'God Did Not' Help Bring Down Number of COVID-19 Cases in New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo Asserts
By Michael W. Chapman| April 20, 2020 | 10:09am EDT
Although the liberal media love to praise New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), a Catholic, for his handling of the coronavirus, the governor's commitment to abortion on demand (and gay marriage) has led to calls for his public excommunication from the church.
Yet as Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas has explained, Cuomo already is excommunicated from the church because of his anti-life actions and should not present himself for Communion at Mass.
Last week, commenting on positive indications that COVID-19 may have plateaued in New York, Cuomo declared, "we brought the number down. God did not do that, fate did not do that, destiny did not do that...." Last year, Cuomo signed a bill into law that essentially allows unrestricted abortion, up to the moment of birth. New York state has the highest abortion rate in the country.
“I think to make it clear, and thankfully some of the bishops in other places have taken steps to basically say that, that a politician or anyone who says, ‘I don’t agree with the Catholic Church on basic critical issues,’ they’re choosing to be out of communion," said the bishop.

"I think we need to be clear that people like Andrew Cuomo are not in communion with the Catholic Church," he added, "and therefore should not be receiving the Body of Christ.”
In addition to Bishop Strickland, Bishop Richard Stika of Knoxville, Tenn., tweeted in January 2019, "Someone asked me today if I would issue an excommunication of a Catholic Governor under my jurisdiction if the Governor did the same as in New York. I think I might do it for any Catholic legislator under my jurisdiction who voted for the bill as well as the Governor."
Strickland also tweeted, “I’m with Bishop Stika. I’m not in a position to take action regarding legislation in New York but I implore bishops who are to speak out forcefully. In any sane society this is called INFANTICIDE!!!!!!!!!!”
Read more at: CNS News reports
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