— Council of Vienne ♰♰♰

Friday, November 30, 2018

Saint Andrew Christmas Novena

"Hail and blessed be the hour and the moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary,

at midnight, in Bethlehem, in piercing cold.
In that hour, vouchsafe, O my God! to hear my prayer and grant my desires
(here mention your requests)
through the merits of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, and of His Blessed Mother.

The Saint Andrew Christmas Novena is often called simply the “Christmas Novena” or the “Christmas Anticipation Prayer,” because it is prayed 15 times every day from the Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle (November 30) until Christmas.
The First Sunday of Advent is the Sunday closest to the Feast of Saint Andrew.
(It is piously believed that whoever recites the above prayer fifteen times a day
from the feast of St. Andrew (30th November) until Christmas will obtain what is asked.)
+MICHAEL AUGUSTINE, Archbishop of New York
New York, February 6, 1897

One of the Organiser of Abuse Summit Accused of Covering Up Abuses

en.news Pro-gay Mumbai Cardinal Oswald Gracias, one of the four organisers of Pope Francis' February abuse summit, is himself accused of covering up abuses by Virginia Saldanha, a former director of the women’s commission of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences.

Saldanha was involved in the arrest of Jalandha Bishop Franco Mulakkal who is alleged to have raped a nun 13 times.

She also gathered information about a priest who allegedly raped several women. Saldanha went to Cardinal Gracias and demanded action but he replied that he “was too busy” to care.

Only six months later, the priest was sent away from the parish. 

According to CruxNow.com (November 28) Saldanha made these revelations at a Tuesday abuse conference in Rome.

Francis Appoints Pro-Gay Prelates to Organise Gay Abuse Summit

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Saint Andrew proselytized his brother Peter: ´We have found the Messiah´

BEDE: This is truly to find the Lord; viz. to have fervent love for Him, together with a care for our brother’s salvation.

CHRYSOSTOM: Andrew kept not our Lord’s words to himself; but ran in haste to his brother, to report the good tidings: He first finds his own brother Simon, and said to him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ.

Saint Andrew  found the Messiah and shared him with his brother but instead the apostate Bergoglio has not found the Messiah. 

See the source image

Resultado de imagen para cardenal bergoglio con tony palmer

Bishops: Ban Jesuit dissident Fr. James Martin Now

Martin's sodomo-heresy is the worst sort imaginable.

by Church Militant  •  ChurchMilitant.com  •  November 29, 2018                    

Fr. Kevin Cusick: 'Martin exploits the uncatechized portion of the Catholic Church'

By Fr. Kevin M. Cusick
The bishops in Baltimore were stymied in their attempt to pass meaningful and effective measures to impose their own sexual morality guidelines on themselves. The Holy Father shot down their planned votes on two measures to police themselves by asking them not to act.
Stephen P. White in The Catholic Thing makes the point that the Pope, in effect, humiliated our bishops, and I'm inclined to agree. He also says the Pope may be angered by their lack of support for him in reaction to the explosive charges levied by Abp. Carlo Viganรฒ. It is true that they have rightly called for an investigation of Viganรฒ in connection with the McCarrick malfeasance. Their call to Rome for releasing all documents in connection with McCarrick was voted down. I think we can be certain that Pope Francis doesn't want anybody who believes Viganรฒ to get their hands on any documents at all.
Recognizing the connection between homosexuality and preying upon minors is something the bishops can act on without permission from Rome. They can begin by shutting down the James Martin, S.J. road show.
You may remember that Martin was disinvited from speaking at the Theological College. The authorities there denied that the decision had anything to do with his subversive message, but stated instead that they wish to avoid controversy. It was a small victory.

Martin spreads confusion about Catholic teaching in his books and talks, telling a homosexual man, for example, that he looks forward to the day when he and his "partner" can kiss each other during the "Sign of Peace" at Mass. This is clearly an acknowledgment and approval of the sodomitic relationship two such men share. This is clearly in violation of the teachings of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, our Church's application of Scriptures and Tradition to faith and morals. He partly quotes those portions of the Catechism he can twist to his evil purposes. Such a deception helps him to maintain credibility among the more gullible.
Martin's heresy is the worst sort imaginable. His partial quotations of the Catechism only to undermine its teaching is not pastoral or compassionate. The Church's mission is not to accommodate to the world and penultimate agendas. The Church's mandated mission imposed by her divine founder is to lead souls to Heaven, to make saints. Encouraging mortal sin does the opposite. This is why Martin needs to be restricted by every bishop.

