“The Mystical Body on earth today will have its Judas Iscariot, and he will be the false prophet. Satan will recruit him from our Bishops.”— Prophecy fulfilled of Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Canon 1364 says that those who practice idolatry are immediately separated from the Church without any declaration of any Bishop or court or Synod being necessary to determine it.
UN’s ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ and Pachamama
by Liz Yore • ChurchMilitant.com • November 19, 2019
"Believe in climate change as though it's a religion," intoned U.S. Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) at the Congressional DACA prayer breakfast last week.
Oops, Mazie — you let the cat out of the recycle bag! What happened to the United Nations and its global elites lecturing the plebeians that climate change is all about scientific facts? What happened to the Amazon Synod and Laudato Sí drumbeat that "science is settled" and that overpopulation causes climate change?
Is this another tectonic paradigm shift from the eco-fanatics? Are they again moving the linguistic goalposts for the umpteenth time? Remember, when the environmentalists called the crisis "global cooling" in the 70s? Then the lingo changed when those nasty facts got in the way, and it became "global warming," only to morph into "climate change," then into "extreme weather events" and now, (drum roll, please), it's a religion!
Now that the environmental lobby has secured its religious and moral leader in the Vatican, it's time to embed climate change as dogma, worthy of its own sins and papal exhortations. It’s a "religion" — you must obey.
The globalists schemed for decades to cloak the tyrannical eco-hoax in a religious cloud cover but were thwarted by the two previous popes, who recognized the pernicious U.N. population control advocates were driving the environmental agenda — first under the U.N. 2015 Millennium Development Goals and now with the upgraded 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The global elites have snagged their "Green Pope" in the person of Jorge Bergoglio, who, like the tyrannical globalist that he is, recently chided Catholics that they "must obey the United Nations."
It is now evident that the Argentine pontiff is the long sought-after religious and moral voice of the environmental movement whose ultimate goal is to elevate this leftist political hoax to a religion. Every religion needs a concrete and iconic symbol. At the Amazon Synod, the Vatican unveiled the new symbol of the environmental religion, the pagan idol of mother earth: Pachamama.

Former Bolivian president Evo Morales gifts
Pope Francis with communist crucifix
We now learn that the Pachamama, the Amazon Synod pagan idol, was promoted to the Vatican by recently deposed Bolivian marxist tyrant, President Evo Morales, who infamously gifted Pope Francis with the pernicious hammer and sickle crucifix.
Morales, who spoke on climate change and socialism at the Vatican Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, along with America’s own socialist Bernie Sanders, famously identified himself as a Catholic only in order "to go to weddings." When asked whether he believed in God, he replied, "I believe in the land, in my father and my mother, and in cuchi-cuchi (sexual activity)." Seems like the “climate” is overheating in the Francis papacy.
Therein lies the poisonous amalgam between the radical marxist left and the eco-rantings of the Francis papacy, as this pontiff replaces dogma with deforestation, elevates carbon over Catholicism, diminishes commandments in favor of the U.N. SDG goals and substitutes Christian symbols with pagan ones.
Time to get down on your knees and beg the sustainable development gods and Pachamama for mercy from environmental catastrophes. For your penance in reparation for eco-sins, you must plant a tree.
For your penance in reparation for eco-sins, you must plant a tree. Tweet
The people of Bolivia roundly protested President Evo Morales, who recently resigned, fled the country and is on the run. A new interim president was sworn in with a big Catholic Bible, and she told her country: "The Bible has returned to the government palace."
Elizabeth Yore is an international child protection attorney. She served on the Heartland Institute delegation that travelled to the Vatican in 2015 to protest the Pope’s reliance on population control advocates in his exhortation, Laudato Si.
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