Saturday, June 30, 2018

Francis Accused of Sex Abuse Cover-Up in Argentina in 2002


Atila Sinke Guimarães
Marco Tossati 

Tossati's article was removed from his website soon after being published...

 On May 26, 2018, journalist Marco Tosatti from La Stampa in Turin, Italy, posted an article on his website Stilum Curiae reporting the involvement of Pope Francis in a cover-up for a pedophile priest in Buenos Aires when he was Archbishop of that city. The article refreshed some little-known old data reported by the Spanish blog Publico. Soon after, however, Tossatti's article was removed from that site, probably due to pressure from the Vatican. 

Nonetheless, his full article had been transcribed by another Italian website – Acta Apostolicae Sedis. The reader can find a snapshot here; the second part of the posting is Tossati’s article. The Brazilian blog Fratres in Unum made the piece accessible in Portuguese, where I found it, with its various Spanish and Italian links. I thank the blog for this important public service. I am translating the data into English and passing the information on to my readers.   

The case history & cover-up

In May 2013, the Appeals Tribunal of Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina, confirmed a sentence by the City Court condemning the Diocese to pay US $27,000 (115,600 pesetas) to a victim of pedophilia to compensate for his psychological treatment and the moral damage he suffered.

Soon after in that same May 2013, the Spanish blog Publico highlighted the the case of a 15-year-old Argentinian – Gabriel Ferrini – who had been abused by Fr. Ruben Pardo in 2002. Immediately after being sexually violated, the youth reported the crime to his mother, Beatriz. She went to the Bishop of Quilmes, Luis Teodorico Stöckler.

The Diocese of Quilmes is subordinate to the Province of Buenos Aires whose Archbishop at that time was none other than Jorge Bergoglio. Bishop Stöckler called the priest to confront him with the accusation. Pardo acknowledged the abuse before the Bishop 96 hours after the abuse took place.

Since the Bishop delayed in punishing the priest, Beatriz Varela tried to communicate with Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio. However, he refused to receive her and ordered his bodyguards to prevent her from entering his residence. Symptomatically, at the same time the Archbishop of Buenos Aires was hosting the pedophile priest in a comfortable residence under his jurisdiction.

The abuse took place on August 15, 2002. Beatriz Varela was a worker in a diocesan school of Quilmes. She had asked the vicar of the local parish, Fr. Ruben Pardo, to instruct her two sons in the truths of the Catholic Church. The priest went to her house and, after giving some classes there, told Beatriz that he would continue the instruction in the church providing that Gabriel spend the night there. He also told the mother that in this way the youth could serve his early morning Mass. 

With his mother’s consent, the youth went to the rectory for the class. That evening, Pardo invited Gabriel to sleep with him in his bed. The youth first interpreted the gesture as a paternal invitation, until the moment when the priest actually violated him sexually. Gabriel reported: “I knew he was violating me but I couldn’t think of how to avoid it, because I was in shock and very afraid.”

When the priest ended the abuse and fell asleep, Gabriel slipped out and ran back to his house and reported what had happened to his mother. Beatriz went straight to Bishop Luis Stöcker. She stated: “Initially, he showed consternation, but, as the time went by, he did not take any action.” Instead, she continued, the Bishop “tried to minimize the case, saying that I had to be merciful with persons who chose celibacy as a vocation because they have moments of weakness.” 

Beatriz told the Bishop that she wanted “truth, justice and the guarantee that such a thing would not happen to anyone else.” The Bishop then threatened to cut her employment. “I worked for a school in the Diocese,” she said, explaining her difficult situation.

Next, Beatriz had recourse to the Church Tribunal, whose president “refused to accept the denunciation.” Fifteen days later, she was interviewed by four priests “who submitted me to a humiliating interrogation with lascivious and tendentious questions, as if I were the one who had induced the abuse, when they knew for sure that the abuser had admitted the fact 96 hours after the episode before the Bishop, who reprimanded him.”

The mother of the victim also went to the Archdiocese, the residence of Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio. He refused to receive her and sent his security guards to expel her from the property. Soon afterwards, she learned that Fr. Ruben Pardo was a guest at the Vicar’s House in the Flores neighborhood, directly dependent on the Archbishop of Buenos Aires. She observed: “Bergoglio was aware of this situation because no one can be installed in the Vicar’s House without the authorization of the Archbishop.”