Until the bishops unite behind a common mission to teach faith and morals, clearly and univocally in each diocese, we cannot begin to make the Church safe for the vulnerable of any age. The sexual abuse of any person is a violation of Church teaching on chastity. Every vocation demands chastity.

No permission from the Pope is ever needed to teach faith and morals. It is the charge from Christ Himself to Peter, the first pope, and every other bishop thereafter to "Teach them all I have commanded you" in connection with the mandate to baptize all nations with the invocation of the Trinity.
Christ taught by His own example of holiness and affirmation of the Ten Commandments that God's teaching on marriage between one man-husband and one woman-wife cannot be changed. He said not one jot or tittle of the law will be changed until it all comes true. He intended this above all in regard to the Decalogue, the Sixth Commandment, which says that no violation of the vows between husband and wife can under any circumstances be violated without sinning.
This is intended for those within marriage, who share an exclusive relationship. By the same token, it is intended for those outside of any marriage for whom all genital expression is forbidden with others, married or unmarried.
The sexual faculty is given for the generation of children within the expression of the married love of man and woman alone. No one else may share in the gift no matter how their errant attractions may unfortunately tempt them. God's grace is enough, for "with God all things are possible." The hope with which each one of us lives each day is inspired by the promise of God that we can all share in His life now and forever by loving His truth. No matter how we fail or fall short, He is always ready to welcome us back and does so through nothing less than a sacrament, that of confession.

We cannot love what we do not pursue. Thus, the task for each of us is to know the truth and to make it the operating principle of our lives. We just need to be authentic: to live what we believe.
Martin can never speak for God's love or serve the true good of others until he reorients his life around Jesus Christ and His truth — all of it. Truth is inconvenient and may sometimes be uncomfortable on our way to Heaven. We enter into the combat of holiness for the eternal reward no matter the cost. True courage is required.
Joseph Sciambra is working very hard to help our bishops speak out and stop Martin. He is on Twitter, among other venues, tracking Martin's heretical teachings and opposing them with the truth of faith. Sciambra once lost his soul in the homosexual "lifestyle" and then rejected that lifestyle for the sake of truth. At josephsciambra.com, he says Martin is not "compassionate" or "sensitive," but rather the opposite:
In his recently published book, Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity, Martin repeatedly applauds "The Catechism" for bolding stating that homosexuals must be treated with "respect, compassion and sensitivity and that 'every sign of unjust discrimination'" must be avoided.
Yet, he also denounces the same Catechism for being "needlessly hurtful" toward homosexuals because, in his words, the Church describes "one of the deepest parts of a person — the part that gives and receives love" as "objectively disordered."

James Martin is full of nonsense: The part of every human being that gives and receives love is not contained in his or her sexual organs, but in the intellect and will, which give and receive love independently of the physical operation of the body. We all know individuals who are permanently disabled and unable to experience marital genital expression because of war injuries, disease or accident. Will we tell them they cannot love their spouse as a result? Everyone can easily see what an insult this would be.

A most damning indictment tweeted by Sciambra: "I gave up on the bishops long ago. I recall the day — a certain AB doesn't listen; except to whining LGBT advocates. I confronted his secretary at a public event. He laughed after I told him that openly partnered gay dissidents held (paid) positions of authority at a local parish."
Martin exploits the uncatechized portion of the Catholic Church and enables those who hate the Faith and seek only to undermine the body of Christ. Call on your bishop to permanently ban him from any speaking engagements and reject his books and other writings. James Martin opposes the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Any bishop who does not ban him now is guilty of undermining the faith of the Church by cooperation in the sin of heresy and immorality. Any bishop who betrays his divine mandate to protect and save the flock cannot be saved.
Thank you for reading, and praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever.
Father Kevin M. Cusick is a priest of the archdiocese of Washington and pastor of St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church in Benedict, Maryland, where the Traditional Latin Mass is offered on weekdays and weekends. Father Cusick is a weekly columnist for The Wanderer and is on Twitter: @MCITLFrAphorism.

