— Council of Vienne ♰♰♰

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Juan Manuel de Prada: The queer parody of the Olympic Games shows the decadence of French culture, turned into a ‘multicultural’ dump, a vomitorium… poured fetidly over the world like a bursting sack of pus


France was perhaps the country most blessed by artistic genius, but it rejected this gift to end up as "a 'multicultural' dunghill, a vomitorium where nihilism and ugliness, frivolity and vileness, inanity and filthiness sing proud epithalamium," wrote the famous Spanish writer Juan Manuel de Prada in ABC.es (2 August).

"Where heaven has been denied, one can only light up with the flames of hell".

According to de Prada, the secular grandeur of French culture first entered a phase of pompous and decadent swelling, then filled with worms and putrefaction, and finally poured fetidly over the world like a bursting sack of pus.

Therefore, "the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics could go down in history as the closing ceremony of 'Western civilisation', which was never true civilisation, but apostate parasitism on the ruins of extinct Christian civilisation".

The overcoming of the Christian culture was nothing more than the desperate convulsions of a demoniac who cries out in vain for exorcism and disguises it with vain posturing.

The famous author asks why, of all religions, this rabble hates only the Catholic religion. His answer: "For the simple reason that, in the pestilential abyss in which they wriggle, they know it to be true".

De Prada confesses that "this dark fact has saved me on many occasions when my faith was about to give up".

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The ancient Olympic Games were held in honor of Zeus, "king" of the pagan Greek gods.

Macron was promoting homosexuality in the French Royal Palace only few days before his meeting with Bergoglio in Rome where he was honored in the Basilica of St. John Lateran and a week later he paid a posthumous tribute to an abortionist.

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