— Council of Vienne ♰♰♰

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Bergoglio's greatest impiety is to tolerate insults and offenses against God

When Catholics Must Rely on a Muslim Leader to Defend Jesus Christ – Mel Gibson Speaks-Out

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This is how Bergoglio commented on the blasphemous pro-gay anti-Christian ceremony of the Olympic Games: he joins again with the gay activist nun and unrepentant homosexual transvestite prostitutes to celebrate their obstinate rebellion against God and the Church.

"Bergoglio is a man of gestures": Description of Bergoglio's modus operandi by his apostate friend Clelia Luro de Podesta, to whom Bergoglio accompanied along with her ex-bishop husband in their final impenitence to defy the laws of God and the Church.

While homosexual activists offend God, Bergoglio is treated by gay activists and unrepentant transvestite homosexuals as if he were a god.

"It will always be praiseworthy if a man patiently endures injuries and mortifications of daily life and does not react like a beast to them. On the contrary, it will be of the utmost impiety to patiently tolerate injuries and offenses against God." Saint John Chrysostom (Antioch, 347 - Comana Pontica, September 14, 407). 

Anti-Catholic and Gay activist Jorge Bergoglio does not defend the reign of Christ or the rights of God and his Commandments, since he himself challenges God and the Church.

Homosexual Olympic organizers chose the anniversary of the beheading of Father Jacques Hamel to mock Christ and the Catholic Church

"Bergoglio, have not said anything about the blasphemy of the Olympic Games against JESUS and the Church and if it were against Islam he would have already attacked the Olympic Games."

In a Quote attributed to Saint John Chrysostom in the Catena Aurea of Saint Thomas Aquinas, it is explained that tolerating offenses against God is the height of impiety.

The gay activist and anti-Catholic Jorge Bergoglio cannot defend the Kingdom of Christ nor the rights of God and his Commandments since he himself challenges God and the Church.

There you have it: this is Bergoglio's comment on the blasphemy in Paris


Bergoglio once again joins gay activists and unrepentant homosexual transvestite prostitutes in his stubborn rebellion against God and the Church.

Again: Francis Visits Transvestite Activist Sister Geneviève Jeanningros

There you go- this is his comment to Paris blasphemy.

In a Quote attributed to Saint John Chrysostom in the Catena Aurea of Saint Thomas Aquinas, it is explained that tolerating offenses against God is the height of impiety.

The gay activist and anti-Catholic Jorge Bergoglio cannot defend the Kingdom of Christ nor the rights of God and his Commandments since he himself challenges God and the Church.

A comment written in Spanish: "Bergoglio, have not said anything about the blasphemy of the Olympic Games against JESUS and the Church and if it were against Islam he would have already attacked the Olympic Games."

Once again Bergoglio Advertises unrepentant homosexual transvestite prostitutes

Francis’ Transvestites: “Go and Sin Again”

   Jorge Bergoglio with the homosexual transvestite "Alessia Nobile"

“Alessia Nobile” is a 43-year-old male transvestite, homosexual escort.

Bergoglio promotes a gay NGO of Transvestites activists that operates in a Catholic monastery in Neuquén-Argentina, that promote gender ideology. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tech firm pulls Olympics advertising after blasphemous anti-Christian opening ceremony


 Which brands are the sponsors of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games (marketing4ecommerce.net)

Airbnb, Alibaba, Allianz, Atos, Bridgestone, Coca-Cola/Mengniu, Deloitte, Intel, Omega, Panasonic, P&G, Samsung, Toyota and VISA are the global sponsors of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games

Gloria TV News

Telecommunications company C Spire pulled its advertisement from the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.

"We were shocked by the mockery of the Last Supper during the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics. C Spire will pull our advertising from the Olympics," the company announced on X.com.

C Spire is the sixth largest wireless carrier in the United States headquartered in Ridgeland, Mississippi.

Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves applauded the announcement: "I am proud to see Mississippi's private sector step up and put its foot down. God will not be mocked. C Spire drew a common-sense, appropriate line."

SIGN: Boycott the Olympics until French director apologizes for mocking Christ and the Last Supper | LifePetitions

Monday, July 29, 2024

Gay Activist and Anti-Catholic Jorge Bergoglio remains silent in the face of blasphemous spectacle at the opening of the Olympic Games


Bergoglio’s masters are those of this world

Airbnb, Alibaba, Allianz, Atos, Bridgestone, Coca-Cola/Mengniu, Deloitte, Intel, Omega, Panasonic, P&G, Samsung, Toyota and VISA are the global sponsors of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.

Pope Francis silent on Olympic opening scandal while scandal-plagued Vatican archbishop defends it - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

The message of the apostate Bergoglio is clear: you can mock Christ and deny Him as long as you are in full communion with the gay activist Jorge Mario Bergoglio; because the only thing that this satanic anti-Catholic imposture does not admit is that you separate yourself from the apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio because then you will be called a schismatic.

Matthew 10:33
But he that shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father who is in heaven.

VATICAN CITY—Pope Francis made a statement regarding the Olympics at today’s Sunday Angelus—on the “scandal” of war, not the scandal of blasphemy during the opening ceremonies.

And the most diabolical thing is that many Catholics continue to perpetuate the lie by calling this shameless apostate and gay activist who has openly declared war on God and the Church “Pope,” “His Holiness,” “the Holy Father,” using the excuse that they are respecting the “office of the Pope.” As if calling a homosexual transvestite a woman were respecting the dignity of women.

Observe how the apostate and anti-Catholic Jorge Bergoglio does not defend the rights of God. This impostor does not fulfill the functions of a pope. 
Bergoglio calla ante el espectáculo blasfemo en la inauguración de los Juegos Olímpicos (infovaticana.com)

St. Thomas Cajetan, O.P. (1469-1534)
Theologian and Cardinal
He points out that the famous axiom "Ubi Petrus, ibi Ecclesia" (Where the Pope is, there is also the Church) holds true only when he acts and behaves as the Pope, because Peter "is subject to the duties of the Office" otherwise," neither is the Church in him, nor is he in the Church."

Marie-Julie Jahenny:
“France will become Muslim, denying the divinity of Christ, spiritism and Luciferian cults will all be all of this spiritual "gangrene "
Occult and Luciferian secret societies will try to destroy Christian civilization.

Cardinal Müller: "Actors of Paris Olympics Are Severely Mentally Disturbed"

Gloria TV News
Blasphemy is inextricably linked to physical and psychological violence against Christians, Cardinal Gerhard Müller commented on the decadent opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games (InfoVaticana.com, 29 July).

The so-called "cult of reason and freedom" in totalitarian atheist states is accompanied by the killing of millions of innocent people - by the French Revolution, the Fascists and the Communists. This includes current crimes committed by the judiciary.

The "woke" ideology in the West has atheistic roots, is characterised by hatred of Christ and the worst incitement against the Catholic Church.

The French regime justifies the anti-Christian opening ceremony with "secularism", which is merely a cover for the brutal violation of freedom of religion and conscience: "There is a lot of excitement about the inclusion of 'of 'woke' people in a country where Catholics have been systematically excluded from public life and viciously discriminated against for 200 years".

Cardinal Müller's key sentence: "The mockery of the Last Supper by spiritually uprooted and severely mentally disturbed actors, their instigators and financial backers was an act of spiritual terrorism that backfired on its perpetrators."