Gloria TV News
The Italian-born Bishop Paolo Martinelli, 65, Vicar Apostolic of South Arabia, praised a new Hindu temple in Abu Dhabi at an interfaith meeting on 15 February.Monsignor Martinelli expressed "the joy of the Catholic Church" because according to him the pagan temple represents a contribution to "harmony based on the relationship with God".
And: "Every place of [demon] worship reminds people that without God, man is lost".
He also referred to Francis' heretical Abu-Dhabi document on "human fraternity", which claims that "religious freedom is a fundamental pillar of civil coexistence".
In real life, Christians in India face harsh persecution from Hindus, who burn down entire villages. In twelve Indian states, to become a Christian, is a "crime".
Apostasy from the Faith is defined as “the complete and voluntary abandonment of the Christian religion, whether the apostate embraces another religion such as Paganism, Judaism, Mohammedanism, etc., or merely makes profession of Naturalism, Rationalism, etc.” (Catholic Encyclopedia, s.v. “Apostasy”).
Bergoglio Is the New Muhammad
“Bergoglio the Impostor’s goal is to subjugate Catholics and destroy the Catholic Faith through the act of pretending to be the Vicar of Christ in order to deceive the world.”
Marie-Julie Jahenny: June 9, 1881“From the height of My Glory, I see eagerly joining that religion, culprit, sacrilege, wicked, in a word that religion similar to Mohamed…I see BISHOPS joining.”
“The abandoned church will be without its supreme Head who governs and directs it; For quite a long time the Church must be deprived of all prayer, all offices; exiled from God and the Saints. They also intend to remove all Crucifixes and statues of the Saints from all the shrines and throw them in a profane place to break them with joy.”
Marie-Julie then goes on to say that the Red Revolution will then break out. She speaks of a "horrible religion" which is to replace the Catholic Faith, and she sees "many, many bishops" embracing this "sacrilegious, infamous religion."
Scalfari: Francis’ Goal Is One World Religion
“For Francis, God is unique and not Christian, there is only one world religion.”
unless they have first agreed to do so? Amos 3:3
John 5:43 I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not receive me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive.
"Bergoglio wants to be loved by everyone and please everyone. In this sense one day he will talk on TV against abortion and the next day he will bless the pro abortionist in the Plaza de Mayo; he could give a marvelous talk against the Masons (Masonic Order) and, an hour later, eat and drink with them at the Rotary Club.......this is the Cardinal Bergoglio whom I know close up. One day busy in a lively chat with Bishop Aguer about the defense of life and the liturgy and the same day, at dinner, having a lively talk with Mons. Ysern and Mons. Rosa Chavez about base communities and the terrible obstacles that are presented by the Church's dogmatic teachings. One day a friend of Cardinal Cipriani and Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga speaking about business ethics and against the New Age ideology and little latter a friend of Casaldaliga and Boff speaking about the class struggle and the "richness" of Eastern techniques which could contribute to the Church." Lucrecia Rego de Planas
Seifert: Francis' Monstrosities Destroy Faith And Morals
Antichrist as a “pacifist, ecologist and ecumenist”
Quoting Soloviev, the Cardinal Giacomo Biffi said "the Antichrist presents himself as pacifist, ecologist and ecumenist."
"He will convoke an ecumenical council and will seek the consensus of all the Christian confessions, granting something to each one. The masses will follow him, with the exception of small groups of Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants