"Knock it off. We are not stupid. We are not. This is an idol... Stop. You are talking about making an offering to a goddess." -Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J.
by on November 6, 2019
On Nov. 5, 2019, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J., condemned idolatry on his weekly program on EWTN, Scripture and Tradition. He spends about 10 minutes talking about the idols that were praised and blessed at the recent Synod on the Amazon in the Vatican.
He says the introduction of the pachamama idol at the synod on the Amazon is a major scandal. We are forbidden to have idols. We are forbidden to worship other gods. He said to those who say it is a symbol of fertility and motherhood: Knock it off. We are not stupid. We are not. This is an idol.
He said the bishops conference of Italy published a prayer to pachamama (A prayer to mother earth of the Inca peoples). Stop. You are talking about making an offering to a goddess.
He says the people of the Andes place the pachamama idol above Jesus, Mary, and the saints. We offer sacrifices to God alone and we do not worship Mary or any of the saints.

This other nonsense has to stop and it is spreading. This is New Age like thinking that goes back to the 1970s. This is unacceptable. All of us who love God must make that clear.
(Picture: Earth Goddess Idol at the Vatican)
He urged all Catholics to pray to the Virgin Mary to intercede for us and to wear the scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, a symbol of putting on the yoke of Jesus Christ. Mt. Carmel is the place where the prophet Elijah destroyed the idols of Baal, the mother goddess of the Canaanite people.
And this will be the start of many other things we have to do to stop the nonsense.
You can see his comments after 31:00 minutes at:
Even the simplist believer can see clearly that it is a pagan idol.this has caused a grave scandal among the true faithful.