Layman responds to Jesuit dissident James Martin: ‘It’s hate not to tell LGBT that gay sex leads to hell’

Bergoglio concealed that the sodomite Juan Pineda, a serial abuser of seminarians, embezzled a $ 1.3 million grant to pay for homosexual orgies "to pay for sexual favors and maintain a network of lovers."

en.news The Honduran news-page ConfidencialHN.com (November 8) published more details of disgraced Bishop Juan Josรฉ Pineda’s alleged misconduct. Pineda was a very close collaborator of Tegucigalpa Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga who, again, is one of the closest collaborators of Pope Francis charged with “Church reform”.

Pineda has already been accused of sexually abusing seminarians and having a string of homosexual lovers. He allegedly also engaged in financial misconduct.

Francis never published the findings of a May 2017 Apostolic Visit in Tegucigalpa, he himself had ordered. No sanctions against Pineda were ever pronounced.

Now ConfidencialHN reports how Pineda embezzled a $1.3 million grant from the government which totally disappeared. Pineda visited various parishes, asking priests to give him details of purported projects the funds could supposedly go to. None of the projects were executed.

One of Pineda’s alleged lovers, Erick Cravioto Fajardo, a Mexican layman whom Pineda dressed up as a priest to secure a tax exemption on a Toyota Yaris car he bought for him, drew up a “well written” document to secure the grant. The document was signed by Cardinal Rodrรญguez who never properly audited the funds.

The ConfidencialHN states that Pineda used the money “to pay for sexual favors, maintain a network of lovers, for whom he bought several real estate properties, cars, motorcycles, trips abroad with a paid lover, among others.”

Homosexual orgies allegedly often took place in Villa Iris, the cardinal’s residence. Cravioto lived in a spacious room adjacent to the cardinal’s quarters at the residence. Bishop Pineda also lived at the property.

When touring different municipalities, Bishop Pineda always stayed in a single room with his assistant, Oscarito.

He also used to bring altar boys, who were seminarians at the time, to help him celebrate Mass at a place called Valle de Angeles. In the house, there was only a room with a bed and a sofa, and Pineda was left with two children. It seems that he slept with the two of them in one bed, leaving the sofa untouched. 
Later Pineda exchanged his lover Cravioto with Oscarito, and Cravioto became the lover of a certain Denis who was awarded a full-time scholarship at the Catholic University of Honduras.

Honduran Seminarians Allege Widespread Homosexual Misconduct

More than half of the seminarians in Tegucigalpa are homosexually active. The former Bishop Pineda in the center.

Maradiaga who covered up and protected homosexual predator uses profane language to attack the press

The Wrong People Francis Can’t Get Rid Of

Francis Confirms Radical Cardinal

Soros and Maradiaga behind the Honduran Invasion to Mexico - USA

“Pueblo Sin Fronteras” is in charge of the Honduran caravan invasion; a Pro Gay activists Group financed by George Soros 

Leaked e-mails show George Soros paid $650K to influence bishops during Francis’s US visit

“we will support PICO’s organizing activities to engage the Pope on economic and racial justice issues, including using the influence of Cardinal Rodriguez, the Pope’s senior advisor, and sending a delegation to visit the Vatican in the spring or summer to allow him to hear directly from low-income Catholics in America.”

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Oswald Gracias has been accused of covering up clerical sexual abuse in his own diocese of Mumbai

Pro Gay Oswald Gracias, one of the organizers for Bergoglio's  Gay Abuse Summit, has been accused by one of his former collaborators of covering up clerical sexual abuse in his own diocese of Mumbai. 

Francis Appoints Pro-Gay Prelates to Organise Gay Abuse Summit

Pope Francis Is Promoting Mortal Sin – Bishop Schneider

en.news Kazakhstan Bishop Athanasius Schneider notices a “flood of the homosexual heresy” inside the Church and an “embarrassed silence” amongst “many bishops”.

Writing to LifeSiteNews.com (November 25), Schneider re-states that homosexual acts are “against nature and reason” and lead to eternal damnation.

Clerics who advocate for the legitimacy of homosexuality - Schneider explains - are not servants of Christ but of the “political and media regime of homosexuality” and therefore “regime bishops”.

According to Schneider, the Holy See [read: Pope Francis] does not oppose the advance of gay ideology, but even assigns ecclesiastical tasks to supporters of this perversion.

Schneider notices that Pope Francis currently fails in "strengthening the truth regarding homosexuality."

