conspectu Domini, mors sanctorum eius / “Precious in the sight of the Lord, is the death of his saints.”

Originally published on November 15, 2015. 


Lord, our Father, who promised the pure of heart the reward of seeing your face, grant us your grace and your strength, so that, following the example of Saint Pelayo, martyr, we put your love before the seductions of the world and keep our hearts clean of all sin. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Plea to St. Pelagius of Córdoba for Spain 

(– Dom Prospero Gueranger, Abbot of Solesmes)

— Oh Pelayo, how great is your glory in heaven! With Justo and Pastor, with Dominguito del Val, with Eulalia and Julia, and with Flora, you form a bouquet of glowing carnations and white lilies worthy of presenting yourself to the King of glory. Neither the brilliant court of the Caliph of Córdoba, nor his dazzling promises deceived your eyes. You preferred to those deceitful and obsolete pleasures the incomparable glory promised by Jesus Christ to those who give their lives for him. Remember to ask for Spain, now free of Muslims but not of Marxists, so that it preserves its faith. Above all, pray for the youth, whose faith tries to be perverted with doctrines of perverse philosophies, and whose chastity is threatened by pagan sensualism.

1 comment:

  1. That child had great courage ; that courage and belief in Jesus would not be found in the west today , due to the hate and lies that has destroyed peoples' dignity and belief in their salvation by Jesus Christ .


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