She boldly accused Pope Francis: “This is Bergoglio’s compromise: He speaks against cases of pedophilia in the Church, but uses hypocrisy, lies and complicity to cover them. He does not care about God and society.”

Then, she made a more general censure: “In the Church everyone knows and everyone keeps silent; thus, all are accomplices.”

She also mentioned other cases she knew about: “There were priests who were transferred to the Archdiocese of Cordoba after I made the denunciation. Last Friday a desolate mother called me because her 4-year-old daughter had been violated by those two priests, who still work in the school. … Other children are still at risk.” The mother of the abused girl did not want to go to press, but she did start a lawsuit against the priests.

Regarding the final verdict of the Appeals Tribunal and the Court of Quilmes, she also had bitter memories: “When the priest who abused my son died [of AIDS in 2005], the process disappeared for two years. When the lawsuit fell into the risk of expiring [by the statute of limitations], my son tried to commit suicide. He had to be interned for one-and-a-half months in a psychiatric clinic. No amount of money can compensate for what we have suffered.”

The son, Gabriel Ferrini, also had an opinion on the sentence: “The verdict established a judicial precedent and can help other victims so that it will not be so difficult for them to find a solution.

“It is necessary to take action because many people are afraid or too ashamed to denounce and quarrel with someone in clerical garb.”

This is the case that came to light at the end of May, when Marco Tossati highlighted the sentence by the Appeals Tribunal of Quilmes declaring the Diocese of Quilmes guilty of pedophile abuse.

This case resurfaced at the very moment when Pope Bergoglio was being besieged by public indignation over his nomination of and cover-up for Bishop Barros in the Diocese of Osorno, Chile. So, following his old pattern of action, Bergoglio apparently sent his “security guards” to threaten the Italian journalist who was trying to make these data public.

Years ago in Buenos Aires he used the same strong arm system against Beatriz Varela; now in Rome he seems to be using an identical procedure with Marco Tossati. Let me help to expose this plot, if it exists. I do not like “security guards” used for this purpose. They remind me of the methods of All Capone. Further, I believe it is time for us Catholics to become aware of what the “honest, pure, merciful and humble” procedures of our Holy Father really are. 

Grassi, the pedophile protected by Bergoglio is still a priest.

Bergoglio declared venerable a bishop accused of sexually abusing disabled children. (Spanish)
Bergoglio declared venerable a Child Sex Offender

Bishop Giuseppe Carraro
Retired 1978 as Verona bishop. Died 1980. Accused 2009 of repeatedly molesting boy who attended school for deaf. Carraro was being considered for beatification at time of complaint. He was declared to be Venerable on 16 July 2015 by Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Bergoglio chose as 'Cardinal' the accomplice of the homosexual predator McCarrick abuser of seminarians