Scivias 78. God will judge all perpetrators of fornication, sodomy and bestiality
Let those who approach My altar appear in My sight in chastity, as also should those who desire to receive the sacrament of the body and blood of My Son, lest they should fall into ruin. For many are found among both spiritual and secular people who not only pollute themselves in fornication with women but also assume a heavy burden of condemnation by contaminating themselves in perverted forms. How? A man who sins with another man as if with a woman sins bitterly against God and against the union with I which God united male and female. Hence both in God's sight are polluted, black and wanton, horrible and harmful to God and humanity, and guilty of death; for they go against their Creator and His creature, which is in them. How? 
God united man and woman, thus joining the strong to the weak, that each might sustain the other. But these perverted adulterers change their virile strength into perverse weakness, rejecting the proper male and female roles, and in their wickedness they shamefully follow Satan, who in his pride sought to split and divide Him Who is indivisible. They create in themselves by their wicked deeds a strange and perverse adultery , and so appear polluted; and shameful in My sight. 
And a man who sins with a woman by this same method of perverted fornication is a voracious wolf of wickedness. How? A person would seem perverted and harmful to other people if he threw away beautiful clean food and ate the ordure that comes out of the body in digestion; and these are in My sight equally unworthy and unclean, since they forsake the proper way of uniting with a woman and seek in her an alien sin. And a woman who takes up devilish ways and plays a male role in coupling with another woman is most vile in My sight, and so is she who subjects herself to such a one in this evil deed. For they should have been ashamed of their passion, and instead they impudently usurped a right that was not theirs. And, having put themselves into alien ways, they are to Me transformed and contemptible.
And men who .touch their own genital organ and emit their semen seriously imperil their souls, for they excite themselves to distraction; they I appear to Me as impure animals devouring their own whelps, for they wickedly produce their semen only for abusive pollution. And women who imitate them in this unchaste touching, and excite themselves to bodily convulsions by provoking their burning lust, are extremely guilty , for they pollute themselves with uncleanness when they should be keeping themselves in chastity. Hence both women and men who elicit their own seed by touching themselves in the body do a filthy deed and inflict ulcers and wounds on their souls; for they will not keep themselves in a state of chastity for love of Me. What does this mean? When a person feels himself disturbed by bodily stimulation, let him run to the refuge of continence, and seize the shield of chastity, and thus defend himself from uncleanness. How? Let him cast out the tares from the wheat, which is to say, let him separate the clamor of lust from the sweetness of chastity. 
And whoever thus casts out of himself the taste for lust is very sweet and lovable to Me. But, O humans, you cast away chastity and love lust when you fornicate not only with other people but even with animals; thus you send your seed not into what lives but into what is dead, and you forsake what is equal to you and desire what is subject to you and serves you. Therefore the elements cry out against you, saying, "Alas, alas! our rulers join with us in the mingling of their seed!" And thus they show their grief at My anger against your deeds. Why then do you, knowing yourselves human, convert your intelligence into bestial stupidity? Did I create you to join with animals? Never. And when you unite with them, the guilt of the most bitter crimes falls upon you, because you scorn the plan I made for the joining of male and female. For whoever transforms himself by his deeds into a depraved follower of his own desires, and pours out his semen with an animal, brings on himself great ruin, as Satan cast himself down by his perversity when he tried to be like God. 
Therefore, all you who contaminate yourselves with perverted pollutions, resist your desires; chastise your bodies, and give yourselves over to true and bitter penance with weeping and fasting and torture of your flesh and severe blows, lest you send yourselves impenitent into an excess of cruel guilt. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Bergoglian persecution of religious orders continues without mercy!!!

