— Council of Vienne ♰♰♰

Thursday, November 23, 2023

In Argentina, the heresiarch Jorge Mario Bergoglio was identified as the 7 plagues of Egypt for the Argentine Church

Heresiarch monk Martin Luther:

  “Let us destroy the mass and we will destroy the Church.”

The anti-Catholic Jorge Bergoglio desecrating the Holy Mass in the Buenos Aires Cathedral while pretending to be praying.

In Argentina Bergoglio challenged Pope Benedict's Summorum Pontificum, persecuted and punished the faithful Argentine priests who implemented it in the diocese of Buenos Aires.

How Bergoglio Obeyed Summorum Pontificum: Female READERS in Traditional Latin Mass

Bergoglio's heretical anti-Catholicism was so public that he was called a traitor in a 2010 book by Professor Antonio Caponnetto titled The Church Betrayed”.

Bergoglio declared war on the Traditional Mass in Argentina to the point of receiving the title of   “the plague of Egypt for the Argentine Church

 Plagues of Egypt: from the Church in Argentina to the Church Universal and Bergoglian attack on the traditional Mass

Bergoglio: The Seven Plagues from Egypt for the Argentine Church
Francisco José Fernández de la Cigoña

An Argentine reader, undoubtedly overestimating the strength of the Blog, asks me for help that on my own doing is not going to proceed. And more so, agreeing that Cardinal Bergoglio is the most directly responsible for the current decline of the Church in Argentina.

There is exactly a year, three months and a day -seems to be a criminal conviction- so that the archbishop of Buenos Aires may present the resignation of his archdiocese, or of what remains of it, to the Holy Father. I hope it’s accepted immediately.

And Bergoglio has not only been a calamity for his archiepiscopate, but has extended his evil influence to the whole nation over whose Church prevails for soul’s perdition.

This is the letter of the unknown Argentine friend:

Dear Don Paco Pepe:

I know that you do not have much time, but I have not been able to synthesize more what I want to tell you, I beg you to have the patience to read it until the end:

I have been following your blog for a long time, not remembering very well if I have ever written to you.

Our blog, Catholic Page, is dedicated mainly to provide the audio of the Sunday sermons and some conferences of very good Catholic authors.

But at the same time, I was personally in charge of a Chapel in the Buenos Aires archdiocese (at the request of the previous parish priest), called the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The last four years, with the effort of neighbors, families with many children in general, the chapel that had been closed for 25 years lived the splendor of the traditional liturgy (Novus Ordo in Latin, Gregorian chant, kneeling Communion, etc.). To the point where there was no place for the people who filled the path. Such ceremonies are almost never seen in Buenos Aires. I remember an old woman who said, "How beautiful! It's the same as watching the Pope's Mass on TV." With this you can have an idea of what the Chapel used to be.

The RP Dr. Alfredo Sáenz, SJ celebrated mass regularly. He is one of the most lucid minds of the local and American Catholicism. Author of more than 50 books and international speaker. In a recent trip to Rome where he was one of the experts convened by the Pontifical Council for Culture, which sponsored a Congress on the Church and American Emancipation, he visited Cardinal Cañizares and told him about the "experiment" of the Chapel, for which he received congratulations from both the Cardinal and Mons. Ferrer.

Then more celebrants were added, some four in total, which made it possible for 4 years not to miss the Holy Mass any Sunday or feast of precept, including Holy Week celebrations. 

With this background I want to tell you three episodes.

1 Prohibition of the Tridentine Mass in 2007:

That year, after the publication of the Motu Proprio, we went to the former parish priest, Father Carlos White, to ask him to give place to the Tridentine Mass in our chapel, without canceling the Novus Ordo. He said yes, so that on October 14, 2007, a very solemn Mass was sung. Another was foreseen for the 28th of the same month, but Cardinal Bergoglio (whose plan on the subject didn’t match with this mass), ordered to close it definitively, which was communicated to us by the Parochial Vicar, by the Chaplain of the traditionalists here, by the Pastor and by the Episcopal Vicar of the Zone (always by word). As a result, we had the suspension of the Tridentine Mass in October 2007 until now.

2 Closing of the Sacred Heart Chapel in 2010:

After this outrage, the neighbors decided to remain silent (not to go to Ecclesia Dei) because, knowing the persecutory ways of Bergoglio, we prefer to stay with the Novus Ordo in Latin and as the Church commands, and not risk what we had for the Tridentine Mass. Thus we live in peace for three more years.

But in March 2010 the parish priest changed (Father White left the Archdiocese to the south of Buenos Aires, about 2,000 Km. It is clear that he did not get along well with the Cardinal). The new priest, a man who can be quietly placed within the Third World movement, was not happy with the ways of the chapel and reluctantly tolerated them until, in disagreement with a Corpus Christi procession that had been done for four years and that was not forbidden, interrupted the ceremony and finally closed the chapel, throwing the neighbors and leaving the neighborhood in the hands of the Protestant sects that patrol it.

3 New request for Tridentine Mass in 2010:

As a means of defending our rights, more than 100 faithful who for four years had attended there, integrating a perfectly formed and stable group, we request by letter the application of the Motu Proprio to the parish priest. He replied that it will not be granted because the Cardinal does not allow it (always by word, they do not write when they misbehave). The Zonal Bishop told me exactly the same thing that the cardinal does not allow them. We then turned to the Cardinal who has not answered us for more than a month, despite the repeated calls we made searching for him.

We are about to appeal to Ecclesia Dei these days.

All these events are detailed in our blog (Except the suspension of the Tridentine Mass of 2007 that we will do shortly). We have even published the audio of the interruption of the ceremony that made the parish priest to scold us.

If something of this comes out on your blog, I think it will be a great pressure to try to have Justice restored in our Archdiocese, where progressivism is devastating the Church.

If you have time watch two videos that we publish of a procession of Christ Rey 2009 to give an idea of what happened here. This will no longer be seen on the streets of Buenos Aires.

I have 52 years and 7 children of my only wife with whom I have been married for more than 22 years.

Dear Paco Pepe, I send you a big hug and await your news. Any clarification you need I will do it with pleasure.

Link of the Procession of Christ the King

Ing. Víctor Chéquer Charán
Buenos Aires

In this article Sandro Magister called it the challenge the "first time" and here we can see that Bergoglio as antipope continued his obsessive defiant hatred against the Traditional Latin Mass.

Our Lady of La Salette:

Churches will be locked up or desecrated. Priests and religious orders will be hunted down, and made to die a cruel death. Several will abandon the faith, and a great number of priests and members of religious orders will break away from the true religion; among these people there will even be bishops.

Bergoglio's heavy-metal priest

Bergoglio supports an indigenous 'priest' who continues to practice paganism

In Argentina Bergoglio supported the superstitious cult of the pagan idol Gauchito Gil

Apostasy: The  marxist ‘Cura villero’, Pepe Di Paola promotes the pagan cult of ‘Gauchito Gil ’ supported by Bergoglio

In Argentina, the Anti-Catholic Jorge Mario Bergoglio persecuted faithful priests who opposed his apostate anti-Catholic agenda

Proverbs 17:15

 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, both are abominable before God. 

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