Bishops admit they knew Cardinal McCarrick was an abuser but stayed silent

June 28, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Now-disgraced retired cardinal of Washington, DC Theodore McCarrick was permitted to live out his role as a bishop over the past thirty years despite the fact that some bishops knew him to be guilty of sexually abusing seminarians.
Since this past week’s McCarrick revelations by the Archdioceses of New York and Newark, that McCarrick was found to have credible allegations of sexual predation against a minor, and two adult males, there can be little doubt that the American hierarchy was aware of allegations of his past salacious and sexually exploitative misconduct.
Why did Newark Cardinal Joseph Tobin and Bishop James F. Checchio, of Metuchen, New Jersey, not release the decades-old McCarrick settlement information immediately to protect potential victims? Joseph Tobin has been Cardinal of Newark since January 2017, and Bishop Checchio has been Bishop of Metuchen since May 2016. The first obligation of a Cardinal and bishop is to review the clergy abuse settlements and claims to ensure the safety of Catholics. Surely, complaints against Cardinal McCarrick would have drawn their immediate attention!
Yet, Cardinal Ted McCarrick rose to the highest levels of the Catholic hierarchy and, apparently none of his brother Bishops or Cardinals stepped forward as a whistleblower to protect unsuspecting boys and young males.
During the day, as Cardinal of the powerful Washington, D.C. archdiocese, Cardinal McCarrick rubbed shoulders with the political power elite. He celebrated the prestigious Red Mass where members of the U.S. Supreme Court, Congress, and political elites attended every year. Cardinal Ted McCarrick concelebrated funeral masses for the rich and politically famous, like Sen. Ted Kennedy and Beau Biden, Vice President Joe Biden’s son. He was the go-to Cardinal for the rich and powerful.
His days were busy cultivating contacts, doing favors for the rich and powerful of business, government and politics. He traveled around the world for Catholic Relief Services. “Uncle Ted” McCarrick was the ultimate insider Prince of the Church. It’s no wonder that an “influential Italian gentleman” urged him to lobby for Pope Francis' election, as McCarrick himself related in an October 2013 talk at Villanova University.
For years, the McCarrick misconduct stories surfaced and, then, seemingly retreated into oblivion. Yet, one theme prevailed in the persistent allegations: prelates and people were informed, and no one in power did anything. The DC power brokers, New York elite, and mainstream media colluded with the Catholic hierarchy in a conspiracy of silence to protect McCarrick for nearly half a century. No one spoke about the credible findings and settlements with McCarrick victims.
Despite his abuse of seminarians, Cardinal McCarrick continued to have regular access to them, even staying in the seminary while visiting Rome. In his Villanova speech, Cardinal McCarrick reveals that during the conclave he stayed at the North American College (NAC) Seminary in Rome.
McCarrick residing at the seminary dormitory is like the fox guarding the chicken coup. Rod Dreher highlights McCarrick’s risk to seminarians and that the Vatican was repeatedly warned about him. In his article, "Cardinal McCarrick is a Molester", Dreher describes the allegations surrounding McCarrick’s sexual predatory modus operandi:
It had been rumored at the time that Theodore McCarrick, the Archbishop of Newark, was going to be moved to Washington, DC, and to be made a cardinal. This group traveled to Rome to warn the Vatican that McCarrick was a sexual harasser of seminarians. The story this priest shared with me was that McCarrick had a habit of compelling seminarians to share his bed for cuddling. These allegations did not involve sexual molestation, but were clearly about unwanted sexual harassment.
Over the decades, many others alleged and warned about McCarrick’s predatory predilection for seminarians. The prominent sociologist and clergy abuse expert and author, Richard Sipe, wrote a passionate plea to Pope Benedict about McCarrick’s alleged predatory sexual conduct. Read Richard Sipe's April 24, 2008 letter to Pope Benedict which the Vatican acknowledged receipt of in a letter by the Papal Nuncio Pietro Sambi on May 5, 2008.  Sambi acknowledged that Sipe’s letter was delivered to the Vatican via the papal diplomatic pouch. The Vatican knew full well about the danger of McCarrick to young seminarians.
Sipe wrote the following to Pope Benedict:
While I was Adjunct Professor at a Pontifical Seminary, St. Mary’s Baltimore (1972-1984) a number of seminarians came to me with concerns about the behavior of Theodore E. McCarrick, then bishop of Metuchen, New Jersey. It has been widely known for several decades that Bishop/Archbishop now Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick took seminarians and young priests to a shore home in New Jersey, sites in New York, and other places and slept with some of them. He established a coterie of young seminarians and priests that he encouraged to call him “Uncle Ted.” I have his correspondence where he referred to these men as being “cousins” with each other.
Clergy sex abuse investigative researcher, Randy Engel describes in her important tome, The Rite of Sodomy, that “New York insiders glibly refer to McCarrick by his feminine name 'Blanche' and Vatican officials have long been aware of his penchant for young handsome seminarians” (page 758).
Did any Church official bar him from their seminaries?
Did any Church officials report him to law enforcement?
Why would the rector of the North American College (NAC) Seminary even permit Cardinal McCarrick to stay there and subject his seminarian students to his possible predation in light of the Metuchen settlements?
Why didn’t Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the present Archbishop of Washington, D.C. restrict McCarrick’s access to young males and altar boys while residing in his Archdiocese? After all, Wuerl is the spiritual shepherd of the diocese and has authority over the care and protection of his spiritual flock.
Elizabeth Yore is an international child advocate attorney who has investigated numerous clerical child sex abuse cases.


Church Authorities Have Allowed Bigamy – Bishop Schneider It is undeniable that Church authorities at different levels [also Pope Francis] have allowed divorce in "exceptional cases" by admission of adulterers to Communion, Bishop Athanasius Schneider told Il Giornale (June 28).