November 27, 2018 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Almost all of the members of a conservative order of nuns that serve the elderly in French nursing homes have announced that they have asked to be released from their vows following attempts by the Vatican to force them to alter their way of life and to “modernize” their order.
According to their lay supporters, the sisters have been accused of engaging in “too much prayer” and concerns have been expressed that they wear the guimpe, a traditional form of religious head covering used by nuns that is no longer in vogue among the Church’s liberal elite. The sisters say that they are accused of a “deviant authoritarianism,” of being “too classical” in their thinking, and of being guilty of an “immobilism” in their devotion to their institute’s charism.
A total of 34 of the 39 members of the the Little Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer say they want to quit the order after a Vatican dicastery removed their superior general and attempted to impose three “commissioners” on them who were hostile towards their more traditional practices.
The three commissioners are led by a religious sister and theology professor with a short haircut who does not wear a habit, one who defends Amoris Laetitia and whom the sisters have said does not understand their religious charism.
The sisters say that their protests against the choice of commissioners and their request that they receive someone else more suited to their charism have fallen on deaf ears, leading them to the conclusion that they could no longer carry out their vocation within their institute.
“After having acquired the moral certainty throughout this year that the reception of the apostolic commissioner within our Institute would cause serious and certain harm, both regarding the understanding of the charisma bequeathed by God to Mother Mary of the Cross, our Foundress, and the way of living it, after many times proposing solutions of appeasement without any answer ever having been given to us, after consulting with authorized and competent persons, after having prayed much and always with the desire to remain daughters of the Church, wanting to remain faithful and obedient to the truth, it seemed to us that we had no choice but to renounce our vows,” the sisters wrote in a public statement issued on November 7 (PDF here).
“We are therefore 34 out of 39 Sisters who are members of the Institute, who have asked to be relieved of our vows by the Dicastery for Religious,” the sisters add. “We do not make this sacrifice lightly: we desire to remain in full communion with the Church, but we cannot indicate more clearly, nor more painfully, our impossibility, in conscience, to obey what is imposed.”
The Little Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer trace their origins back to 1939 when an organization of women was founded by Mere Marie de la Croix (“Mother Mary of the Cross”), according to the lay organization that defends their cause. It began as an association of the faithful and was given the status of an Institute of Consecrated Life in 1989 by the then-bishop of Laval, Louis-Marie Billรฉ.
According to the French Catholic website Riposte Catholique, the Institute currently includes four communities located in the dioceses of Laval and Toulouse, where they supervise four nursing homes for the elderly in the French departments of Haute-Garonne and Mayenne. They also provide catechesis and training in the spiritual life to Catholic families, and open their convents to parish and spiritual retreat groups. Their service to the Catholic faithful, however, will soon come to an end if no resolution to the conflict can be found.

Invasive visitations

The Little Sisters’ travails began in 2016, when the Bishop of Laval, Thierry Scherrer, attempted to separate one of the nursing homes of the sisters from the association that administers them, despite concerns that such a reorganization would cost millions of euros and would endanger the financial viability of the home. The sisters opposed the idea, as did the nursing home’s board of directors, who rejected Scherrer’s proposal.
In apparent retaliation, Bishop Scherrer ordered a canonical visit of the sisters, sending two representatives to investigate them in late 2016. The result was a highly negative report, made public in June 2017, that asserted the existence of “problems of governance” in the order, a claim vigorously disputed by the sisters, who have issued strong expressions of satisfaction with their superiors. The sisters have called the report a “caricature” of their order, produced as a “pre-judgment” against them.
Both the sisters and Bishop Scherrer then asked the Holy See to resolve the dispute. The Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life responded in September 2017 by removing the superior general of the Institute, Mรจre Marie de Saint Michel, as well as their mistress of novices, and sending them away from the mother house.
The Congregation then appointed three “commissioners” to oversee the sisters, who refused to accept them on the grounds that they were unsuited to their charism, and asked that other, more suitable commissioners be appointed. When this was refused, the sisters appealed to the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, the highest court in the Catholic Church. The sisters say that in August the Tribunal ruled against them without allowing their canon lawyer to present his arguments, which the sisters denounced as unjust.

Meet the new boss: habitless Sr. Geneviรจve Mรฉdevielle, a defender of Amoris Laetitia

