Saturday, March 1, 2025

Neumayr: ‘Dolan is an Enabler of the Gay Mafia in the Church’

Jesus teaches that impostors can be recognized by their fruits, “You will know them by their fruit,” in Matthew 7:16

LGBT Ministry at James Martin’s “home parish:” “Buoyed by their hope that the church’s teaching will change.” | Joseph Sciambra

Apostate black homosexual "priest" Bryan Massingale presided over a sacrilegious gay ceremony desecrating the Eucharist at the PROGAY APOSTATE Jesuit St. Ignatius Loyola Church in New York City on December 2, 2024.

Apostate church St. Ignatius Loyola Church is a self-described place “where LGBT people are fully affirmed and celebrated“. Staff - Church of St. Ignatius Loyola, NYC

"Within the Archdiocese of New York, there are already several LGBT-affirmative ministries located at St. Paul the Apostle Church, The Church of the Blessed Sacrament, St Francis de Sales, St. Francis of Assisi, and the Church of the Ascension."

Fr. James Altman on X: PREACHING FASTING WITH A COOKIE IN HIS HAND? Wow, anti-Cardinal Tim Dolan takes the cake (literally). Islam is not a brother/sister to Christianity. They are opposing views. But I'm not surprised by Dolan's misrepresentation because this is the same guy who led prayer at the Inauguration and did not invoke the Holy Name of Jesus. Go away, Dolan, until such time as you fast from heresy and spouting off rat poison.

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