Schneider stressed that nobody [the Pope included] has the power to dispense from the sixth Commandment.

Regarding illegal mass-immigration, Schneider noticed that there is an “orchestrated plan by international powers to radically change the Christian identity of European populations”.

He praises governments who exercise their sovereignty against “a new Soviet Union type of totalitarianism - today called the European Union - with its unmistakably Masonic ideology”.

Schneider further called homosexual adoptions “a moral abuse of the children”, a “blatant injustice” and “one of the greatest degradations of civilization”.

Fake pope kisses real pope’s Fisherman’s Ring

In the treaty of modern schism Saint Vincent Ferrer explains If there were two popes at the same time, or the one would have more power than the other, or not. If one had no more power than the other, neither of them would be pope, because the pope has power over all, as has been said. If he had it, the inferior would not be pope.

Pope Innocent X specifically condemned the heresy of two popes.

Non veni pacem |The Splendor of Truth
I have written previously about Pope Benedict’s decision to retain the Fisherman’s Ring after his faux abdication HERE. At the end of every pontificate, without exception, the ring is smashed… with a special silver hammer that is made for this exact purpose and this purpose only. Several writers described the procedure in the days following the Declaratio. Then Benedict came out and corrected them. Oh no, dear friends, he’s keeping it. Huge red flag, along with retaining the form of address “His Holiness,” and all the other papal vesture, you know, because no other clothes were available.

The occasion itself is also very interesting. Did you know that antipope Bergoglio has always brought his newly minted cardinals in front of Pope Benedict for his blessing? After the first consistory, which Benedict attended in person, Benedict receives the new cardinals at his residence/monastery, where he imparts the his blessing. Could it be any more obvious that he’s not really retired?

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Pro-abortion French President Macron accepts papal honor in Rome

ROME, June 28, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) –  French President Emmanuel Macron has been named a Canon of the Basilica of St. John Lateran under the auspices of Pope Francis.  
Although Macron was baptized at age twelve, he now considers himself agnostic. Many of his views are strictly secular, including his support for abortion, so the offer of the honorary title and his acceptance of it may seem problematic to some.
The bestowing of the honorary title on French heads of state follows a longstanding tradition, dating back to 15th century French monarchy.
Not all recent French Presidents have made the trip to Rome to accept the honor.  
René Coty was the first to do so in 1957, followed by Charles de Gaulle, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy.  Georges Pompidou, François Mitterrand and François Hollande accepted the title without traveling to the Basilica of St. John Lateran to receive it.
France has traditionally been called the “eldest daughter of the Church” because of its deep Catholic devotion, but a law enacted in 1905 made it officially a secular state. While Catholicism remains the predominant religion, the country is highly secularized, increasingly untethered from its rich Catholic history and tradition.  
Macron evidently sees that as a problem.  “At a time of great social fragility . . . I consider it my responsibility to stop the erosion of confidence among Catholics with regard to politics and politicians.”  
Earlier in the day Macron met privately with Pope Francis for an hour.  
“There were many issues on the table such as the environment, a topic which concerns both men following the United States’ exit from the Paris agreement,” according to Rome Reports.  The two also discussed the migration crisis in the Mediterranean that is polarizing both Italy and France.
The Basilica of St. John Lateran is the oldest public church in Rome, the oldest and highest ranking of the four papal major basilicas, and is the ecclesiastical seat of the Pope.
The title, “first and only honorary canon of the Archbasilica of the Lateran,” was originally reserved for French kings nearly five centuries ago in response to the French monarchy’s generous support of the Lateran Basilica, aimed at securing a strong foothold in Roman geopolitics.  
The arrangement was not uncommon in the 15th century: Germany’s emperor was known as the canon of St. Peter and the King of Spain was canon of Sainte-Marie-Majeure.  Before the Reformation, the kings of England were known as the canon of Saint Paul Outside the Walls.
Since the end of the French monarchy, the honorary title has been awarded to French heads of state.

Connection between homosexual predator McCarrick and Bergoglio

"This cardinal has a special relationship with Argentina, a country to which he traveled on repeated occasions to ordain priests of the Institute of the Incarnate Word *Instituto el Verbo encarnado- during the epochs in which the Argentine bishops refused to do so (see, for example, here and here). The priest of this religious institute were very close to Cardinal McCarrick, whom they attended in their pastoral efforts providing him with secretaries and, in exchange, they counted on his protection during the time when they were harshly questioned for their conservative nature. When McCarrick retired, he chose to do so at the seminary that the Institute of the Incarnate Word has in the American capital and lived there until a few months ago."