The Vatican is attempting to impose on the order Sr. Geneviรจve Mรฉdevielle, the principal among the three commissioners. Mรฉdevielle is a religious sister who dresses in lay clothing and wears a short haircut without a head covering. She is a professor of ethics at the Catholic Institute of Paris and the author of the recently-published book “Migrants, Francis, and us.” Mรฉdevielle writes in defense of Amoris Laetitia against “conservatives and traditionalists” who criticize it.
Marcel Mignot, president of the Association of Support for the Little Sisters of Mary, told the French publication La Croix, “The Little Sisters are reproached for praying too much, and they also want them to change their habit. They want to modernize them and make them evolve by taking them away from their roots.”
Mรฉdevielle denies the claim that she wants to transform the Institute, responding to La Croix, “I want to respect them, not to transform them! If there are changes, they absolutely will not concern their charism.”
However, according to the sisters’ Association of Support, “the commissioners have likewise announced the general outline of their project of reforming the congregation. The Little Sisters, have, in effect, clearly seen the evolutions that await them, towards a supposed modernity, made of progressive trivialization if they allow Sr. Medevielle take the reins of their institute, with the support of the Dicastery.”
“The latter has stated, following a meeting, ‘We won’t touch your charism at all, but rather your way of living it.’ That says it all!” the sisters’ lay supporters add.
“The goal that is sought is not to establish the truth and to allow the Little Sisters to continue their mission for the benefit of all, with respect for their charism,” the sisters’ supporters write. “The only goal of Rome is to complete the project of Bishop Scherrer: to gain control over the Institute to make it evolve in accordance with his views, whether it be in defiance of the truth, whether it be in defiance of the rights of the defense, whether it be by recourse to lying. It is, at least, unworthy of the values promoted by the Holy Father whenever he speaks publicly.”
In the meantime, the commissioners insisted that they would conduct a visitation, despite the appeal, and threatened to remove the sisters from the Institute if they refused to allow them entrance. They dismissed the fact that the sisters were in the process of appealing the commissioners’ appointments, claiming that it did not provide them any legal relief from the obligation to obey. The sisters then relented and allowed the visitation, which seemed to confirm their worst fears.

‘Intimidation, threats, and manipulation’

According to the sisters’ Association of Support, the three commissioners sought to meet with each sister individually to pit the sisters against one another, suggesting that if they cooperated they could have positions of importance in the new reorganized Institute.
“The visits have been carried out under duress, in the form of an individual interview with the Little Sisters, who were alone facing two commissioners...the latter, based on the profile of the sisters, would try to reassure some, while seeking to lure others with ‘good positions’ within the future organization of the congregation...As if the principal objection of this operation were to open a breach within the unity of the Little Sisters, in the hope of dividing them, while there prevails a beautiful communion  among them.”
“The methods used, a mix of intimidation, threats, and manipulation, feel like moral harassment to many sisters,” they add.

Sisters exonerated – but Vatican refuses to lift penalties

Following the visitation by the commissioners, a new report was issued on the state of the Institute in June of this year. According to the sisters’ Association of Support, the second report recognized that “many important elements in the first report of the canonical visit of 2016, on the basis of which the sanctions would be imposed, did not reflect reality.”
“They admit that the sisters constitute dynamic communities and that the spirit that reigns is positive. They only highlight some some rather banal criticisms, which don’t compare to the complaints made in the initial report,” the sisters’ supporters write.
Despite being vindicated in the second report, however, the sisters have been told that the sanctions placed on them by the dicastery will not be lifted. “The Little Sisters are stupefied!” writes the Association of Support. “They do not cease to express their indignation in the face of this fallacious report, demanding that justice be done for them, that all of the baseless and degrading sanctions be lifted.”
The sisters complain that while the accusation against their superiors of being too heavy handed is contradicted by the testimony of the sisters themselves, the Vatican itself has been extremely authoritarian in the way it has treated the sisters.
“Even though the superiors would be accused of a ‘deviant authoritarianism,’ as the first report says, here is obedience suddenly brandished as a duty without appeal, without the concern of a right conscience having a say in it, without ever having been explained to us the least objective foundation of all these Roman measures,” the sisters write in their most recent public statement. “So would there be two weights, two standards in this affair?”
In addition, the nuns write that one of their houses in southern France has been targeted by the Archbishop of Toulouse, Robert Le Gall, who has prohibited them from attending their more traditional form of Mass in their community chapel. This appears to be the same house that has refused to participate in Le Gall’s Mass at the local nursing home, presumably because of differences over liturgical practice. The house is located in Castelnau-d’Estrรฉtefonds, to the north of Toulouse, in Haute-Garonne, and is led by Sr. Marie-Liesse Laplace.

