— Council of Vienne ♰♰♰

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Cardinal Sarah said in Mexico: "Modern man has started a terrible satanic war against God and against man himself"

Cardinal Sarah pointed out: Contemporary man “Aims to heal ecology and defend the environment, but at the same time promotes abortion, euthanasia and homosexuality”

Cardinal Sarah is in Mexico to give a series of lectures, the VidaNuevaDigital.com website wrote on June 27.

"Spiritually, man is bankrupt", he said at the La Salle University in Mexico City.

• Many people have forgotten God, and have concentrated on fleeting pleasures.

• Creation is at war with that man who claims to defend the environment, but at the same time promotes abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality; against that man who claims to fight against genital mutilation, but at the same time promotes sex change with more harmful mutilations; against that man who fights to protect nature, but at the same time destroys marriage, life, and refuses to accept himself in his own identity as a man or a woman.

• “Abortion is legal. But do we really think that killing an innocent child is a good thing?” He wondered. In addition, he said, "God has created us male or female and today we say that each one can choose whether to be male or female."

• Man has waged a satanic war against God and against man himself.

• Christians "faced with the spiritual emptiness under the veil of so much material prosperity and moral and cultural decadence, we feel compelled to withdraw from the world to be far from its idols, from its anti-Christian and destructive ideologies of man."

• The Cardinal called us to go to the desert to look for God to adore him: “We withdraw from the world and its illusions, not out of contempt for creation and our societies, but to seek the truth about God and about man.”

For Cardinal Sarah the compass is in the four cardinal points that emphasize his thought: 

The Cross, the Eucharist, the Word of God and Prayer. He invited us to discover the beauty of the sacredness of the liturgy, the mystery of the Cross. To deepen the centrality of the Word of God and of prayer in the life of the Christian; and in the signs and instruments of our salvation: the Sacraments."

Finally, let's remember that Saint Hildegard explained that homosexuality is the supreme offense against God.

Saint Peter Damian warned: “[The vice of sodomy] mobilizes a person in the militia of the evil spirit and force him to fight unspeakable wars against God.

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