Founder of the Institute of the Incarnate Word is guilty of homosexual misconduct. Father Carlos Miguel Buela, founder of the Institute of the Incarnate Word

Homosexual predator McCarrick a key U.S. lobbyist for Bergoglio’ invalid election

June 27, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – A mere seven months after the election of Pope Francis, Catholics got a peek behind the election curtain of the political machinations in the selection of Jorge Bergoglio, from none other than Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
On October 11, 2013, the now-disgraced retired cardinal of Washington, DC disclosed in a speech at Villanova University that he was asked to lobby for the election of Jorge Bergoglio as Pontiff.
With his soft grandfatherly voice and disarming Irish wit, McCarrick weaved Bergoglio stories, and boasted of his close relationship with the Argentine papabile. Curiously, McCarrick described a meeting with a mysterious unnamed Italian who sought him out and urged him to lobby for Bergoglio for Pope.
McCarrick told the audience that before the cardinal electors “went into the general conversations,” he was approached by “a very interesting and influential Italian gentleman.” The influential Italian visited McCarrick at the seminary where McCarrick was staying in Rome. This “very brilliant man, very influential man in Rome” said, “What about Bergoglio? Does he have a chance?” McCarrick said he was surprised at the question, and replied, “I don’t think so because no one’s mentioned his name.”
The man said, referring to Bergoglio, “He could do it, you know, reform the church.” McCarrick commented, “That was the first time I’d heard there were people who thought Bergoglio was a possibility in this election.”
McCarrick did not disclose the name of this mysterious “Italian gentleman” who felt comfortable enough with McCarrick to persuade him to lobby the Conclave for the election of the reformer Bergoglio and also asked McCarrick for a favor back in D.C.

“Talking Up Bergoglio”

McCarrick reports his response to the Italian gentleman’s encouragement to talk up Bergoglio as, “Well, we'll see what happens. This is God’s work." However, in his account he seems to indicate he did just that.
Although McCarrick was beyond the age to vote in the 2013 conclave, he spoke at the General Congregation proceedings before the conclave. As he explained in his Villanova talk, he seized the opportunity to lobby for a Latin American Pope, urging his fellow Cardinal electors that he hoped that whoever was elected pope would be someone who, if not himself a Latin American, would “have a very strong interest in Latin America because half the Church is there . . . that’s where the people are.”
In Philip Lawler’s book Lost Shepherd: How Pope Francis is misleading his flock, the veteran church reporter writes that perhaps McCarrick and another two well known liberal prelates may have “exaggerated their own roles in the process” of getting Bergoglio elected. “But,” he adds, “there can be little doubt that a group of liberal prelates saw the Argentine cardinal as their best hope for changes in the Church. They encouraged his candidacy, and the new pontiff, an outsider now thrust into the top spot at the Vatican, quite understandably would be inclined to look to these same men for advice.”


Official letters from various dioceses tell us that even before the charge of sexual abuse of a minor was determined credible it was known among the hierarchy that there were at least two payouts for sexual misconduct by McCarrick. Lawyers in the case have revealed that those incidents were with seminarians.
With his scandalous past conduct, why was McCarrick permitted to attend the Papal Conclave General Congregation proceedings to select a new pontiff? His behavior is indistinguishable from Scotland’s Cardinal Keith O’Brien, who removed himself from the Conclave proceedings when news broke about his scandalous sexual behavior with men.
Surely, the judgment and moral character of a bishop whose scandalous conduct cost the Church large financial settlements should not be involved in the selection of the Vicar of Christ.

Apostate Fr. Peter McCarthy praises Francis for ‘evolving’ Church to accept homosexuality

Apostate Peter McCarthy is also wrong about the cause of suicide Gay Teen Suicides and he is promoting a myth. 
In countries where homosexuality is accepted, the youth suicide rate is higher

BELFAST, June 22, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – A Redemptorist priest told thousands of pilgrims at an annual celebration of faith in Northern Ireland that Catholic doctrine under Pope Francis has undergone an “evolution” that now makes homosexual relations accepted as “normative.” 