Vatican sends ultimatum: submit or be dismissed

Finally, in September, the Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, Joรฃo Braz de Aviz, sent an ultimatum to the sisters, requiring them to accept Sr. Geneviรจve Mรฉdevielle as their authority “without reserve” or face dismissal from the Institute. The vast majority have asked to be released from their vows, rather than submit to Mรฉdevielle. No announcements have yet been made regarding the response of the Holy See.
The sisters passed through a similar trial in the 1970s, when officials of the Holy See attempted to force them to join other institutes. The sisters resisted and expressed their preference for losing their status as religious rather than entering another institute, according to the Association of Support. However, their congregation survived the ordeal.
The sisters have stated publicly that they wish to see the public alerted to their situation, and to come to their aid in resisting what they regard as a grave injustice against their institute and its charism of aiding the suffering at the end of life. Contact information for those interested in supporting and defending the Little Sisters can be found at the bottom of this article.
The apparent persecution of the Little Sisters has garnered much media attention in France, and has been covered on television as well as in print media. The mayor of Saint-Aignan-sur-Roe, where the mother house of the sisters is located, is publicly supporting the sisters.
“I have trouble understanding this power struggle,” Mayor Loรฏc Pรจne told the newspaper Haut Anjou. “The Sisters have my full support because I know what they represent for the town. They are well integrated and it is of local interest that they remain present. I am well aware of everything they bring. All they do besides, they do well. I only hope for a happy ending to this conflict and that the nursing home does not end up being weakened.”
A representative of the Diocese of Laval told the same newspaper that the sisters have caused their own suffering by resisting the authority of Rome. She also claimed that the reform measures the commissioners are seeking to impose were already in the works years earlier.
“The situation is difficult, it is true, so much so that it is now in the hands of Rome. But from the beginning we have been involved in adjustments and recommendations and not at all in conflict or grievances,” said diocesan spokeswoman Vรฉronique Larat. “The adjustments, by the way, had already been proposed by Bishops Billรฉ and Maillard, the predecessors of Bishop Scherrer. He simply took a position in continuity with them.”
“The Sisters are very troubled by this situation due to [their] disobedience, [and] many people are suffering,” Larat added. “We are still calling for reconciliation and for them to allow the pontifical commissioner appointed by Rome to join them.”
Commenting on the impending destruction of the order, Risposte Catholique wrote in September: “Everywhere these nuns are very much loved by the clergy and the people. What will become of the forty or so nuns who will no longer be? What are we going to do with their retirement homes, the elderly they welcome, the staff who are employed there? We thus see bloodless dioceses amputate their last living forces, in a sort of self-annihilation of moribund churches.”

Institute of Franciscan friars destroyed in a similar way

The destruction of the Little Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer follows a pattern similar to the Vatican-induced collapse of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate (FFI), an order of Franciscans that followed a more traditional pattern of community life and that made free use of the traditional Latin Mass in accordance with the rites prevailing in 1962. Although the friars were within their legal rights to use the traditional form of the Mass in accordance with the papal motu proprio Summorum pontificum, their order came under attack for such practices by Bishop Braz de Aviz and others who frowned upon them. Among them, it seems, is Pope Francis himself.
Just as in the case of the Little Sisters, Braz de Aviz brought about the removal of the superiors of the FFI from their positions, and even the founder, Fr. Stefano Maria Manelli, was sent into house arrest at the age of 81. Five years later, he remains under house arrest. Other superiors were sent to remote houses of the order.
Likewise, a commissioner was placed over the order, Fr. Stephano Volpi, who seemed implacably hostile to the order’s charism and its works in general. Under his leadership, the FFI’s seminary was completely shut down, as was its book publishing service. A majority of the brothers left and were incardinated in other dioceses, and at least 15 cloisters of the order reportedly have closed their doors. The Traditional Latin Mass was only permitted by special permission from the commissioner.
Moreover, just as in the case of the Little Sisters, the members of the FFI never were given any specific reason for the imposition of the commissioner, except vague hints that they were too “traditional” for the tastes of the Vatican authorities, including, presumably, Pope Francis, who has refused to accept appeals from the order’s members. Within a few years, a thriving and beloved institute of Franciscans had become a shell of its former self.
Contact the author at mhoffman@lifesitenews.com.
Contact information:
Association of Support for the Little Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer
(You may also select French, Italian, or Spanish at upper right of webpage.)
Chez Mr Marcel MIGNOT
1 Avenue de Montrรฉal
Rรฉsidence Montrรฉal 2
72000 Le Mans
Click here for links to coverage by the French blog Riposte Catholique (can be translated to English easily with Google Translate – in Chrome browser right click on webpage and select “Translate to English”).

Abyssus abyssum invocat - Bishop Henry Gracida

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