en.news “Like Paul we are called to be free from the hypocrisies of the external, to be free from a religious observance that makes us rigid and inflexible, free from ambiguous links with power [sic!], and the fear of being misunderstood and attacked,” Francis said in his Saints Peter and Paul homily (June 29).

He loves to oppose form and content - as if they could be separated. Probably due to a certain senile rigidity, Francis went again on his rigidity trip insisting that Saint “Paul was freed from the religious zeal that made him fierce in upholding the traditions he had received.” In Catholic spirituality "religious zeal" is considered a virtue.
For Francis , "the formal observation of religion and the sword wielding of defence of Tradition" made Saint Paul "rigid." He is right, and as a matter of fact, Saint Paul admonishes the Thessalonians to "stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by letter” (2 Thess. 2:15).
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