“Never before in the history of the Church has a pope dared as Francis does to put the question of sexuality at the center of the Church’s debate, focussing on questions about remarried couples, questions about homosexuality, questions about condom use, and so on,” Fr. Peter McCarthy, C.Ss.R. said June 19 during a homily at the Clonard Novena event. 

The nine-day event is put on by the Redemptorists at Clonard Monastery in west Belfast to honor the Blessed Virgin under the title of Our Mother of Perpetual Help. More than 100,000 people took part in the services. The theme for this year's Novena was “The Joy of Love: Family Life Today.” It was chosen in response to the pope’s encyclical Amoris Laetitia and to prepare for the upcoming World Meeting of Families in Dublin. 

The Brazil-based priest called Pope Francis a “prophet” who from the first day of his election in 2013 began to break “old paradigms.”

Pope Francis is very clear about the evolution of doctrine and teachings,” he said. 
“He says that human self-understanding changes with time and so also human conscience deepens. We must move from a narrow view of doctrine to a more comprehensive view of doctrine,” he added.
McCarthy said that those Catholics who struggle with the direction Pope Francis is taking the Church have to overcome their “judgmental attitudes.”  
“The difficulty that the Church has to accept LGBT members as equals is due to a tradition of over two thousand years in which only heterosexual relations were regarded as normative. So those who oppose any change in the Church’s attitude react as if the Pope was betraying the Church.”
The priest said that homosexuals are “born that way.” He praised the Pope’s new teaching on homosexuality.
Speaking of homosexual couples, McCarthy said, “In his encyclical The Joy of Love [Amoris Laetitia] the Pope teaches that people that are in so-called ‘irregular situations’ can still live in the grace of God, they can still love, and they can also grow in the life of grace and love, and receive for this the help of the Church, which may also include the sacraments.”
“Like Jesus, the Church cannot discriminate against anyone on grounds of sexual orientation,” he said. 
“What is at stake is…the right of gays to be protected by civil law and to educate their children, if they have children, in the Christian faith.”
“Also at stake is the combatting of homophobia, which is a grave sin,” he said. 
“The real sin is to accept the mechanisms of exclusion and proceed to select humans by biological, racial, sexual, or ethnic factors,” he added. 

There is no scientific evidence that anyone is born “gay.” 
The Catholic Church teaches that homosexuality is one of the four sins that cry to heaven for justice. 
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that “basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered’. They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved” (CCC 2357). 
In a 1986 letter to bishops about how to care for persons with same-sex attraction the Church stated that “special concern and pastoral attention should be directed toward those who have this condition, lest they be led to believe that the living out of this orientation in homosexual activity is a morally acceptable option. It is not.” 
Moreover, in a 2003 document about whether same-sex civil unions were supportable, the Church clarified that “respect for homosexual persons cannot lead in any way to approval of homosexual behaviour or to legal recognition of homosexual unions.”
St. Peter Damian, an 11th century Italian Catholic reformer and Doctor of the Church, described homosexuality in his famous Book of Gomorrah as a “diabolical” corruption of God’s plan for sexuality between a man and a woman. Homosexuality must not only be not tolerated, but it must be condemned and stamped out, he wrote. 
“This vice is the death of bodies, the destruction of souls, pollutes the flesh, extinguishes the light of the intellect, expels the Holy Spirit from the temple of the human heart, introduces the diabolical inciter of lust, throws into confusion, and removes the truth completely from the deceived mind…It opens up hell and closes the door of paradise…It cuts off a member of the Church and casts him into the voracious conflagration of raging Gehenna,” he wrote. 
Catholic philosopher Dr. Josef Seifert has warned that Amoris Laetitia a ticking “theological atomic bomb” that has the capacity to destroy all Catholic moral teaching.

Please contact:
Fr Noel Kehoe, C.S.s.R., Rector
Clonard Monastery
1 Clonard Gardens
Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, BT13 2RL

Phone: 028 9044 5950

Most Reverend Jude Thaddeus Okolo, Titular Bishop of Novica
The Apostolic Nunciature
83 Navan Road
Dublin 7

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Again - low-attendance at General Audience

Again the Sensus Fidei rejects the heresiarch Bergoglio.

