35 Then the Lord sent a plague on the people, because they made the calf—the one that Aaron made.Exodus 32
ROME (ChurchMilitant.com) - Italy's leading Catholic historian is predicting the end of globalization and the death of Pope Francis' "utopia of globalization, presented as the great road destined to lead to the unification of the human race."
In a lecture shattering the pontiff's "gospel of globalization," Prof. Roberto De Mattei says any examination of history has to "begin with God and end with God" since "history is foreseen, regulated and ordered by God."
"The killer of globalization is a global virus called the coronavirus," De Mattei succinctly sums up, noting that 'Pope Francis' forthcoming conference dedicated to the "global compact" on May 14 has "become more distant, not only in time but in its ideological presuppositions."
"Pope Francis' Querida Amazonia is a hymn to interconnection. But today the global system is fragile precisely because it is so interconnected," he explains in an online lecture: "New Scenarios in the Coronavirus Era: Political, historical and theological considerations."
Ironically, "the key to escaping the [coronavirus] epidemic is social distance, the isolation of the individual. The quarantine is diametrically opposed to the 'open society' hoped for by George Soros" since "in the interconnected world of globalization, the ease with which contagion can spread is certainly greater than it was a century ago."
Examining global and Europe-wide epidemics as a social scientist, historian and a philosopher of history, De Mattei emphasizes how saints like Catherine of Siena, Bridget of Sweden, Vincent Ferrer and Louis-Marie Grignon de Montfort warned how "throughout history, natural disasters have always accompanied the infidelities and apostasy of nations."
There are three scourges with which God chastises: war, plague and famine.
For example, "Christians interpreted the famines, plague and wars of the 14th century 'as signs of God's chastisement.'" Such sins are "even more grave if they are collective sins and still more grave if tolerated or promoted by the rulers of the peoples and by those who govern the Church," he warns.
Such a historic-theological perspective is lacking in the Church today because "philosophy and modern theology under the influence above all of Hegel, have replaced the judgments of God with the judgments of history."
"The principle according to which the Church judges history is reversed. It is not the Church that judges history but history that judges the Church, because the Church, according to the Nouvelle théologie, does not transcend history but is imminent, internal to itself," De Mattei laments.
Professor De Mattei cites the examples recent Vatican pronouncements as examples of the failure to correctly interpret history:
When Cdl. Carlo Maria Martini said that "the Church is 200 years behind with respect to history," he assumed history as the criterion of judgment for the Church. When Pope Francis, in his Christmas greetings to the Roman Curia on December 21, 2019, made these words of Cardinal Martini his own, he is judging the Church in the name of history, overturning what should be the criterion of Catholic judgment.
Connecting God's superintending of history to divine justice, De Mattei laments the watering down of the concepts of human and divine justice among Catholics:
History tells us that God rewards and punishes not only individuals but also collectivities and social groups: families, nations, civilizations. But while men have their reward or chastisement, sometimes on earth but always in Heaven, nations, which do not have an eternal life, are punished or rewarded only on earth.
The famines, plague and wars of the 14th century were interpreted by the Christian people as signs of God's chastisement, he observes, citing St. Bernardine of Siena (1380–1444): Tria sunt flagella quibus dominus castigat (There are three scourges with which God chastises: war, plague and famine).
The bishops today not only are not speaking about divine scourges, they are not even inviting the faithful to pray that God will liberate them from the epidemic.
De Mattei also quotes Saint Gregory the Great, who invites us "to investigate the reasons for divine action, affirming: 'Whoever does not discover the reason for which God does things in the very works themselves, will find in his own meanness and baseness sufficient cause to explain why his investigations are in vain.'"

The author of 30 books, De Mattei slams "the bishop of an important diocese" who on March 5 declared that "this virus was not sent by God to punish sinful humanity" but "is an effect of nature, treating us as a stepmother" and God will use this epidemic to "make us understand, in the end, that humanity is one single village."
"The Italian bishop does not renounce the myth of the 'single village' nor the religion of nature of the Pachamama and Greta Thurnberg, even if for him the 'Great Mother' can become 'stepmother.' But the bishop forcefully rejects the idea that the Coronavirus epidemic or any other collective disaster can be a punishment for humanity," De Mattei retorts, elaborating:
The virus, the bishop believes, is only the effect of nature. But who is it that has created, ordered and guided nature? God is the author of nature with its forces and its laws, and he has the power to arrange the mechanism of the forces and laws of nature in such a way as to produce a phenomenon according to the needs of his justice or his mercy. God, who is the first cause above all of all that exists, always makes use of secondary causes in order to effect his plans.
De Mattei, who is director of the Lepanto Foundation, grieves over "the great sin of our time" which "is the loss of faith by the men of the Church: not of this or that man of the Church but of the men of the Church in their collective whole, with few exceptions, thanks to whom the Church does not lose her visibility."
"This sin," he laments, "produces blindness of the mind and hardening of the heart — indifference to the violation of the divine order of the universe."
The professor, who recently authored Love for the Papacy and Filial Resistance to the Pope in the History of the Church blasts "these men of the Church, who, while verbally professing to believe in God, actually live immersed in practical atheism. They despoil God of all his attributes, reducing him to pure 'being' — that is, to nothing."
"The bishops today not only are not speaking about divine scourges, they are not even inviting the faithful to pray that God will liberate them from the epidemic," he writes, observing that "The priests are silent, the bishops are silent, the pope is silent."
On Sunday, Pope Francis left the Vatican to pray before the icon of Maria Salus Populi Romani at the Basilica of St. Mary Major and at the foot of a wooden crucifix that protected Rome from a great plague at San Marcello al Corso.
However, faithful Catholics say that Pope Francis has yet to invite the world to repent and turn to Christ recognizing the hand of God in the coronavirus pandemic.
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