Thursday, February 13, 2025

Bergoglio's anti-American leftist-globalist agenda attacks the sovereignty of the United States and contradicts Church doctrine on immigration


St. Thomas Aquinas in the Summa Theologiae, Question 58, Article 11 defines justice in this way, “the proper act of justice is nothing else than to render to each one his own.”

Saint Thomas Aquinas states Man is a debtor chiefly to his parents and his country, after God. Wherefore just as it belongs to religion to give worship to God, so it belongs to piety, in the second place, to show reverence to one’s parents and one’s country.”

Anti-Catholic homosexual activist Jorge Bergoglio and his apostate accomplices "bishops" must be hurt that their Woke homosexual agenda is being thwarted by the Trump administration.

― Aristotle: “The tyrant surrounds himself with bad people because he likes to be flattered and no man of high spirit will flatter him.” 

Marxist US apostate "Bishops" Could Face Serious Legal Consequences For Their Role In Illegal Immigration

Bishop Strickland: Some of the American bishops have contributed to the exploitation of these children who have been brought into our country illegally

Nick Donnelly


Now we know why - (pope) Bergoglio and the majority of US bishop were so keen for radical abortionist Joe Biden to receive Holy Communion

 Judas sold out Our Lord for 30 pieces of silver - (pope) Bergoglio and most US bishops sold out Our Lord and 100,000s of children for $449 million

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