"If the faith is in imminent peril, prelates ought to be accused by their subjects, even in public." St. Thomas Aquinas

Apostasy: Francis Allowed sacrilegious German Intercommunion With His Signature

The Dogmatic Council of Trent excommunicates and anathematizes those who publicly teach that someone can receive communion in mortal sin.

2 John 1: 9  Any one who goes ahead and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God; he who abides in the doctrine has both the Father and the Son The radical Munich Cardinal Marx met Pope Francis on June 11 and wrote a summary of the meeting which Pope Francis signed on June 12 with “F 12-6-18”. The signed text was published by the German bishops on June 27.

Marx’ summary states that the letter of Archbishop Luis Ladaria, the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, provides guidance and a framework for interpretation but “no instruction for the action of the Bishops’ Conference”.

Further, the Francis approved text states that the German guidance can be published as an "aid to orientation".

Only on June 21, Francis had stated that he had approved Ladaria’s letter according to which the guidance is “not mature” enough to be published. 

Council of Trent (Ecumenical XIX)

  • Whoever publicly asserts that one may receive communion in mortal sin is excommunicated

If anyone says that faith alone is sufficient preparation for receiving the sacrament of the most Holy Eucharist: let him be anathema. And that so great a Sacrament may not be unworthily received, and therefore unto death and condemnation, this holy Council ordains and declares that sacramental confession must necessarily be made beforehand by those whose conscience is burdened by mortal sin, however contrite they may consider themselves. If anyone moreover teaches the contrary or preaches or obstinately asserts, or even publicly by disputation shall presume to defend the contrary, by that fact itself he is excommunicated. (Denzinger-Hünermann 1661. Julius III, Council of Trent, Session XIV, October 11, 1551)

Emanuel Jacques - Toronto's Little Martyr murdered by Homosexual Pedophiles

In 1977, Emanuel Jacques, only twelve years old, was sadistically murdered after suffering many hours of homosexual rape in Toronto. May Emanuel's innocent soul rest in peace. 

Sadly, Emanuel came to the attention of the demonic, perverted lust of four homosexuals, who abducted, sodomized and murdered the innocent young boy after twelve hours of sexual abuse and homosexual rape. Emanuel was eventually drowned by two of the four monsters, who held our little saint's head in a sink of water. 

Emanuel Jacques was the son of very poor Catholic Portuguese immigrants. Young Emanuel, to help his parents, made a few dollars by shining shoes on Toronto's Yonge Street. 

Please, during this time (of darkness)  - reflect on the death of this innocent child, done to death by evil, perverted men.
Pray for the conversion of all those "Catholics" and "Christians" who have been seduced by homosexual propoganda into believing it is just an alternate lifestyle. No, it is one of four sins that cry to Heaven for vengence; without repentance, it will put the homosexual in Hell. 
 May the Church raise young Emanuel to the Altar, may he be declared a saint. 

Emanuel Jacques, pray for us
4,000 people surrounded a downtown Toronto church, on Aug. 4, 1977, during his funeral.

The Deliverance Novena from vice of homosexuality  

Monday, June 25, 2018

Muslim invasion: Francis Plotted Behind the Scene

Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta walked Bergoglio to the plane to Brasil 2013

Marco Tosatti's blog has revealed (15 June) that Pope Francis was instrumental in opening Italy to illegal mass-immigration and human trafficking.

According to then high-placed sources in the Italian Interior Ministry, Pope Francis called then leftwing prime minister Enrico Letta in October 2013 convincing him to collect illegal immigrants from the Mediterranean. The illegals were branded as “refugees”.

The Italian navy started the operation in collusion with human traffickers who today make more money than drug dealers. Since then 400.000 illegals have entered Italy. 

Islamic leader: Thanks to your democratic laws we will invade you; thanks to our religious laws we will dominate you.

Bishop Schneider: I would say that the so-called “migration” is artificially planned and programmed, one can even speak of a kind of invasion.

Austria’s vice chancellor attacks Soros: He was involved in bringing 'refugees' to Europe.

“Rome will lose the faith and becomes the seat of the antichrist” Our Lady of La Salette

Bergoglio serving Soros's agenda:

Francis Abandons Christian Syrian Refugees, Takes Only Muslims To Vatican Instead

The Evangelical Immigration Table Exposed As Another Soros Front

Bergoglio welcomes to Vatican the head of Muslim group tied to financing of jihad terror

Catholic Bishops Confuse the Faithful on Immigration and Abortion