— Council of Vienne ♰♰♰

Monday, September 16, 2024

Bergoglio's apostate declaration that "all religions are a path to God" has its roots in Argentina


The apostate Jorge Bergoglio making a pact with the Protestants supporting the statutes of the Parliament of Religions in Argentina.

Buenos Aires, 05 Mayo del 2006

Bergoglio's Precedent for "All-Religions-Lead-to-God" Gloria TV News

18 abr. 2007 Inauguración del curso de diálogo interreligioso

Francis' recent apostate statement that "all religions are a way to God" is not an off-the-cuff remark, but has a long pattern.

There is an underreported connection between Francis and the San Francisco-based 'United Religions Initiative (URI)'.

The United Religions Initiative was founded in 1995 by William Swing, a lay bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of the San Francisco Bay Area and has regional offices in 83 countries. Lee Penn wrote (NewOxfordReview.org, December 1998) that URI works closely with the United Nations and has received funding from foundations, including such headed by George Soros and Bill Gates.

Those responsible at the URI describe "proselytism" as the work of "fundamentalists", a vision and diction to which Bergoglio feels committed.

In 2007, the URI celebrated its 10th anniversary out of all locations in the cathedral of Buenos Aires. Cardinal Bergoglio attended the event.

Already before, Bergoglio was a well-known and praised supporter of the URI in Buenos Aires.

Bergoglio in an act of apostasy celebrating Hanukkah with Jewish Freemasons and Afro-Umbandist witches.

To equate Christ with the founders of false religions is the worst blasphemy against the Most Holy Trinity

Bergoglio supports a sacrilegious apostate indigenous priest who continues to practice paganism

Scalfari: Francis’ Goal Is One World Religion 

“For Francis, God is unique and not Christian, there is only one world religion.”

Bergoglio blatantly violates the First Commandment which prohibits worship of false gods. According to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Bergoglio is not in communion with the Catholic Church. The Church teaches that we profess the faith of works and words. There is no doubt that Bergoglio has apostatized from the Catholic faith. 
The apostate Bergoglio, in addition to contradicting Jesus Christ and repudiating the Catholic faith, denied the necessity of Baptism for salvation. According to the apostate Bergoglio, neither Christ nor the Church are necessary. And in contradiction to the Word of God, Bergoglio calls pagans and idolaters who reject Jesus Christ as Redeemer children of God.

In 1918, the great Cardinal Mercier of Belgium stated that the First World War was a punishment for the crime of men placing the one true Catholic religion on the same level with false creeds. Cardinal Mercier said, “In the name of the Gospel, and in the light of the Encyclicals of the last four Popes, Gregory XVI, Pius IX, Leo XIII, and Pius X, I do not hesitate to affirm that this indifference to religions which puts on the same level the religion of divine origin and the religions invented by men in order to include them in the same scepticism is the blasphemy which calls down chastisement on society far more than the sins of individuals and families.”

Bergoglio the opportunist deceiver

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